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Décision 22 EXT.BUR V.2
[Uniquement en anglais] Requests for International Assistance - Natural heritage

[Uniquement en anglais]


Cameroon ( Three training fellowships at the School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists, Garoua, Cameroon for the Academic Biennium 1999-2001) - US$ 45,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 45,000 by the Committee.  

Oman (Regional capacity building training workshop for the promotion of awareness in natural heritage conservation) - US$ 40,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval of US$ 40,000 by theCommittee, subject to the State Party submitting to the World Heritage Centre and IUCN, a revised proposal with well-focused and clearly defined objectives, better definition of target groups, exact dates for the workshop and links to IUCN/WCPA’s activities for the Arab region. The workshop should include a field exercise component where workshop participants would review the status of the on-going management planning and boundary demarcation project for the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, and prepare a report for submission to the 23rd session of the Committee in 1999. The Committee may wish to recommend linking the outcome of this training activity to the Bureau’s concerns regarding the state of conservation of the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary of Oman.

Russian Federation (Lake Baikal training workshop for Russian and Trans-boundary World Natural Heritage Site Managers and perspective Site Managers) - US$ 48,258

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval of US$ 48,258 by theCommittee.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee may wish to request IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to co-operate with the State Party in refining the structure and objectives of the training workshop. Furthermore, the Committee may wish to recommend that the State Party submit a report on the results of the training activity to the 23rd session of the Committee in 1999.

WCMC ( Integrating biodiversity information management into curricula of regional wildlife/protected area management training institutions – project development workshop) - US$ 40,220

The outgoing Bureau recommended that US$ 30,000 be approved by theCommittee as a contribution to the organization of the project development workshop (Phase 1).

The outgoing Bureau recommended that the Committee may wish to endorse WCMC’s efforts to seek additional funding from the Darwin Initiative (UK) for the implementation of Phases 2 and 3 of the training materials and curriculum development project.


Ecuador (Ecological monitoring in the Galapagos Archipelago – establishing a quarantine system for monitoring the introduction and spread of alien species) - US$ 100,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval by the Committee of US$ 92,500  as per the revised budget submitted by the State Party, of which US$ 61,000 under the technical co-operation and the balance of US$ 31,500 under training. The Committee may with to commend the efforts of Ecuador for launching this project to mitigate the problem of the introduction and spread of alien species in the Galapagos.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee may wish to endorse the World Heritage Centre’s efforts to link this project to global efforts, undertaken as part of the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and that of organizations such as SCOPE (Scientific Committee for the Protection of the Environment), to address problems of introduced species worldwide. 

IUCN - Environmental Law Centre (Legal interpretation and application of the World Heritage Convention) - US$ 212,440

The outgoing Bureau recommended that the Committee may wish to express its support, in principle, to the project concept and request IUCN-ELC to circulate the proposal widely to receive comments for further refinements, particularly with regard to the expected outcome of the project.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee may wish to urge IUCN-ELC and the World Heritage Centre to co-operate in identifying donors who would be willing to provide the sum of US$ 90,000 needed to finance the cost of two legal consultants (US$ 60,000) and one research associate (US$ 30,000), respectively. If IUCN-ELC and the World Heritage Centre are successful in raising this initial amount of expert costs needed to initiate the project, IUCN-ELC may submit individual proposals for the organization of the expert panel review and regional workshops for support from the World Heritage Fund at the appropriate time.

Niger (Strengthening management at “W” National Park) - US$ 73,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval by the Committee of US$ 45,000 for the purchase of two 4-wheel drive vehicles, on the condition that the State Party: 

(a) pays its contributions to the World Heritage Fund for 1997;

(b) acknowledges receipt of, and provides an inventory of equipment already received in 1998, to the World Heritage Centre and;

(c) finalizes all administrative matters regarding the equipment purchase project funded by the US$ 50,000 approved by the Committee in 1997. 

Code de la Décision
22 EXT.BUR V.2
Assistance internationale
Rapports sur l'état de conservation
1998 Îles Galápagos