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World Heritage Convention

245 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 27COM 2003close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Requests States Parties to the World Heritage Convention to provide final written comments on the revised Operational Guidelines presented in document WHC.03/27.COM/10 to the World Heritage Centre by 15 October 2003; 2. Further requests the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to review the written comments from States Parties, verifying that they comply with the decisions of the Committee, in particular Decision 6 EXT COM 5.1 and Technical Annex, and integrate them into the revised Operational Guidelines in English and French; 3. Requests the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Emphasizing the flagship status of the World Heritage Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) highlighted in the Medium-Term Strategy 32 C/4 document and the public recognition of the value of the Convention, 2. Conscious that, whereas a real increase in UNESCO's budget is proposed to the next General Conference by the 166th Executive Board, there will be a significant reduction in the budget of the World Heritage Fund for technical reasons, 3. Welcomes the recommendation of the Executive Board to the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Having considered the 2004-2005 budget of the World Heritage Fund, its estimated income and proposed expenditure;2. Decides that the Contingency Reserve be consolidated into the budget as from 31 December 2003;3. Approves a total expenditure of US$ 7,248,070 for the biennium 2004-2005 from the World Heritage Fund subject to the approval by the UNESCO General Conference of a budget totalling US$ 610 million for the same period;4. Approves the corresponding budget attached in Tables 1 to 3; 5. Notes that the approved budget includes the following amounts for ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Urges States Parties in arrears to pay their overdue contributions to the World Heritage Fund;2. Invites the Director-General to report to it on this matter;3. Further invites the Director-General to encourage States Parties to supplement their contributions to the World Heritage Fund with voluntary donations;4. Encourages the World Heritage Centre to develop bilateral agreements with States Parties as well as partnerships with multilateral organisations, the private sector and other actors with a view to securing additional resources for the following ...
Hungary: Organisation of a workshop for the managers of World Heritage sites in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approve US$ 15,000 from 2003 funds.
Kenya: Second International Experts Meeting on Great Rift Valley The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides, whilst acknowledging the importance of this initiative,  not to approveUS$ 50,000 from 2003 funds, and to postpone the examination of the request until the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004.
India: Group of Monuments at Hampi. Elaboration of a management plan The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approveUS$ 75,000, of which US$ 28,250 from 2003 funds and US$ 46,750 from 2004 funds.
Yemen: Historic Town of Zabid. Follow-up actions for the implementation of safeguarding measures The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approve US$ 40,000 from 2003 funds.
Kazakhstan: Sub-regional Workshop for follow-up to the Periodic Reports on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the State of Conservation of World Cultural Heritage properties in Central Asia The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approveUS$ 35,000 from 2003 funds under the Technical Co-operation budget, the Training budget for cultural heritage being exhausted; 2. Recommends that the State Party and the World Heritage Centre organise the workshop as a sub-regional workshop for Central Asian World Cultural Heritage to follow-up on the Periodic Reporting Exercise ...
Uzbekistan: Sub-regional Workshop for the elaboration of a specific programme for the first 3 years of the Central Asian Earth 2002-2012 Programme combined with an on-the-job practical training activity in Khiva. The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approveUS$ 50,000 from 2003 funds under the Technical Co-operation budget, the Training budget for cultural heritage being exhausted. Approval is subject to verification that the activities foreseen do not duplicate those foreseen for the request from Kazakhstan (see above), that the timing of the two workshops is complementaryare ...
Bangladesh: Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur. Conservation training and organization of a workshop to elaborate a management plan.  The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approveUS$ 35,000 from 2003 funds under the Technical Co-operation budget, the Training budget for cultural heritage being exhausted. Approval is subject to the request being reformulated with the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to meet the priority needs of the property. The final reformulated workplan and budget breakdown will be approved by the ...
Oman: Arabian Oryx Sanctuary. Capacity-building for the staff and rangers to manage the property The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approve US$ 40,000 from 2003 funds.
Iraq: Ashur (Qala'at at Sherqat). Emergency assistance for the establishment of a site management coordination unit and the development of a management plan The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides to approveUS$ 50,000 from 2003 funds.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting the Regional Progress Reports (2002-2003) and Action Plans 2004-2005 for  the Global Strategy presented in document WHC-03/27.COM/1,3;2. Requests the World Heritage Centre, working in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and States Parties to the World Heritage Convention to continue to implement the Global Strategy as a contribution to strengthening the credibility of the World Heritage List; (check French - from Belgium)3. Further requests the World Heritage Centre to prepare summaries and assessments of the results of the Global Strategy ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking note of the information provided by the World Heritage Centre in WHC-03/27.COM/13 and WHC-03/27.COM/INF.13 on the initiative of five Andean States Parties to collaborate in the process of nominating the Qhapac Nan - Camino Inca road system for inscription on the World Heritage List,;2. Considering the results of the consultation meeting with the Permanent Delegations to UNESCO (29th January 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters), and the documents adopted at the first sub-regional technical meeting held in Lima, Peru, on 1 and 2 April 2003,  3. Welcoming the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting with concern the continuing disparities between regions and States Parties in their capacity to prepare Tentative Lists and nominations of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List,;2. Noting the progress made in the analyses of the World Heritage List being undertaken by ICOMOS and IUCN for submission to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004,;3. Recognizing the progress in the preparation of studies to promote the revision of national tentative lists through regional consultations and the periodic reporting exercise,  ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Decides to retain the limit of one new and complete nomination per State Party with properties already on the World Heritage List, as the best means of managing the workload of the Committee, the Advisory Bodies, and the World Heritage Centre, and of improving the geographic distribution of properties on the World Heritage List; States Parties that have no properties inscribed on the World Heritage List will have the opportunity to nominate two or three properties;2. Decides to continue to exempt from this limit transboundary and emergency nominations, ...
The World Heritage Committee [67],1. Takes note of document WHC-03/27.COM/15. [67]  See also Decision 27 COM 2
The World Heritage Committee[69],1. Takes note of document WHC-03/27.COM/17 [69]  See also Decision 27 COM 2
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling the Resolution adopted by the 13th General Assembly (Paris, October 2001) on the "Implementation of the election procedures of the Bureau of the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage",  2. Welcomes the following steps to be taken by the Secretariat for the implementation of this Resolution:(a) The World Heritage Centre will send, during the month of July 2003, a Circular Letter to all States Parties informing them of the Officers to be elected during the 14th ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling the aim of the Resolution adopted by the 13th General Assembly (Paris, October 2001) - (on election procedures of the Officers of the General Assembly -) to grant greater transparency and regional representativity to this election process,;2. Recognising that this approach should also be applied to the procedures for the election of members to the World Heritage Committee as this would further facilitate the consultation process amongst States Parties,; 3. Recommends to the General Assembly that it include the following Rule in its Rules of ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking into consideration Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention which calls on the World Heritage Committee to decide, at its session preceding the General Assembly, on the number of seats to be reserved for States Parties who do not have properties on the World Heritage List,; 2. Allocates one seat amongst the seats that have to be filled at the 14th General Assembly (Paris, October 2003) to a State Party who does not have any properties on the World Heritage List; 3. Requests the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Having examined the proposal made by the UNESCO Secretariat for a more simplified voting system for the election of members of the World Heritage Committee during the General Assembly,;2. Decides not to recommend to the General Assembly any amendments to Rule 13 of its Rules of Procedure on the election of members of the World Heritage Committee.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking into consideration the information provided in document WHC-03/27.COM/18B as well as in the documents on the relationship between the World Heritage Committee and UNESCO (WHC-03/27.COM/17) and the Progress Report on the 31 C/4 and the draft 32 C/5 (WHC-03/27.COM/16),2. Considering that this Report will be transmitted to the 32nd session of the General Conference (29 September - 17 October 2003) for its information,3. Takes note of the Report and invites the World Heritage Centre to transmit this Report to the Secretariat of the General ...
The World Heritage Committee [71],1. Defers examination of document WHC-03/27.COM/19 to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004. [71]  See also Decision 27 COM 2
The World Heritage Committee [72], 1. Takes note of document WHC-03/27.COM/20A.1. [72]  See also Decision 27 COM 2.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling Document WHC-2000/CONF.204/7, that summarises the results of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for the Arab Region,;2. Approves the Regional Programme for the Arab Region, contained in Document WHC-03/27..COM/INF.20B;3. Recommends that the Assistance Modules and the proposed projects be further designed in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and the competent national and regional partners;4. Encourages the States Parties of the Arab Region, in conformity with the regional Programme strategy, to develop in close collaboration with the World ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling the positive results of Module 1 (Africa 2009) obtained in strengthening institutional capacities in the Africa Region, and its contribution to improved awareness and understanding among the African Cultural Heritage experts on the values and on strategies for heritage protection,;2. Further recalling its satisfaction with the synthesis Periodic Report which gives direction for future World Heritage activities in Africa (see Document WHC-02/CONF.202/16),;3. Noting the training experience of Africa 2009 and its potential for the development of ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Congratulates the Asian States Parties, the Advisory Bodies and the Secretariat for the excellent quality of the Synthesis Regional Periodic Report (see Document WHC-03/27.COM/6A Rev);2. Notes with appreciation the increasing interest in heritage conservation among the Asian States Parties;3. Expresses concern, however, on the continued loss of heritage caused by uncontrolled development, in particular urban encroachment, mass tourism and inappropriate public infrastructure projects;4. Takes note of the recommendations and priority action plans elaborated ...
The World  Heritage Committee,1. Noting with satisfaction that almost all Pacific Island countries have now joined the World Heritage Convention,;2. Acknowledging the needs identified by Pacific Island States Parties in the Periodic Reports summarized in WHC-03/27.COM/6A Rev.,;3. Requests the World Heritage Centre to begin consultations, planning and the first phase of implementation of a new sub-regional Programme called WORLD HERITAGE - PACIFIC 2009;4. Decides to allocate US$100,000 in 2004-2005 from the World Heritage Fund for the development of the new sub-regional Programme called ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling the recommendations made at the important Regional Training Course on the Implementation of the Convention and its Role in Sustainable Development and Tourism in the Caribbean, that took place in Dominica (September-October 2001) as part of the Global Strategy Action Plan for the Caribbean and was reported to the Committee at its 25th session in Helsinki in 2001 (see WHC-01/CONF.208/11),  2. Having taken note of the recommendations made at the Thematic Expert Meeting on Wooden Urban Heritage, which took place in Georgetown, Guyana from 4 to 7 ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Acknowledging the limited financial resources available for the implementation of Regional and Thematic Programmes,2. Encourages the World Heritage Centre to make full use of the existing networks of the Advisory Bodies in the design and implementation of Thematic Programmes, so as to ensure exchange of information and experience; 3. Recommends to coordinate Thematic Programmes, in terms of design, methodology and planning of implementation, with existing and planned work, such as the efforts currently being carried out in the framework of the forthcoming ...
The World Heritage Committee [73],1. Defers examination of document WHC-03/27.COM/20C - Section A to the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004. [73]  See also Decision 27 COM 2.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Welcomes the Nordic World Heritage Foundation's partnership with UNESCO;2. Requests the World Heritage Centre to ensure the coordination of the activities of the Nordic World Heritage Foundation with those of the Committee; 3. Agrees with the use of the World Heritage emblem by the Nordic World Heritage Foundation.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Requests the World Heritage Centre to provide a yearly report on the authorized use of the emblem to the World Heritage Committee in accordance with the Operational Guidelines (Annex 3 "Guidelines and Principles for the Use of the World Heritage Emblem" July 2002).
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking into consideration the following invitations by Committee members to host the sessions of the World Heritage Committee in 2004 and 2005,;(a) For 2004 (in alphabetical order): China, Russian Federation and South Africa,(b) For 2005 (in alphabetical order):  Lebanon, Oman and United Kingdom;2. Decides that the venue of the 28th session of the Committee will be Suzhou, China.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Thanking the Chinese authorities for their kind invitation to host the 28th session of the Committee,; 2. Decides that the dates of the 28th session of the Committee shall be 28 June -7 July 2004.  These dates will be confirmed following consultation between the World Heritage Centre and the Chinese authorities.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Adopts the Provisional Agenda for the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee as presented in document WHC-03/27.COM/22 Rev and with the amendments suggested by the Committee in its discussion. (see Annex II)
The World Heritage Committee did not discuss any other business.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Adopts the decisions presented in WHC-03/27.COM/24 with amendments aswith amendments as agreed agreed.
1. The 27th session of the World Heritage Committee was closed on 5 July 2003 by the Chairperson, Ms Vera Lacoeuilhe (St. Lucia). She thanked the Committee for their work and paid tribute to the 8 members of the Committee for whom this was their last session (Belgium, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Zimbabwe).2. The Chairperson made special mention of the co-operation of the Committee and the Observers, the exceptional work of the former and current Rapporteurs and of the Secretariat.3. The World Heritage Committee thanked the Chairperson for her skill ...