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World Heritage Convention

52 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1984close
Year end: 1984close
Session: 08COM 1984close
By Year
8. Mr. Jorge Gazaneo (Argentina) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation. Mr. Lucien Chabason (France) was elected Rapporteur and the representatives of the following States Parties were also elected by acclamation as Vice-Chairmen: Algeria, Australia, Norway, Pakistan and Senegal.
12. Mr. da Silva Telles (Brazil), Rapporteur of the previous Bureau, presented the report of the eighth session of the Bureau held on 4-7 June 1984. He furthermore presented a report of the complementary meeting of the Bureau which had taken place on 29 October prior to the eighth session of the Committee itself. This complementary Bureau meeting aimed first of all at considering the conclusions of a group of experts brought together by ICOMOS to study the criteria applicable to historic towns and secondly examining the nominations of the historic centres of Quebec, Canada (N° 300) ...
15. Noting that ICOMOS had been unable, between 7 September and 28 October 1984, to process the nominations of Quebec (N° 300) and Salvador (N° 309) in accordance with its normal procedure, the Committee decided to defer the consideration of those nominations until the 1985 session of the Bureau.
16. [...] Jordan and Libya have sent their tentative lists to the Secretariat, supplementing those already received from Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, India, Italy, Lebanon, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the United States of America. [...] 20. [...] In this connection, the Committee noted that Bulgaria and France had just submitted tentative lists of natural properties, which supplement those received from Brazil, Canada, Italy, Portugal, USA and Turkey.
21. The Rapporteur, Mr. Chabason, brought up the question of mixed cultural/natural properties and particularly of rural landscapes, which meet criterion (iii) for natural sites as "exceptional combinations of natural and cultural elements". Mr. Chabason described three types of problems connected with such properties. The first was the question of identification of exceptionally harmonious, beautiful, man-made landscapes as epitomised by the terraced rice-fields of S.E. Asia, the terraced fields of the Mediterranean Basin or by certain vineyard areas in Europe. In this respect, criterion ...
25. The Committee examined the nominations to the World Heritage List, taking account of the Bureau's recommendations and of the evaluations of ICOMOS and IUCN for each property. The Committee decided to enter 23 cultural and natural properties on the World Heritage List which are presented in List A below. The Committee decided to defer a decision on four nominations presented in List B below. Finally, the Committee decided not to inscribe the eight properties presented in List C below.
Yosemite National Park 308 United States of America N(i)(ii)(iii) In response to the Bureau's request on clarification of the status of the proposed dam constructions in proximity of this property, the Committee noted that the authorities had assured that the implementation of such proposals was highly unlikely. The Committee nevertheless requested to be informed by the American authorities of any developments in this respect which could affect the Park. It also noted with interest that the relevant authorities had the intention to implement a programme to reduce the impact of ...
Salonga National Park 280 Zaire N(ii)(iii) The Committee requested the Zaire authorities to proceed as soon as possible to prepare and implement a management plan for the Park with due regard to creating an appropriate corridor linking the two sectors of the National Park.
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks 304 Canada N(i)(ii)(iii) The Committee requested the Canadian authorities to consider adding the adjacent Provincial Parks of Mount Robson, Hamber, Mount Assiniboine and Kananskis to this property. Furthermore, the Committee agreed to incorporate the Burgess Shale site in this property, which henceforth would not be separately indicated on the World Heritage List. Finally, the Committee decided that the site be designated as the "Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks" to specify the precise boundary of the property within the entire chain of the Rocky ...
Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis  291 Argentina C(iv) Under this name, the Committee decided to include jointly in the World Heritage List, along with Sao Miguel das Missoes, in Brazil (which is already included), the four missions nominated by Argentina, i.e. San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Senora de Loreto and Santa Maria la Mayor. It considered it would be desirable that certain missions located in Paraguay and Uruguay also be included in the World Heritage List, so that the whole group of monuments might provide a representative illustration of the Jesuit missions of the ...
Iguazu National Park 303 Argentina N(iii)(iv) The Committee noted with satisfaction that the Argentine authorities firmly intend to expand the area of the Park and to complete the management plan in conformity with IUCN's recommendations. The Committee was furthermore glad to be informed by the representative of Brazil that the contiguous Iguacu National Park, on the Brazilian side of the river, would be nominated by the end of 1984 so that both parks could constitute next year a transfrontier World Heritage ...
Mana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas 302 Zimbabwe N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee requested to be kept informed by the Zimbabwian authorities of the possible construction of a new dam on the Zambezi at Mapata Gorge. The Committee also requested the Zambian authorities to consider nominating the adjacent Lower Zambezi National Park in order to eventually constitute a joint inscription on the World Heritage List.
Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena 285 Colombia C(iv)(vi) Noting that the monuments and architectural ensembles included in the List were located within the unique natural setting of the bay of Cartagena, the Committee also recommended that the bay be given the best protection possible.
Anjar 293 Lebanon C(iii)(iv) The Committee wished that strict protection be given not only to the intra-muros vestiges but also to the building with a central courtyard extra-muros in the east which had been brought to light. It also suggested that the surroundings of the site, where a modern village was being developed, be strictly protected.
Sites: Anjar
Baalbek 294 Lebanon C(i)(iv) The Committee, when inscribing this property, expressed the wish that the protected area include the entire town within the Arab walls as well as the south-western quarter extra­-muros between Bastan-al-Khan, the Roman works and the Mameluk mosque of Ras-al-Ain. During the discussion, the representative of Lebanon assured the Committee that the authorities of this country would follow these ...
Sites: Baalbek
Tyre 299 Lebanon C(iii)(vi) The Committee decided to inscribe this site such as it was defined in the plan submitted by the Lebanese authorities. The Committee furthermore requested the Lebanese authorities to give details on the type of protection given within and around the zones of protection indicated on the plan as uncontrolled urban development should not destroy the old city.
Sites: Tyre
Byblos 295 Lebanon C(iii)(iv)(vi) The Committee wished that this site be included in a wide area of protection, encompassing besides the ancient habitat, the medieval city within the walls and the area of the necropoles.
Sites: Byblos
Lake Malawi National Park 289 Malawi N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee was informed that the Malawi authorities had agreed to the Bureau's recommendation to consider extending the area of the National Park. The Committee,   however, recommended that the Malawi authorities officially adopt and implement the management plan that had been prepared for the Park and to continue research on the Park's natural resources.
Royal Chitwan National Park 284 Nepal N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee noted that there was only a remote possibility that the proposed pulp mills be constructed on the Narayani River but requested that the Nepalese authorities keep it informed of any developments in this respect which could affect the Park.
The Alhambra and the Generalife, Granada 314 Spain C(i)(iii)(iv) The Committee expressed the wish that, as indicated by the Spanish authorities, a large protection zone will ensure that the visual environment of this property will not be harmed by modern constructions.
Monastery and Site of the Escurial, Madrid 318 Spain C(i)(ii)(vi) The Committee called the Spanish authorities' attention to the importance of strictly protecting the natural environment which is inseparable from this monument.
The Historic Mosque City of Bagerhat 321 Bangladesh The Committee decided to defer the inscription of the property until the authorities of Bangladesh had given the assurances which the Bureau had requested at its eighth session with regard to: - the highway which is now planned to traverse this site and which could be re-routed as suggested by ICOMOS; - the elaboration of a preservation and management plan along the lines of the conclusions of the Unesco mission which took place in ...
Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur 322 Bangladesh The Committee decided to defer the inscription of this property until the Bangladesh authorities had given assurances concerning the application of the measures proposed by the same Unesco mission, particularly with a view to avoiding the installation of mining industries in the proximity of the monastery.
Prehistoric Rock-art Sites of Tadrart Acacus 287 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya The examination of this nomination was deferred at the request of the representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Sidon 297 Lebanon The Committee deferred the examination of this nomination pending a response from the Lebanese government to the Bureau's request to nominate only the Sanctuary of Echmun.
Archaeological Park of Guayabo de Turrialba 106 Costa Rica The Committee considered that in its current state, this site did not fulfil the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List. A new nomination could be presented in the event that the excavations (which will no doubt need to be continued for a considerable time) produce results of exceptional universal interest.
Archaeological Site of Ptolemais (Tolmeita) 301 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya The Committee, while taking account of the great importance of this site for the Libyan national heritage, felt that it did not fulfil the criteria of "outstanding universal value" -as understood by the World Heritage Committee.
Tripoli 298 Lebanon The Committee asked to draw the Government's attention to the fact that urbanisation and factory pollution were threatening this site which, although it does not fulfil the World Heritage criteria, is of great value in the Lebanese national Heritage.
Deir el-Qamar and Beit Ed-Dine 296 Lebanon The Committee, while taking account of the great importance of this site for the Lebanese national heritage, felt that it did not fulfil the criteria of "outstanding universal value" as understood by the World Heritage Committee.
Nyika National Park 290 Malawi Although this property does not fulfil the World Heritage criteria of outstanding universal value, the Committee however noted the importance of this property on the national and regional levels.
Rani Kot Fort (Kirthar National Park) 176 Pakistan The Committee, while taking account of the great importance of this site for the Pakistani national Heritage, felt that it did not fulfil the criteria of "outstanding universal value" as understood by the World Heritage Committee.
Maiko National Park 281 Zaire The Committee noted that the natural features of this property were well represented in other World Heritage properties and that the criterion of integrity was not fulfilled. Although this property does not meet the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List, the Committee recommended that the Zaire authorities take all the necessary steps to safeguard this highly valuable site which constitutes one of the largest tracts of primary forest remaining in ...
Kundelungu National Park 283 Zaire This park did not meet World Heritage criteria and its integrity was in doubt. The committee however recommended that the Zairois authorities be encouraged to strengthen the protection of this very important park.
26. The Committee examined four nominations to the List of World Heritage in Danger submitted by the States Parties concerned. The Committee noted the recommendations of ICOMOS and IUCN and made the following decisions: Wieliczka Salt Mine (Poland)ICOMOS provided the Committee with the information which the Polish authorities had given for this property. The Committee considered that there was insufficient geological information at present to evaluate the dangers facing this property. The Committee therefore decided to defer a decision on this nomination until more information had been ...
30. Regarding voluntary contributions in particular, the Committee recalled that Article 16, paragraph 4 of the Convention, stipulates that these contributions "... shall be paid on a regular basis, at least every two years, and should not be less than the contributions which they (States Parties having opted for voluntary contributions) should have paid if they had been bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article." (mandatory contributions amounting at present to 1% of the annual contribution of States Parties to Unesco). In this respect the Committee appreciated the ...
35. The Committee took note that although such financial support appeared very modest in relation to the projects concerned, the World Heritage Fund should essentially play a catalytic role in assisting States Parties to procure the necessary funds to safeguard World Heritage properties. The World Heritage Fund should not be used for subventions of activities which normally should be supported at-the national level, e.g. to cover the salaries of the personnel ensuring the protection of World Heritage properties or to cover the costs of long-term training programmes. It rather should be ...
34. The Committee noted that the total of the sums requested for technical cooperation greatly exceeded the allocation of $200,000 which the Committee had approved for technical cooperation in 1985. The Committee decided, therefore, that for this year technical cooperation projects should not exceed $20,000 each, and that no individual decisions would be taken on these requests before their further study and evaluation. The Committee asked the Secretariat to further consult with the countries concerned and with ICOMOS and IUCN as appropriate and to submit these requests directly to the ...
37. The Secretariat informed the Committee of two activities being carried out since the sixth session concerning the management of cultural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. One concerned the preparation of a "Handbook on Managing World Heritage" which deals with the preservation of these properties, ranging from general principles and legal considerations to practical means for carrying out a management programme. The outline was elaborated by an international group of experts during a meeting organised by ICCROM and ICOMOS in 1983 at the suggestion of the ...
39. The Committee took note of document SC-84/CONF.004/7 in which the Australian authorities, at the request of the Bureau at its eighth session, submitted a brief commentary on the judgment of the High Court of Australia regarding Western Tasmanian National Parks. The Committee agreed that the Tasmanian case gave an example of the strength of the Convention, particularly for States Parties having a similar system of Federal Government. The Committee requested the Secretariat to distribute this document to all the other States Parties to the Convention.
40. The Representative of IUCN recalled that the Committee at its seventh session had encouraged the advisory non-governmental organisations to collect information through their contacts and to inform the Committee on the state of conservation of World Heritage properties. IUCN reported to the Committee on four natural properties as follows: a)    Simen National Park (Ethiopia) IUCN reported that the National Park personnel had apparently abandoned this park and that the area has been in the hands of armed groups. Although the group had informally assured IUCN that no ...
41. The Committee examined the report on promotional activities which summarised the work undertaken aiming at making the Convention and the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List better known to the general public and at generating income to the World Heritage Fund. The Committee noted that due to various reasons, the Secretariat had not managed to accomplish all the activities that had been planned but that this type of activity would be given priority in the-near future. 42. The representatives of several States Parties expressed their interest in the ceremonies to inaugurate ...
43. In order to take various circumstances into account, the Committee decided to request its Bureau to fix the date and place of the ninth session of the Committee, in consultation with the Director General, and taking into consideration the possibility to hold this session at Unesco's headquarters.
44. The Committee, hearing of the death of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, which had occurred a few hours earlier, observed a minute of silence in tribute to her memory.