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Décision 6 COM XVI.49-51
Activités d'information du public

[Uniquement en anglais]

49. The Committee examined the report by the Secretariat on the state of implementation of the public information activities which the Committee at its fifth session had requested the Secretariat to undertake (document CLT-82/CONF.015/6) and it expressed its satisfaction thereon. It furthermore approved the proposals made by the Secretariat for future promotion and information activities, in particular the publication of a special issue devoted to the World Heritage of the magazine "Ambio" (published by the Swedish Royal Academy of Science) and of the periodical "Monumentum" (published by ICOMOS), as well as the preparation of a poster for the information of the public. The Committee considered it desirable that the manuscripts of the booRs for children be submitted to the States concerned, to the extent that the arrangements already concluded with the publishing house "Etudes vivantes" allow this to be done.

50. The Rapporteur drew the attention of the observer from ALECSO to the desirability of producing in Arabic a series of books on World Heritage sites. These would be complementary to the publications which have already appeared or are planned in English, French and Spanish on World Heritage sites.

51. The representative of the Director-General underlined the importance of a sustained effort of high-level promotion for the future of the Convention and he indicated that a detailed plan of action concerning both public information and promotion in general would be submitted to the Bureau at its next session.

Rapport du rapporteur
Contexte de la Décision