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State of conservation of World Heritage properties

State of conservation of World Heritage properties
Date :
vendredi 29 mai 2015
Code :

This document is meant to present a global and analytical overview of Agenda item 7 on the state of conservation of World Heritage properties for which a report was prepared for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 39th session.

The document is composed of four parts: a statistical summary (Introduction), a focus on the emergency situation resulting from conflicts in the Arab States region (Part I), a synthesis of emerging and recurring conservation issues which might have strategic consequences (Part II) and a proposal regarding knowledge management of state of conservation reports (Part III).

The Committee may wish to discuss and take a decision on item 7 as a whole, if required.

Auteur :
World Heritage Centre
Copyright :
Langue : English en
Rédacteur : UNESCO
Éditeur : UNESCO