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1429 Events
2-10 July 2008
The World Heritage Committee will meet for its 32nd session in Quebec, Canada from 2-10 July. During the session, the Committee will consider requests for the inscription of new sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List and examine the state of conservation of sites already inscribed on the List. The Committee is chaired by Dr Christina Cameron, who has headed Canada's delegation to the ...
24 June 2008 - 29 August 2008
"Preparing the future of heritage sites - Building a project and management plan" A second intensive training programme for francophone managers of cultural sites will be jointly organized at the Abbaye de Cluny in Burgundy (France) by the Centre-Arts et Métiers - ParisTech de Cluny with the European Archeological Centre of Bibracte, in partnership with the IUP Denis Diderot, the National ...
23-27 June 2008
Within the framework of the Caribbean Capacity Building Programme for World Heritage (CCBP) and within the framework of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), a workshop on risk reduction for Caribbean Heritage will take place from 23 to 27 June 2008 in Havana, Cuba.   The workshop is designed for the participation of heritage experts and leading agencies in their ...
12-13 June 2008
The participants in the Seventh Expert Working Group note the importance of the participation of the Afghan Government representatives and congratulate UNESCO for facilitating their presence at the current Working Group Meeting. The participants would also like to sincerely thank ICOMOS Germany for hosting the participants and providing all the necessary logistical support to realize a ...
9-10 June 2008
Expert Working Group for the Preservation of the Jam and Herat sites
2-5 June 2008
In spite of its remarkable historical background and numerous historic and cultural sites in the region, Central Asia and western China remain one of the most under-represented regions on the World Heritage List, with no cultural or natural heritage properties from Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan inscribed on the List. The UNESCO World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS have been assisting the States ...
30 May 2008 - 1 October 2008
architectural heritage cultural landscapes works of art and collections of artistic and historic significance archaeological sites industrial and engineering heritage Call for Entries Categories:Outstanding achievements in the field of heritage conservation and enhancement will be awarded in the following categories: 1. Conservation2. Research3. Dedicated Service by Individuals or ...
28-31 May 2008
Developing a comprehensive approach to US participation in the global heritage communityThe 11th US/ICOMOS International Symposium will initiate a process for implementing the recommendations of the PreserveAmerica Summit's "Participating in the Global Community" panel that will reinvigorate and enhance the US role in international preservation. The Global Community panel made ...
27 May 2008
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is organizing an information meeting to discuss the overall preparations for the forthcoming 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee to be held in Québec City, Canada, from 2 to 10 July 2008.This meeting will be held in Room XI (Fontenoy) from 10h00 to 13h00, on Tuesday, 27 May 2007, with simultaneous interpretation in English and French. Participants ...
11-15 May 2008
The Korean National Association for Interpretation (NAI) will host the third annual international conference on the subject of heritage interpretation. The conference will bring together 150 to 200 delegates from 30 to 40 nations in an effort to create opportunities for professional development for attendees and establish a network for professional associations and individuals involved in ...
7-9 May 2008
The following conference, although not a UNESCO event, may be of interest to the World Heritage community:In a more globalized world, Heritage should be addressed in innovative and sustainable ways, underlining the role of human and natural heritage as a contra-hegemonic trend. By understanding cultural differences, different peoples may find opportunities to enhance their contribution to a ...
21 April 2008 - 2 May 2008
The second seminar of a series of itinerant workshop on the Conservation and Management of Persian, Timurid and Mogul Architecture took place in Uzbekistan from 21st of April to 2nd of May 2008. More than 30 cultural heritage professionals and World Heritage site managers from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan ...
18-19 April 2008
The main objective of the meeting its to discuss the results of the First Cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise for the Mediterranean and South-Eastern subregions in relation to the protection and management of World Heritage properties, according to the decisions taken by the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session in July 2007 (31 COM 11A.1 and 31 COM 11A.2). Furthermore, the ...
8-21 April 2008
Open to the public from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.The towering, jagged Altai Mountains stretch some 2,100 km across China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan, the Russian section of this mountain range having been inscribed as a natural site on the World Heritage List in 1998. The Altai Mountains bear unique witness to the ancient Scythian culture that flourished in the Eurasian steppe ...
3-5 April 2008
In the context of their affiliation with the "Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage" network, students of the Professional Masters programme in the Faculty of Sciences, Arts, Culture, News and Multimedia at the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University are organizing a symposium on different aspects of world heritage. This international symposium will take place from April 3 ...
2-6 April 2008
CAA 2008, the 36th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: On the Road to Reconstructing the Past 2-6 April 2008 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary. The main theme of the conference is the use of computer applications and quantitative methods in two fields: at large-scale (rescue) excavations that usually precede ...
2-4 April 2008
The second meeting of Iberian of Site Managers (the first one took place in 2004 in Lisbon) aimed at exploring current gaps and challenges in the daily management of world heritage sites in Spain and Portugal and current nomination files as well as cooperation initiatives with Latin American States Parties.
30 March 2008 - 4 April 2008
The UNITAR Hiroshima Office Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites aims to enhance implementation of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention through providing support to national policy making and planning, and information exchange on best practices and case studies. Newly developed "values-based management" methodologies are applied in all aspects of ...
27-28 March 2008
The main objective of this meeting is to define a scientific framework for the identification and recognition of sites related to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge phenomenon, which may be of outstanding universal value and to define the framework for a serial nomination on the World Heritage List. The outcome of this meeting will contribute to a better identification and understanding of the ...
24-28 March 2008
The UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre are jointly organizing an International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management in Heritage Sites which will take place at the Mount Huangshan World Heritage site in China from 24 to 27 March 2008.Tourism growth is accelerating worldwide and arrival numbers are expected to double in the coming decades. World ...
11-14 March 2008
Aim and Objectives The main objectives of the meeting are to: Review the provisions on buffer zones and boundaries in the Operational Guidelines; Review case studies of World Heritage properties, natural, cultural and cultural landscape sites to be presented to the workshop; Review background papers by the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies as well as information ...
6-8 March 2008
Workshop organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in partnership with IUCN, ICOMOS, ICCROM and the France-UNESCO Convention, in collaboration with the Arc et Senans World Heritage site and with financial support from the French Ministry of Culture. UNESCO's World Heritage Centre is engaged in an ambitious year-and-a-half-long initiative to develop working principles and policies for ...
27 February 2008 - 1 March 2008
The workshop was organized and financially supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) in cooperation with UNESCO and followed the decision of the World Heritage Committee at its 30th session (30 COM 8B.24) encouraging the States Parties of Iran and Azerbaijan to consider options for a transnational serial ...
21 February 2008
Nigeria's Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove, one of the last remnants of primary high forest in southern Nigeria, was inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2005. This inscription was the culmination of a 50-year campaign spearheaded by a group of artists, Yoruba priests and an Austrian artist called Susanne Wenger. Pierre Guicheney's film La dame d'Oshogbo is a portrait of ...
14-15 February 2008
This event will take place on February 14 and 15, in the Centro Cultural de Belém (Sophia Mello Breyner Room) in Lisbon, and it aims to stimulate and provoke debate on a range of issues related to historical heritage preservation. Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa (SCML) was established in 1498 by Queen Dona Leonor as a charitable institution dedicated to improving health and social ...
7-10 February 2008
An international Symposium on "Sharing Our Heritages: New Challenges for Site Conservation and Protection, and for Tourism Management" will be organized by UPV (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) in Valencia, Spain, from 7 to 10 February 2008. The idea is to celebrate the end of the Sharing Our Heritages (SOH) exchange programme (2005-2008) sponsored by the EU and the Australian ...
2 February 2008
Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People is the theme for World Wetlands Day 2008. The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 157 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1678 wetland ...
1-5 February 2008
The 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage, Terra 2008, was held in Bamako, Mali, from 1 to 5 February 2008. It was the first Terra Conference to be held in Africa, and convened over 450 specialists in fields linked to the conservation of earthen architecture (e.g. anthropology, archaeology, architecture, engineering, scientific research, ...
28 January 2008
During its 16th session (UNESCO 24-25 October 2007), the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention decided to establish an open-ended Working Group to discuss alternative mechanisms to meet the following goals  : Ensuring a balanced geographical and cultural representation in the Committee Ensuring a less time-consuming and less complicated voting ...
21-23 January 2008
The outcome of this meeting shall contribute to the development of guidelines and criteria for the review of sites of interest for the heritage of science and technology on the World Heritage List.The pursuit and application of knowledge underlie all human achievements, many of which have been recognised on the World Heritage List, as for example agriculture systems, industrialisation and ...
20-22 January 2008
the Sixth Expert Working Group for the Preservation of the Bamiyan Site is organized by UNESCO (Kabul Office in close collaboration with WHC) and National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan (NRICP) inTokyo from 20 to 22 January 2008 Within the framework of Japanese Funds-in Trust project for the Safeguarding Bamiyan site, much progress has been made thus far ...
18-21 December 2007
In the context of Chandigarh's nomination to the World Heritage List, as part of the serial nomination of "The Architectural and Urban Work of Le Corbusier", the World Heritage Centre in cooperation with the Chandigarh authorities, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and the UNESCO New Delhi office has organized a 3-day technical workshop on site management and urban ...
17-20 December 2007
The second meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1999 Second Protocol), the seventh meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the second meeting of the Parties to the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention will take place from ...
12-14 December 2007
This stakeholders workshop is being organized in consultation with the Kiribati authorities and under the auspices of the UNESCO Apia Office and Conservation International. Among those attending will be Mr. Tukabu Teroroko of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (for the Kiribati Government), Ms. Sue Taei of Conservation International (for Nature) and Mr. Ron van Oers of UNESCO (for Culture) as ...
11-12 December 2007
This workshop, conducted in English, will discuss the theme of integrity and authenticity of cultural landscapes with a view to contributing to the future revision of the Operational Guidelines. The aim is to produce recommendations and draft texts that provide guidance in the ongoing process of defining the integrity and authenticity of cultural properties, as well as evaluate the condition ...
4-7 December 2007
The theme of this meeting, which will take place in Spanish only, is "Innovation and Diversity". The event coincides with celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Old Havana's inscription as a World Heritage site.  The panel of experts, headed by Herman van Hooff, Director of the UNESCO Havana office and Margarita Ruiz, President of the National Council for Cultural Heritage in ...
30 November 2007 - 1 December 2007
This international expert meeting will be the opportunity to exchange information on the natural and cultural heritage of the Arctic region, with identification of potential sites of outstanding universal value for the World Heritage List. This meeting is organized back-to-back with the Arctic Council Senior Arctic Officials' (SAO) meeting , which will be held in Narvik from 28 to 29 ...
28-30 November 2007
The Mission Val de Loire and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre are co-organizing a training session on interpreting the Val de Loire - World Heritage property The activity will be implemented by the Institut International Fleuves et patrimoine (IIFP), with the participation of the University of Angers, the Université Catholique de l'Ouest and the towns of the Saumur Loire Développement ...
26 November 2007 - 6 December 2007
This workshop, which is being held in the Islamic Republic of Iran, is the first of a series of itinerant workshops which will bring together site managers from a selection of World Heritage sites in Afghanistan, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as cultural heritage authorities. At present there is little or no cooperation between the heritage ...
22 November 2007
The one day consultation meeting was convened in response to the WH Committee's decision 31 COM 21 C from Christchurch (2007) with the intention to identify most appropriate strategies and contents for the forthcoming of the programme. Leading international specialists in the field of earthen architecture participated in the meeting. 
13-14 November 2007
Following the 167th session of the Executive Board, the Director-General of UNESCO was authorized to create an International Co-ordination Committee for the Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Iraq. Its first session was held on 24- 25 May, 2004 and the second on 22 - 23 June, 2005.In addition to Iraqi experts, the Committee is comprised of 20 international experts from the following ...
12 November 2007
Following the request of Iraq's Ministry of Culture, a working group for the archaeological site of Babylon was created in June 2005. Its aim is to study the damage caused by the installation of a military base on this exceptional site in April 2003.This third meeting of experts will address the progress achieved following the previous session held in Berlin in December 2005. This falls ...
12-14 November 2007
UNESCO has launched an initiative for the safeguarding of Historic Urban Landscapes as a follow-up to the Vienna Conference on "World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture - Managing the Historic Urban Landscape", which took place in May 2005 in Austria. The outcome of this conference, the so-called "Vienna Memorandum", formed the basis for the adoption of a ‘Declaration on the Conservation ...
10-17 November 2007
A conference-workshop for French-speaking journalists ‘Journalism and World Heritage: a new look at heritage', is being organised following the success of the first session in May 2005 in Quebec. The session is being organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre in association with:the City of Luxembourg, World Heritage City and 2007 European capital of Culture;the University of ...
5-17 November 2007
In cooperation with UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM, ICOMOS.Guideline for ApplicationThe criteria for selecting the participants for this training courseThe criteria for selection are in accordance with the rules of ICCROM. In the group work and workshop of this training course, it is expected that the trainees will prepare a plan for the disaster management of cultural heritage by ...
5-8 November 2007
The third International Conference on Natural World Heritage will take place at Mount E'mei World Heritage site in Sichuan Province of China from 5 to 8 November 2007. With support from the World Heritage Centre, this conference will be co-organized by China's Ministry of Construction, the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO and the Government of Sichuan Province of China. ...
5 November 2007
The award ceremony for the 2007 UNESCO-VOCATIONS PATRIMOINE Fellowships for World Heritage Site Managers will take place at 6pm on Monday 5 November in Room XII at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. The event is by invitation only.Five awards will be made to young people and professionals to pursue Masters Degrees in World Heritage Management. As part of their awards, each of them will ...
31 October 2007 - 4 November 2007
Central Europe's Natural World Heritage and the Future of Cultural Landscapes - Part VI: "Tourism Planning and Management for Natural World Heritage Sites in Central and Eastern Europe" Are Central Europe's most precious natural values and landscapes well protected? And is their outstanding universal value reflected in the list of World Natural Heritage sites?Within a ...
30-31 October 2007
This symposium, organized jointly by ICOMOS, the Chinese State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Shaanxi province People's Government and Xi'an Municipal People's Government, with support from the World Heritage Centre, will mainly introduce the cultural heritage feature of the Silk Road, the concepts and methods of transnational united application for World Heritage listing. ...
4-26 October 2007
The award ceremony for the 2007 Melina Mercouri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes (UNESCO-Greece) will take place on Thursday, 4 October 2007 at 6.30 p.m. at UNESCO in Room XII by invitation only. The Prize has been awarded to the Borodino Battlefield site (Russian Federation) with special mention to the Grand Bassin (Ganga Talao) site ...
23-26 September 2007
VSMM 2007: The 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultimediaExchange and experience in space and placewith themes onVirtual Heritage and Virtual CulturesVirtual Environments and Virtual ExperiencesApplied technologies and system Endorsed by the Australian National Commission for UNESCO and sponsored by the Australasian Centre for Interaction Design (ACID) and ...
20-22 September 2007
The thematic meeting of experts on the Mediterranean agro-pastoral cultural landscapes was attended by 44 participants, representing 9 countries of the Mediterranean basin, as well as UNESCO, ICOMOS, IUCN, EFNCP (refer item 17), the French state and regional, local and departmental authorities.
20-22 September 2007
The thematic meeting of experts on the Mediterranean agro-pastoral cultural landscapes was attended by 44 participants, representing 9 countries of the Mediterranean basin, as well as UNESCO, ICOMOS, IUCN, EFNCP (refer item 17), the French state and regional, local and departmental authorities.
14-15 September 2007
The National Heritage Board of Poland is organizing the Periodic Reporting Follow-up Meeting for Eastern and Central Europe, to be in held in Wroclaw, Poland, from 14 to 15 September 2007. The main objective of this meeting is to address the implementation of the Action Plan in Central and Eastern Europe as approved by the World Heritage Committee at its 30th session in July 2006 (decisions ...
13-14 September 2007
This international conference brings together four urban sites of the 20th century, three of which are inscribed on the World Heritage List.A poster contest on the theme "Recognition, Valorization and Protection of the Architectural and Urban Heritage of the 20th century" is also held in conjunction with the conference.