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World Heritage Convention

344 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Theme: International Assistanceclose
By Year
Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee approved the draft form for requests concerning preparatory or emergency assistance and fellowships as annexed to document CC-79/CONF.003/8.
On the publication of the World Heritage List, the Committee decided: (a) to retard the publication of the List in order to include the properties placed thereon at its third session; (b) that the List of World Heritage in Danger and the List of properties for which international assistance has bean granted would be published as appendices of the List; (c) that the list of properties for which international assistance has been granted would include reference to properties for which technical assistance has been granted but would make no mention of preparatory assistance; (d) to ...
After examining the requests received from States Parties and the recommendations of the Bureau, the Committee decided to grant technical co-operation as follows: (a) Ecuador Equipment to enable the authorities to ensure the integrity of tho natural environment of the Galapagos Islands through protective measures. up to a maximum of $50,000
After examining the requests received from States Parties and the recommendations of the Bureau, the Committee decided to grant technical co-operation as follows: (b) Tanzania Services of an architect-museologist for three weeks in order to draw up a project for the conservation and presentation of the prehistoric sites of Olduvai and Laetolil. estimated cost $5,400
After examining the requests received from States Parties and the recommendations of the Bureau, the Committee decided to grant technical co-operation as follows: (c) Egypt Services of specialists in cultural heritage as well as equipment to draw up a project for the restoration and development of the Islamic Centre of Cairo. up to a maximum of $ 30,000
Note was taken of the request from Yugoslavia for emergency assistance, in the form of equipment and consultant services, for the Natural and Culturo-historical region of Kotor. However, the Committee felt that further information should be made available on the equipment required and decided to grant in the first instance $20,000 for consultant services.  
10.  Bureau authorised the Secretariat to pursue, in co-operation with the Ethiopian authorities, the preparation of a project for a photogrammetric survey of the monuments of Lalibela and to submit a revised technical co-operation request to the Committee. The delegate from the United States of America abstained from this recommendation.
9. The Bureau deferred the following requests either because the properties to which they related were not included or recommended for the World Heritage List or further clarifications were required: Algeria: Dey's Palace Qal'ah of Beni Hammad Citadel Quarter of Setif Ethiopia: Bale Mountain National Park Abijatta Shalla Lakes National Park Further elements of the technical co-opertaion requests for these sites have to be established first by a preparatory assistance mission which has been granted for Simien National Park and will be now extended to the other two ...
11. The Bureau granted preparatory assistance to (a) Guatemala: services of 2 consultants (at an estimated cost of $22,000) (ecologist and specialist in stone, stucco and wood conservation) to prepare a technical co-operation request for Tikal National Park. The request for a jeep included in the preparatory assistance requested could be considered together with the technical co-operation request.
11. The Bureau granted preparatory assistance to: (b) Senegal: consultant services for 4m/m (at an estimated cost of $20,000) to plan technical measures for adequate protection of the site including regulation of the water level. The equipment requested requires some clarification and could be considered by the Committee at a later date.
21. The Committee heard the report of the working group set up to examine measures to improve the balance between the cultural and the natural heritage in the implementation of the Convention and agreed with the recommendations set out below: 1) Preparatory assistance to States Parties should be granted on a priority basis for: (i) the establishment of tentative lists of cultural and natural properties situated in their territories and suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List; (ii) the preparation of nominations of types of properties underrepresented in the World Heritage ...
36. The following two requests were submitted to the Secretariat during the fourth session of the Committee : Ecuador - The Historic Center of Quito  Panama - The fortifications on the Caribbean  side of Panama : Portobelo-San Lorenzo $ 25,000  $ 51,000  37.  The Committee authorized the Chairman of the Committee to approve these two requests in consultation with the other members of the Bureau subject to the outcome of a technical review by the Secretariat and the professional non-governmental organizations ...
40.  The representative of the United States of America expressed reservations on the continued need for temporary assistance to the Secretariat for the implementation of the Convention and abstained on the relevant item of the budget. In this respect the Secretariat drew attention to the fact that the proposed increase for temporary assistance is in proportion far smaller than the overall increase in the budget which corresponds to a considerable increase in the workload. The Secretariat further indicated that services to the Convention provided directly from the regular programme ...
The Committee upon recommendation of the Bureau approved the following technical co-operation requests: Nepal - Sagarmatha National Park (request n°120.1): $75,000 Tunisia - Baths of Antonius at Carthage (request n°37.1 and addendum): $118,000 Zaire - Virunga National Park (request n°63.1): $43,660 Zaire - Garamba National Park (request n°126.1): $19,120 Zaire - Kahuzi-Biega National Park (request n°137.1): $15,120 Ethiopia - Lalibela (request n°18.1): ...
35.  The Committee, as requested by Tanzania, approved an additional $7,000 for the preparation of a management plan for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
38. The Committee decided to ask the Bureau to elaborate guidelines for the evaluation of technical co-operation requests which could be then reviewed and adopted by the Committee, and would be included in the operational guidelines.
The Committee urged States Parties to indicate in their future technical co-operation requests, details of their counterpart contribution as well as other contributions from bilateral or multilateral sources made or planned for the conservation of the property in question.
14. The Bureau examined the deferred and new requests received from the States Parties to the Convention and made the following recommendations to the Committee. A. Technical Co-operation requests projects recommended for approval - Malta - Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (request n°130.1) The Bureau recommended that the Committee grant technical co-operation consisting of equipment and one month's consultant mission for a total amount of $9,000 to help with the preservation of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. - Malta - Ggantija and Valetta (request n°131.1/132.1) The Bureau ...
B. Technical cooperation requests deferred - Algeria - The Qal'ah of Beni Hammad (request n°102.1) The Algerian authorities had submitted a request for assistance in connection with the preservation of the above site. The Bureau was informed that a preparatory assistance consultant mission would take place in July 1981 in order to prepare a revised, detailed request for technical co-operation for this site, which will be submitted to the Bureau at its 6th session. - Algeria - Dey's Palace and Citadel Quarter of Setif (requests n°101.1 and 103.1) These requests had to be ...
Guinea - Mount Nimba (request n°155.1) The Guinean authorities had requested equipment amounting to $48.510 for a scientific research programme for Mount Nimba. However, the Bureau felt that priority should be given to protective measures and to the establishment of a management plan for this site. The Bureau therefore encouraged Guinea to re-formulate and to re-submit a request along these lines.