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4 Ev�nements
Jour : mercredi 8 octobre 2014 close
29 septembre 2014 - 15 octobre 2014
[Uniquement en anglais] Museum of the World Ocean invites you to take part in the International Theoretical and Practical Conference devoted to issues of study and preservation of maritime heritage and museum’s 25th anniversary. The conferences, organized by Museum of the World Ocean, bring museum and scientific communities closer to the phenomenon of maritime heritage and reveal problematic ...
29 septembre 2014 - 30 octobre 2014
[Uniquement en anglais] The oldest tourist destination is the city, whose aim was at the beginning welcome travelers of religious pilgrimage. Other activities of this type were identified with significant milestones and trade routes, which were the initial basis and created a hosting infrastructure and food -inns, guest houses, taverns- both populations, villas or destination cities, as in ...
24 septembre 2014 - 15 novembre 2014
Vous souhaitez réaliser un projet lié à la culture ou aux métiers d’art du monde méditerranéen ? Vous êtes originaire d’un pays riverain de la Méditerranée ? Né(e) après le 31 décembre 1987, vous aurez moins de 28 ans en 2015. La Fondation Marc de Montalembert offre une dotation de 7000 euros pour permettre la réalisation de tels projets. Pour présenter un projet demandez un dossier de ...
4 septembre 2014 - 18 octobre 2014
[Uniquement en anglais] Celebrate International Archaeology Day in 2014! The Archaeological Institute of America invites you to join us this year on 18 October (although events can be scheduled throughout the month of October) by hosting an archaeologically themed event in your community. Participation is open to all archaeological and historical organizations and institutions around the ...