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1429 Events
12-17 February 2007
Leaders from the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and Palau will visit Tongariro National Park in New Zealand. The intention of the study tour is to demonstrate to traditional and elected leaders the benefits of the World Heritage Convention as well as its application in a real context. As a follow-up to the Periodic Reporting exercise for Asia and the ...
8 February 2007 - 30 April 2007
22nd IIC Congress, London 2008Conservation and AccessThe 22nd IIC international Congress will take place in London, UK, 15-19 September 2008. The subject will be ‘Conservation and Access'.Encouraging physical and intellectual access to collections and sites is a major aim for cultural institutions. Conservators and conservation scientists play an important part in enabling our shared ...
5-6 February 2007
By its decision 30 COM 7.1 the World Heritage Committee endorsed the “Strategy to assist States Parties to implement management responses” and took note of the report on “Predicting and managing the impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage”, which were prepared following a meeting of experts in March 2006.One of the follow-up actions to be taken is the preparation ...
29 January 2007 - 2 February 2007
From 29 January to 2 February 2007 the city of St Petersburg, Russian Federation, will host a seminar on "Scientific and Technical Challenges for the Management and Conservation of Historic Centres of Towns inscribed on the World Heritage List" for the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The seminar is being prepared jointly by the Russian World Heritage National Committee, the Russian ...
29 January 2007 - 2 February 2007
A Regional Forum for Oceania on Marine Managed Areas and World Heritage Oceania is an expansive geographic region dominated by an ocean that covers over one-third of the surface of the earth.  This region is larger than the total land area of the entire world and is comprised of numerous island groups collectively referred to as Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, and Australia.  Oceania is ...
25-26 January 2007
Preparation of the 31st session of the World Heritage Committee, Christchurch, New-Zealand, 23 Juin - 2 July 2007 and progress review of the implementation of Committee decisions.AgendaItems 18A and 18B: International Assistance Item 5: Advisory Bodies report on their activitiesItem 7.1: Climate ChangeItem 7.2: Risk preparedness StrategyItems 7A and 7B: State of ConservationItem 8A: Tentative ...
24 January 2007
Agenda 10.00 - 13.001. Welcome by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, Mr Tumu te Heuheu2. Opening by the Director, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Mr Bandarin 3. Presentation of the final results of the previous meeting held in Paris (9-10 November 2006)4. Presentation of the main outcome of the second meeting of the working group on the simplification of the Periodic Reporting ...
22-23 January 2007
Second Meeting of the Working Group on the simplification of the periodic reporting questionnaire and the setting up of indicators
16 January 2007
This Workshop gathered specialists from Norway, Iceland, UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre and Nordic World Heritage Foundation to discuss the outlines of a joint nomination, The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). One of the most important questions remains how to define the limits of the phenomenon of the MAR. It could include the whole opening of the Atlantic Ocean with all the volcanic islands (e.g. ...
31 December 2006
Every year the Marc de Montalembert Foundation offers a grant of 7,000 Euros to enable the implementation of projects furthering the knowledge and understanding of Mediterrean cultures. To apply for the 2007 Marc de Montalembert grant candidates should send a project outline along with a request for an application form to:Fondation Marc de Montalembert,Fondation de France40, Avenue Hoche ...
15 December 2006
Following the decisions taken by the World Heritage Committee at its 30th session in Vilnius July 2006, a follow-up meeting on National level in Sweden, was held 15 December 2006. The meeting was organised by the National Heritage Board of Sweden. Participants to the meeting were Managers on local level together with those on Regional level (County Administrations, representing the ...
14-16 December 2006
This technical meeting is the fifth gathering of international experts and Afghan officials to report on the recent on-site works implemented in the Cultural Landscape and the Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley, in particular those under UNESCO's post-conflict emergency conservation project for the site.  The experts, together with the officials, will also discuss and identify ...
10-11 December 2006
World Heritage of Southeast Europe: Co-operation in the management of cultural sites and lanscapes. A follow-up to the Periodic Reporting Exercise for Europe. Evaluation of the results of the Periodic Reporting Exercise for the countries of the Southeast Europe regional group: Strengths and weaknesses, suggestions for the future. This meeting aimed at the exchange of views and ideas between ...
7-11 December 2006
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC), the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and UNESCO Office in Hanoi, are jointly organizing a High-Level Consultation Workshop on the conservation of Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park (Vietnam) and Hin Namon National Conservation Area (Lao PDR) from 7 to 11 December 2006 at Hanoi and Quang Binh Province of Vietnam. With financial support from the Netherlands ...
7-8 December 2006
Theme I "Importance and competitiveness of new development" Theme II "Preservation and continuity of urban landscape" Theme III "Community involvement in city planning process"
6-7 December 2006
The meeting - organized with and fully sponsored by Canadian national authorities - was attended by 90 site managers, representatives of Parks Canada and advisory bodies IUCN, ICOMOS, ICCROM as well as a US delegation of cultural and natural heritage experts. During the two day meeting the debate tackled several themes relevant to the daily management of world heritage properties such as: ...
5-9 December 2006
The goal of the Conference is the exchange of experience on internal and external evaluation instruments for the management of Cultural Heritage open to the public (such as monuments, museums, libraries, archives, archaeological sites, etc.) developed in different countries on the basis of defined criteria. Contributions will be requested directly from participants and through a call for ...
4-7 December 2006
An international conference focusing on the study and conservation of archaeological and ancient landscapes through integrated technologies and virtual reality.Topics include: Remote sensing, archaeology, landscape, environment, ecosystem, image processing, virtual reality, 3D visualization, conservation, geophysics, photogrammetry, open source and Web-GIS as applied to archaeological ...
1 December 2006 - 31 March 2007
The Euromed Heritage Journalistic Award is an international press competition dealing with the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The competition, organized by the European Commission, via the Regional Management and Support Unit (RMSU) of the Euromed Heritage Programme, is open to journalists from EU and Mediterranean partners. It is organized in collaboration with UNESCO, the ...
23-25 November 2006
This conference will take up the current problems in the preservation of national monuments facing UNESCO World Heritage sites in Germany, focusing on preventive conservation.Preventive conservation is more complicated in the domain of conservation of national monuments than in the case of museums. The conservation of national monuments not only investigates and deals with the sources of ...
9-10 November 2006
The World Heritage Committee decided at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006) to suspend for two years the commencement of the next cycle of Periodic Reporting in order to ensure that necessary time is allocated to study and reflect on the first cycle and develop strategic direction, clear objectives and benchmarks for the next cycle (Decision 30 COM 11.G paragraph 5). Following the meetings held ...
9-10 November 2006
Provisonal agenda Background document Decision 30 COM 11G
6-7 November 2006
At its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006), and within the framework of the Reflection Year on the Periodic Reporting exercise, the World Heritage Committee decided to establish a working group on the simplification of the Periodic Reporting questionnaire and the setting up of indicators (Decision 30 COM 11G). The World Heritage Centre is organizing the first meeting of this Working group on 6-7 ...
1 November 2006
Nominations for the prize have to be at UNESCO by 1 November 2006.
31 October 2006 - 30 April 2007
7th International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific in Visby, SwedenAugust 20-25, 2007Call for papers deadline: May 1, 2007Heritage and World Heritage is an international field where interests in politics, commerce, indigenous community relations, scientific research, representations of the past and creative performance are joined. The World Heritage programme focuses international ...
30 October 2006 - 4 November 2006
The island of Cyprus and the organizing committee are pleased to announce a joint conference to be held in Cyprus from the 30th of October to the 4th of November, 2006 focused on building regional capacity in Cultural Heritage: "The e-volution of Information Technology in Cultural Heritage. Where Hi-Tech Touches the Past: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century". Researchers who ...
25-28 October 2006
Denkmal is the largest European event for monument maintenance and restoration, and urban renewal. It is the only salon to approach these themes in a complete and complex manner. Denkmal unites an in-depth exhibition with an extensive international professional programme (conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops, information points, excursions and special presentations) and has become an ...
23-24 October 2006
This meeting aimed to favour the exchange of viewpoints and ideas among the focal points of Western European countries about the follow-up of the periodic reporting and the decisions adopted by the 30th World Heritage Committee in Vilnius. Moreover, the meeting allowed to share different experiences in relation to the follow-up of the world Heritage Convention in each country. Italy, Spain, ...
22 October 2006 - 3 November 2006
First International Training Programme for Risk Management starts this autumn in Kyoto, under the leadership of Dr. Kanefusa Masuda, ICOMOS Member, Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Japan  An International Training Course on Risk Management of Cultural Heritage will be held (22 October - 3 November 2006) in Kyoto, Japan, under the coordination of the Research Center for Disaster Mitigation ...
16-20 October 2006
Interactive Technologies & Sociotechnical Systems:New Developments and Solutions for Cultural Heritage, Healthcare, Gaming, Robotics and the ArtsThe 12th VSMM conference is hosted this year in the magnificent cultural city of Xi’an, China, known for the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, which are praised as "the eighth major wonder of the world”.This is the first time that VSMM is ...
28-30 September 2006
York Spaces is the first of two seminars organised by the ICOMOS-UK Cultural Tourism Committee exploring links between the tangible and intangible heritage in terms of the association of people to the spaces and places they experience as visitors. The part played by cultural expression and community participation in creating meaning and memories for cultural tourists is investigated.The York ...
27 September 2006
Interpretation Standards at World Heritage Sites: Is There a Need for Assessment Criteria for On-Site Interpretation Programmes and Emerging Interpretive Technologies?Registration required -- see belowA One-Day Roundtable DiscussionOrganized by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP)at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris27 September 2006In ...
18-23 September 2006
The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to explore sustainable strategies for the conservation of historic timber structures in an era where the mismanagement of forest resources, the increasing cost of traditional constructional materials and the loss of traditional craft skills necessitates a radical rethinking of the means by which wooden heritage can be protected and sustained. ...
16-17 September 2006
[in French only] Les monuments sont bien vivants. Berceaux de la création, lieux de représentation, scènes et lieux de spectacles, les monuments sont indissociables, quelles que soient les époques, de la création artistique et de sa diffusion. Le thème choisi pour l'édition 2006 des Journées européennes du Patrimoine : « Faisons vivre notre patrimoine », illustrera ce dynamisme de la vie ...
11-16 September 2006
Documentation for Conservation and Development: New Heritage Strategies for the Future Note: DEADLINE for submission of Abstracts is 31 January 2006The theme of the 11th International Seminar of Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage is both ambitious and crucial to the future of heritage conservation as well as to the development of communities, cities and civil society at ...
1-15 September 2006
Call for entries 2006Closing date for applications:Category 2: 1 September 2006Categories 1 & 3: 15 September 2006Outstanding heritage achievements will be awarded six monetary "Prizes" of € 10,000 each, in addition to "Medals" and "Diplomas in the following categories:1. Conservation of: A) Architectural heritageB) Landscapes C) Works of art D) Archaeological ...
31 August 2006
Special Session on "Integrating traditional knowledge systems and concern for cultural and natural heritage into risk management strategies" on the occasion of the International Conference on Disaster Reduction (ICDR)As a follow-up to the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (Kobe, January 2005) which acknowledged the importance of the protection of 'culturally important lands ...
31 August 2006
A special session organised in the International Disaster Reduction Conference by the World Heritage Centre and ICCROM. The purposes of the special session were to promote the integration of the traditional knowledge systems into risk management strategies and to integrate concerns for cultural heritage into broader national and regional risk management plans.
15-20 August 2006
Transforming Economies and Civilizations: The Role of Technology While open to all proposals, the program committee suggests the following themes to contributors:Energy, water, sanitary, and other utility systemsE-communication and media technologies, including cultural and social issuesTransportation and its role in trans-local and "global" economies, cultural exchange, and ...
1-8 August 2006
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre has been working together with the Government of China on a methodological approach for the preparation of a nomination for the cultural properties along the Silk Road to the World Heritage List. Although the network passed through China, Central/Western and South Asia and beyond, China is the only country that has placed its Silk Road section on the national ...
13 July 2006
Lunchtime meeting during 30th session of the World Heritage Committee Agenda Introduction and Background: Presentation by Ms Mechtild Rössler, World Heritage Centre Nordic and Baltic European Region:Presentation by Ms Kris Endresen, Nordic World Heritage Foundation Western European Region: Presentation by Mr Christopher Young, Rapporteur of Working Group Mediterranean European ...
8-16 July 2006
By the Decision 29 COM 20, adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 29th ordinary session (Durban, 2005), the 30th ordinary session of the World Heritage Committee will take place from 8 to 16 July 2006, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The current members of the World Heritage Committee are as follows: Benin, Canada, Chile, Cuba, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lithuania, Madagascar, ...
14-18 June 2006
The heritage of mankind is a product of human knowledge, human ingenuity and technical developments and can only be protected by further interaction of those forces - this is the main point to highlight in the symposium. Education, management training and participation of different target groups for a sustainable use of local, regional and international heritage should thus be discussed and ...
31 May 2006 - 3 June 2006
The aim of the conference is the consolidation and impact assessment of results achieved in EU research projects related to movable ad immovable cultural heritage. There will be a special focus on exploitation and spin-offs of cultural heritage research results and testing of the acceptability of new sustainability approaches and new technologies by the user community, SMEs, and owners, ...
31 May 2006 - 2 June 2006
A follow-up to the International Conference on Cultural Heritage Management and Urban Development, which was held in Beijing (China) in July 2000, this 2nd international conference will be aimed at increasing institutional understanding of tools for managing and developing cultural heritage.Through plenary and working group sessions (cultural management, tourism and heritage financing) the ...
29 May 2006 - 8 July 2006
The Regional Management Support Unit (RMSU) of the Euromed Heritage Programme is pleased to announce two new training sessions on "Project Design and EU Financial Resources", which will take place in Brussels (in French) from 29 May to 1st June 2006, and Venice (in English) from 5 to 8 July 2006. Each course includes 25 participants, selected among Euromed Heritage partners and new ...
22-25 May 2006
In 2006 the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation will celebrate its 30 th anniversary… After 30 years of multidisciplinary education, it is time to reflect on the past and the future of conservation philosophies and practices as they are conceived of in the Lemaire Centre’s program, through assessing what has been formulated, taught and disseminated by the RLICC and realized ...
15-19 May 2006
China has 31 World Heritage sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, and the volume of mass tourism in China has been a major challenge for site management.  This workshop will be the first of a series of training activities for tourism management in China. It will provide a broad overview of sustainable tourism issues and techniques, and will identify management needs and an action plan ...
13 May 2006
7th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar, 13th May 2006 Call for papersThe Cambridge Heritage Seminars bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning cultural heritage today. This year's seminar explores how the concept of cultural heritage has evolved in recent years. In particular, we aim to discuss the interconnectedness ...
11 May 2006 - 2 June 2006
The International Ranger Federation (IRF) and IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) call for nominations for the prestigious Young Conservationist Award.The award aims to recognize and raise awareness of the outstanding contributions made to the management of protected areas, and leadership shown, by young conservationists. It also seeks to encourage young professionals and help ...
7-11 May 2006
The representatives of 18 Caribbean States Parties will meet in Barbados to participate in a sub-regional conference on "Outstanding Universal Value, Authenticity & Integrity in a Caribbean Context". The concept of ‘outstanding universal value' is at the heart of the World Heritage Convention. The need to enhance understanding of this concept and explore ways in which it is ...
3-6 May 2006
The World Heritage Centre organized a thematic "First Expert Meeting on Rock Art in the Caribbean and the UNESCO World Heritage List, for a possible serial trans-national nomination to World Heritage status of Amerindian Rock Art" in Basse Terre, Guadeloupe (3-6 May 2006). This meeting followed the thematic "International Seminar to identify archaeological sites in the ...
1-3 May 2006
Within the framework of a technical cooperation between India and Israel, a workshop on the management of World Heritage sites and Jewish heritage in India was held from 1 to 3 May 2006 in Cochin, India, organized by the Archaeological Survey of India in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre under an earmarked contribution by the Government of Israel to the World Heritage Fund. The ...
27-29 April 2006
The 1st International Meeting on World Heritage of Portuguese Origin will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, from April 27th to 29th, 2006. The meeting is convened by the University of Coimbra, the Portuguese Institute for Architectural Heritage, and the Portuguese Commission for UNESCO, following a proposal made by the Portuguese National Committee for ICOMOS and supported by UNESCO's World ...
24-28 April 2006
Capacity building of cultural and natural heritage professionals from Niue, Samoa and Tonga with regard to the preparation of Tentative Lists and World Heritage nominations. Within the framework of the Action Plan for the implementation of the World Heritage - Pacific 2009 Programme, and with financial support from the Spanish Funds-in-Trust and Nordic World Heritage Foundation, a training ...
20 April 2006 - 20 May 2006
The Fundación Albatros Media is presenting an exhibition of 40 large-format photographs and videos called "Treasures of Coiba" from 20 April to 20 May 2006 at the Mall Multiplaza Pacífico in Panama. The goal of the exhibition is to raise awareness of risks to Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2005.The exhibition ...
19-22 April 2006
The 9th US/ICOMOS International Symposium will convene to look once again at the World Heritage Convention and its List as a rich source of models to improve the protection and management of the vast heritage of the United States, as well as to share with others some of our more recent national, state and local initiatives and approaches that may be applicable to World Heritage sites, with a ...
17-20 April 2006
This conference is organized in co-operation with ICOMOS International, with the support of World Monuments Fund and DOCOMOMO International, the Russian Academy for Architecture and Building Sciences, Russia's UNESCO Commission, Russia's Ministry for Culture and Mass Communications, the Union of Architects of Russia, the Moscow Union of Architects, the Moscow Committee on Architecture and ...
27-31 March 2006
Within the framework of the Action Plan for the implementation of the World Heritage - Pacific 2009 Programme, and with financial support from the Italian and Dutch Governments, a workshop will be held in the Solomon Islands in March 2006.The main objectives of the workshop are:to reassess the potential World Heritage value of the Marovo Lagoonto identify and discuss feasibility of other ...
22-25 March 2006
A special feature of this year's colloquium will be a day of Round Table discussions focused on practical problem-solving and the formulation of innovative approaches to public heritage. All interested colloquium participants, including archaeologists, historians, heritage administrators, cultural technologists, and specialists in cultural property law are invited to submit 250-500 word case ...
22 March 2006
The launch of the partnership between UNESCO's World Heritage Centre, Hewlett Packard and National Geographic Maps will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, at 11h00 in the 7th floor restaurant. The event will also celebrate the publication of the first World Heritage Map produced by the partnership, featuring the 812 World Heritage sites. Representatives of the three ...
20-24 March 2006
Within the context of the Action Plan for the implementation of the World Heritage - Pacific 2009 Programme, a World Heritage National Strategy Workshop will be held in Papua New Guinea in March 2006.Foreseen outcomes include:the preparation of a Tentative List of all potential World Heritage natural and cultural sites, serial and transboundary, cultural landscapes and seascapesthe ...
16-17 March 2006
The impacts of climate change are affecting many natural and cultural World Heritage properties, and are likely to affect many more in the years to come. Among the Natural Sites under stress, we find the Great Barrier Reef (Australia), the Kilimanjaro National Park (Tanzania) and many biosphere reserves such as the Cape Floral Region (South Africa). Cultural sites are also threatened by ...
13-14 March 2006
A working conference that will discuss current practices and future directions in which to expand and re-define the scope and nature of digital media in the service of representation, communication, and interpretation of cultural heritage. The University of Hong Kong and the Center for New Media at UC Berkeley are co-hosting the conference at the University of Hong Kong on the 13th & 14th ...
9-10 March 2006
Thanks to the continued support of the Nordic World Heritage Foundation and in collaboration with UNEP and IUCN, a meeting of key decisionmakers in natural World Heritage will take place in Nairobi, Kenya on 9-10 March 2006. Ten States Parties will be represented, including Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, ...
2-3 March 2006
The World Heritage Committee has decided to postpone, for one year, the beginning of the next cycle of Periodic Reporting: 2007 will be the Reflection Year.  It has become evident that there is a need to: study and reflect on the first cycle of Periodic Reporting; develop directive strategies with regard to the format of the aforesaid reports; and develop training priorities as regards ...
2-3 March 2006
Please note that the documents are only available in the language in which they have been presented during the meetingInvitation letter Provisional Agenda List of Participants Final report on the Berlin Meeting Presentation of the final results of the Berlin meeting and strengths and weaknesses of the Periodic Reporting process (Ms Rössler and Ms Lemaistre) Analysis, strengths and weaknesses ...
27 February 2006 - 3 March 2006
A training workshop will be held to train national authorities and IGO's and NGO's about recognizing and protecting marine World Heritage values in the Caribbean. Workshop objectives:Build awareness and capacity among national authorities as well as IGO's and NGO's about the use of the World Heritage Convention as a marine conservation tool in the Insular Caribbean. Provide overview about the ...
24-28 February 2006
A photographic exhibition showcasing Mexico's renowned World Heritage sites, as recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), opened with a reception on Friday, 24 February, at 6 p.m. in the North-East Gallery of the General Assembly Visitors' Lobby of the United Nations headquarters in New York.Shashi Tharoor, Under-Secretary-General for ...
19-23 February 2006
The central purpose of the Seminar is to draw up a proposal on standards for the planning of the public and tourist use of archaeological sites declared World Heritage, in line with the requirements fixed in the Convention's Operational Guidelines in February 2005. The meeting is to give thought to the need to take the text of the World Heritage Convention as the point of departure for a ...
10-12 February 2006
The focal points of the Mediterranean gathered in Rome to discuss items of Action Plan relevant to the conservation and management of world heritage sites in the region. Risk prevention, monitoring, harmonization of tentative lists and awareness raising were the amongst the main topics tackled during the meeting.
1 February 2006 - 1 March 2006
The International Committee for the History of Technology's 33rd Symposium in Leicester, UK, 15-20 August 2006'Transforming Economies and Civilizations: The Role of Technology' is the theme of ICOHTEC's 33rd Symposium. While open to all proposals, the program committee suggests the following themes to contributors:Energy, water, sanitary, and other utility systemsE-communication and media ...
31 January 2006
Documentation for Conservation and Development: New Heritage Strategies for the Future 11th INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR (11-16 September 2006) FORUM UNESCO - UNIVERSITY AND HERITAGE Currently, documentation is approached in a very linear fashion and in most situations uses only traditional methods of recording; deals solely with traditional heritage themes such as architecture and is devoid of any ...
30 January 2006 - 1 February 2006
The World Heritage Centre, in an effort to develop a more systematic approach to cooperation with our natural heritage conservation partners, and in order to explore closer collaboration on specific conservation matters, has called for a dedicated working meeting. The objective of the meeting is to build on the gains made from several years of cooperation between the WHC and international ...
30 January 2006
The Complex was inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2005 and a special ceremony will take place to mark this event. The Plantin-Moretus Museum is a printing plant and publishing house dating from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Situated in Antwerp, one of the three leading cities of early European printing along with Paris and Venice, it is associated with the history of the ...
26-27 January 2006
[in French only] La réunion porte sur la présentation de la problématique et des documents préparatoires tels que: - l'état de la question, la position du site dans le monde et dans la région et les priorités d'action; - la présentation des valeurs spirituelles de la vallée et la vision du Patriarcat Maronite (principal propriétaire); - l'étude établie par la mission japonaise (JICA) dans le ...
16-26 January 2006
Over the past two years the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO has defined a strategy that aims to encourage universities worldwide to develop World Heritage studies and curricula. In this framework, UNESCO WHC is associated with a three-year project, funded by the European Union and the Australian Government, starting in January 2006. This project entitled "Sharing Our Heritages" (SOH) consists ...
16-21 January 2006
The objective of this third sub-regional South-East Asian Teacher Training Workshop is to bring educators and heritage experts together in order to reinforce regional networks and promote innovative teaching methods and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Following on from the two previous workshops which took place in Sukhothai (Thailand) in 2000 and Vigan (Philippines) in 2001, the ...
9-15 January 2006
The purpose of the Workshop is to gather all stakeholders in the Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor World Heritage site and involve them in the process of site preservation and presentation. It is expected they will understand their responsibilities and play an active role in the process. The MP will give some practical solutions to existing problems of the Site.      During the ...
5-8 January 2006
The Archaeological Institute of America will hold its 107th Annual Meeting in Montréal, Québec, January 5-8, 2006. The AIA/APA Annual Meeting will be held at the Palais des Congres Convention center in the heart of Montreal. As part of this meeting, a Workshop on Statistical Indicators for Site Management and Conservation has been organised with participation from the World Heritage ...
1 January 2006 - 31 March 2006
The Euromed Heritage Journalistic Award is an international press competition dealing with the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The competition, organized by the European Commission is open to journalists from EU and Mediterranean partners.
31 December 2005
A grant of 7,000 Euros and the possibility of spending six months at the Marc de Montalembert Foundation in the old town of Rhodes is offered to a young Mediterranean for a project linked to the knowledge of the cultures of the Mediterranean region. The candidate’s research project will include a journey beyond the borders of his or her own country. Through this exposure to another country, ...
14-16 December 2005
This international seminar is held as a follow-up to the World Conference on Disaster Reduction held in January 2005 in Kobe, Japan. The seminar will aim at discussing regional cooperation and a possible seminar program in the Asia Pacific region. UNESCO's recent activities at World Heritage cultural sites and their future potential on an international level will also be discussed.
12-16 December 2005
The Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Malaysia and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre are jointly organizing a Regional Workshop as a follow-up to the 2003 Periodic Reporting exercise for North-East and South-East Asia, from 12 to 16 December 2005 in Malacca, Malaysia.Between 1997 and 2003, States Parties of the Asia and Pacific region, in collaboration with the World Heritage Centre ...
7 December 2005
At the current uncertain phase of the building of Europe which is marked by a growing gap between Europe’s citizens and Europe’s Institutions as well as by increasing misgivings of the public about the on-going enlargement of the European Union, the renewed debate on culture of Europe needs to be pursued with even more intensity and with the full involvement of all stakeholders. In this ...
7-9 December 2005
The Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan includes some of the most important examples of Gandharan art in the world, despite the Taliban’s destruction of its two monumental Buddhas in 2001. The Expert Working Group on the Preservation of the Bamiyan site was formed in 2002 within the framework of the coordination mandate for all cultural projects ...
5-8 December 2005
The objective of the workshop is to raise the awareness of the local people and local authorities on the outstanding universal value of the World Heritage site, the World Heritage Convention, and the existing protection framework (such as national laws and institutions) to strengthen the protection and management framework of the World Heritage site. There will be two parts to the workshop: ...
4-7 December 2005
The World Heritage Centre will organize a regional consultative meeting with the Arab States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, to be held in the United Arab Emirates from 4 to 7 December 2005, in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority. Representatives of the Arab States Parties will be invited to discuss the terms of implementation of the Regional Programme approved by the ...
28 November 2005 - 2 December 2005
Space experts and experts in conservation representing more than 30 countries will be  united at an International Conference on the Use of Space Technologies for the Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage to be held in Campeche, Mexico from 28 November to 2 December 2005.Approximately 100 experts who work in the conservation of UNESCO World Heritage sites will attend the Conference. ...
25-26 November 2005
One year after the inauguration of the Old Bridge of Mostar, ten Culture Ministers from South East Europe will meet on the Venetian island of San Servolo on November 25 to 26 to discuss the issue of cultural heritage as an instrument for reconciliation and for economic and social development. Branko Crvenkovski, the President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will also attend the ...
25-27 November 2005
This conference is organized by UNECSO Moscow Office, Russian Federation Ministry of Culture and Mass Communication, State University – Higher School of Economics in collaboration with Moscow Kremlin Museums, Russian Federation Agency for Tourism and Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS countries within the framework of international programs and projects of the UNESCO for Heritage Safeguarding ...
22 November 2005 - 2 December 2005
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre has initiated with Ecotourism Australia a new cooperation programme: World Heritage Mentoring Programme. This programme is intended to educate the professionals and World Heritage site managers about successful tourism and environmental management of Australian World Heritage sites. The programme aims to provide the participants from developing countries an ...
18-19 November 2005
A conference organized by the University of Naples Federico II in collaboration with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.It will be divided in 3 sections: the first chaired by Francesco Bandarin, Director of UNESCO's World Heritage Centre, on "Modern Architecture in the UNESCO World Heritage List"; the second, chaired by Prof. Giorgio Ciucci on "Fascist architecture in the 30's" and the third, ...
17 November 2005
On the occasion of its 60th anniversary, UNESCO is hosting, from 16th to 18th November 2005, an international symposium on the Organization’s history, which will take place at its Headquarters in Paris. Round Table 6, “Discovering the Heritage of Humanity” will take place on 17 November from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Room IV, and will be open to the public.The programme:Chair:Christina Cameron, ...
14 November 2005 - 16 December 2005
The World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Kenyan National Commission for UNESCO and thanks to the Italian Funds in Trust, is pleased to announce the opening of the anglophone session of the African Regional Programme for Capacity Building and Sustainable Development of Natural World Heritage Sites in Africa in Nanyuki, Mount Kenya. This interdisciplinary seminar will provide site ...
10-11 November 2005
This 8th Tourism Forum, held in the World Heritage Site “Historical Centre of Salzburg”, brings together experts in the fields of preservation of historical monuments, tourism and tourism planning, scholars from various disciplines as well as the World Heritage management.It will be their task to analyse the situation, present experience gained in the utilization of World Heritage sites for ...
10-11 November 2005
Please note that the documents are only available in the language in which they have been presented during the meetingAgenda List of participants Presentation by Ms. M. Rossler (Introduction) Presentation by Ms. A. Lemaistre (Data Management) Presentation by Mr. K. Hendili (Arab States) Presentation by Mr. L. Eloundou-Assomo (Africa) Presentation by Ms. J. Taniguchi (Asia-Pacific) ...
8-18 November 2005
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre has the honor to invite you to the inauguration of the exhibition “A plastic view of the Chinchorro Culture’s Mummies 7000 years back” by the artist Paula Rivera del Sol which will be held on Tuesday 8th November 2005 at 18.30 at UNESCO’s headquarters, Room Miró (Ground Floor).The inauguration will count with the presence of His Excellency Mr. Ambassador of ...
8-13 November 2005
This congress is organized by the European Ecological Federation (EEF), the Turkish Ecological Society and the Ege University Centre for Environmental Studies.EEF is working to: i) promote the development of the science of ecology, ii) evaluate and disseminate information about ecology, and iii) apply ecological principles to global needs, particularly through its congresses and workshops. ...
8-9 November 2005
Meeting on "World Heritage Periodic Reporting in Europe: Towards an Action Plan"
7-14 November 2005
[in French only] L’UNESCO accueille du 7 au 14 novembre 2005, une exposition de photographies consacrées à la restauration du Monastère de Probota, l’une des plus anciennes des sept églises de Moldavie à peinture extérieure, partie intégrante du site roumain « Les Eglises de Moldavie » inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial depuis 1993. Cette manifestation, réalisée par le Ministère de la ...
7 November 2005 - 11 December 2005
This workshop will include, amongst other activities: interactive panels, discussion sessions and a visit to the Coffee Plantation of the Southeast of Cuba which is a World Heritage Site.The workshop’s approach to the sub-region’s cultural landscapes will focus on the complexities of the Caribbean’s multi-cultural diversity and its current social, economic and climatic challenges. It will ...
7-11 November 2005
Regional workshop on the World Heritage Convention and the Conservation of African cultural landscapes.
17-21 October 2005
'Monuments and sites in their setting - Conserving cultural heritage in changing towns and landscapes'Moveable objects such as collections or archives can be conserved in special institutions that provide them with appropriately controlled environments. This option does not exist for historic buildings, ancient cities, gardens, archaeological sites or larger ensembles like landscapes or ...
3-7 October 2005
Virtual Reality at Work in the 21st Century: 11th Intl. Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia. This year marks the return of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia to Europe. VSMM2005 continues to push the boundaries of Virtual Reality and Multimedia research by focusing on the impact on society. Virtual Reality is no longer considered novelty or a wonder — ...
30 September 2005
Dr Graham Watkins, Executive Director of the Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador, will give a lecture at UNESCO on Friday, 30 September 2005, Bonvin Building, Room XIV, at 15h00. The full title of the lecture is: "The Charles Darwin Research Station in Galapagos: Analysis of the Situation and Perception on Recent Changes in Galapagos, New Directions for the Charles ...
26 September 2005
The Council of Europe is organising, in co-operation with the authorities of the Russian Federation an International CEMAT Seminar on “Networking for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent” within the framework of the activities of the European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional/Spatial Planning of the member states of the Council of Europe – CEMAT-CoE.For ...
21-24 September 2005
EUROPARC is the umbrella organization of Europe’s protected areas.  It unites national and regional parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves in 38 countries, with the common aim of protecting Europe’s unique variety of wildlife, habitats and landscapes.This year’s conference is part of the European Nature Conference 2005, and is jointly organized with Eurosite, the European Centre for ...
15-16 September 2005
This is a launch symposium of a three-year European project called INHERIT which is led by the European Association of Historic Towns and Regions.  The overall objective of the project is to increase the capacity of cities to regenerate physically, economically and socially, through realizing the potential of investing in heritage. The Symposium will highlight how heritage is being used to ...
12-18 September 2005
The 4th European Conference’s main objectives are to bring researchers and practitioners together to exchange knowledge and experience.  The practice of ecological restoration, which requires the integration of so many different aspects and perspectives, will also be examined as a tool for promoting an environmentally friendly socio-economic development and contributing to the creation of a ...
7 September 2005
The Director-General of UNESCO will present the Melina Mercouri Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes (UNESCO-Greece) to the historic village of Maymand (Islamic Republic of Iran)The ceremony will be held in the presence of  Mr Petros Tatoulis, Deputy Minister of Culture of Greece, H.E. Ambassador George Anastossopoulos, Alternative Minister of Culture of Greece and ...
6-8 September 2005
Within the HERMES Project, this is the second of four symposiums to be held and sixteen partners from eight countries will join forces in order to promote processes of regional development. This is to be achieved by means of innovative interactions between cultural heritage and New Media. HERMES’s budget totals 2 million Euros for a period of three years (2003-2006).  The project is ...
5-8 September 2005
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the UNESCO Apia Cluster Office in Samoa, Department of Conservation in New Zealand, and Vanuatu Cultural Centre in Vanuatu, and with financial support from the Nordic World Heritage Foundation, will organize a regional workshop on potential themes for serial and transboundary cultural World Heritage sites in the Pacific at Port Vila, ...
5-8 September 2005
The regional workshop has been proposed within the framework of the Action Plan for the implementation of the World Heritage – Pacific 2009 Programme.  Furthermore, the proposed workshop in Vanuatu is in line with the World Heritage Global Strategy for a balanced, representative and credible World Heritage List.  This  workshop has been organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in ...
2-4 September 2005
This conference, which is organized by the Landscape Conservation & Change at the Architectural Association and the Historic Royal Palaces Trust, will look at gardens as national monuments and the philosophical arguments and technical skills deployed in recent and current garden restoration. The conference will provide curators of palace gardens, conservation specialists and consultants and ...
22-24 August 2005
Main Focus : The process of creating virtual environments from multiple data sources. Topics include, but not limited to: Image-based 3D modeling of complex sites and architectures Laser scanning of large and complex objects. Data registration and integration. Automated modeling techniques for complex sites and architectures. Accuracy requirement and assessment for 3D reconstruction. ...
18-20 August 2005
Eritrea ratified the World Heritage Convention in 2001, but does not yet have a site inscribed on the List, or a complete Tentative List of sites.The workshop will raise awareness of problems that can arise in the application of the Convention and encourage an active commitment on behalf of the country among national administrators, politicians, future managers of World Heritage sites, and ...
28-31 July 2005
This workshop will gather teachers and students from ASPnet schools in countries participating in the Great Volga River Route Intersectoral Project with the aim to develop their awareness and knowledge about World Heritage, Sustainable Development and preservation of the Environment; enable teachers to develop and implement an approach to teaching World Heritage and Sustainable Development; ...
16 July 2005
On the occasion of the first meeting of the World Heritage Committee in sub-Saharan Africa, a full day of special presentations is being devoted to World Heritage in Africa. The presentations included herein showcase concrete examples of projects and partnerships developed to address the recommendations of the Africa Periodic Reporting Exercise. Partners for ...
14 July 2005
Agenda Introduction and Background:          Presentation by Ms Mechtild Rössler, World Heritage Centre Nordic and Baltic European Region:Presentation by  Kris Endresen, Nordic World Heritage Foundation Western European Region: Presentation by Mr Christopher Young, Rapporteur of Working Group Mediterranean European Region: Presentation by Mr Manuel GuidoCentral and South Eastern European ...
11 July 2005
Sir Peter Crane, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, will evoke the botanic activities in relation to UNESCO's programmes relating to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, are a historic landscape garden which features elements that illustrate significant periods of the art of gardens from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The gardens ...
7-8 July 2005
Organised by the European Commission's EPOCH Network of Excellence and the University of Brighton, Heritage Impact 2005 is an opportunity for practitioners in the heritage field, policy makers and academics to share the latest thinking on research direction and to consider strategies for improving and evaluating socio-economic impact in the cultural heritage sector.
26-28 June 2005
The first of four HERMES symposiums will be held in the newly restored Wieland estate in Ossmanstedt near Weimar. The event will bring together 20-25 experts from various countries and professional backgrounds. Within the HERMES Project, sixteen partners from eight countries join forces in order to promote processes of regional development. This is to be achieved by means of innovative ...
26-29 June 2005
The opening sentence of Geoffrey and Susan Jellicoe’s book ‘The Landscape of Man’, published in 1975, reads: “The world is moving into a phase when landscape design may well be recognized as the most comprehensive of the arts.” The 42nd IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress will explore past examples and future forecasts of how this may come to pass worldwide. ...
23 June 2005
The proceedings of the Seventh Conference of DOCOMOMO, held at UNESCO from the 16th-19th of June 2002, will be presented to the press on the 23rd of June 2005 at 11:00 in Room 16 at UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75015 Paris. The Seventh DOCOMOMO Conference was organized by DOCOMOMO France and the Institut français d’architecture in partnership with the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO. It was ...
22-23 June 2005
This Meeting is the follow-up of the First Session which took place on 24 and 25 May 2004. The aim of the Meeting will be (i) to review the implementation of the recommendations of the First Session; (ii) to share information among participants on bilateral actions by countries, international non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental agencies; (iii) to assess the implementation of ...
17 June 2005 - 11 September 2005
Under the auspices of UNESCO, this exhibit presents for the first time in Europe 73 aquatints of the 18th century, with their mirror reflection of 73 contemporary photographs. The India of palaces, towns, fortresses, landscapes and places of worship: the same sites from the same point of view, demonstrating what has or has not changed over 200 years. The passage from the  Ganges Valley to the ...
14 June 2005
Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura awarded diplomas and medals to colleagues who had completed 25 and 30 years of service to UNESCO at a June 14 ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. 29 individuals joined UNESCO or the UN in 1975, including Mrs Marielle Richon and Mrs Silvia Simmonds of the World Heritage Centre. 62 individuals joined UNESCO or the UN in 1980, including Mrs ...
13-15 June 2005
The Seminar is organized by the Swedish Authorities under the auspices of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Experts Network for Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management and the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE). In recent years, countries in the European region and elsewhere have paid more and more attention to the cultural heritage values in their forests. ...
9-12 June 2005
Teachers and students from ASPnet schools in some 16 countries participating in the Great Volga River Route Crosscutting Project will attend this Youth Forum. The aim of the Forum is to: help them develop their awareness and knowledge about World Heritage, Sustainable Development and their cultural implications; enable teachers to develop and implement an intercultural approach of World ...
9-12 June 2005
The Forum is organized by the Ministry of Education of Finland, the Ministry of Environment of Finland and the National Board of Antiquities of Finland in cooperation with the Monitoring Group on Cultural Heritage Co-operation in the Baltic Sea States, Working Groups on Sustainable Historic Towns and Building Preservation and Maintenance in Practice. The purpose of the Forum is to identify ...
8-9 June 2005
This Conference offers an opportunity to show how cultural and heritage assets can be used to regenerate historic towns and cities. In Gateshead and Newcastle, the assets of the past and the aspirations of the present have contributed to remarkable changes in the fortunes of the two places. The restoration and re-use of historic buildings, the creation of a new iconic building, the ...
4-8 June 2005
The 2005 Conference explores how heritage development compares with economic development by creating an interactive forum on best practices, public-private partnerships, and new heritage tools. The Conference’s programme will demonstrate how individuals can work together with public officials, developers and institutions to create sustainable economic futures which have their roots in ...
30 May 2005 - 2 June 2005
This International Symposium is an activity of the World EXPO 2005 to take place from 25 March-25 September in Aichi, Japan. It aims to highlight the interrelationship between the natural and cultural diversity of our planet. Bringing culture and nature closer together in a comprehensive approach, the symposium will present case studies on sacred natural sites and associative cultural ...
30 May 2005 - 3 June 2005
A training workshop organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre on the preparation of nominations of cultural properties to the World Heritage List will be held from 30 May to 3 June 2005, at the School of African Heritage in Porto-Novo, Benin. Financed by the Italian and Dutch Funds-in-Trust, and the Africa 2009 Programme, the project falls within the framework of the Periodic Reporting ...
23-31 May 2005
An intensive workshop on World Heritage will be held for French-speaking journalists at Laval University, Quebec from May 23-31, 2005. The program will enable journalists to better understand the concepts and terminology related to World Heritage preservation, in order to better communicate the concept of universal value.
20-21 May 2005
The regional Forum entitled “Cultural Corridors in South-East Europe: Common Past and Shared Heritage - A Key to Future Partnership” will be held on 20 and 21 May in Varna (Bulgaria) in particular to encourage Heads of State of South-East Europe to promote this sub-region as a potential ground for meeting, recognition and peace with culture very much to the fore. The Forum will take the form ...
12-14 May 2005
Managing the Historic Urban Landscape The UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the City of Vienna are pleased to announce this international conference, co-organized by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, which will take place in the Vienna City Hall from 12 to 14 May 2005. About 200 historic cities and urban ...
10-11 May 2005
This is the first conference of all site managers of World Heritage properties in Austria, which takes place in Rust in the transboundary World Heritage site of the Neusiedlersee (Austria/Hungary). It is organized jointly by the Association World Heritage Neusiedlersee and the Austrian National Commission for UNESCO with the participation of the World Heritage Centre and will focus on the ...
5-8 May 2005
‘Heritage Interpretation: Expressing Heritage Sites’ Values to Foster Conservation, Promote Community Development, and Educate the Public’ Members of ICOMOS have been asked to review and comment on the Ename Charter, a draft doctrinal document being proposed for approval by the ICOMOS membership at the next General Assembly in China. Discussions will include a complex reflection of cultural ...
4-7 May 2005
The 21st century requires a rethinking of human needs and values. They are not only tangible, but also intangible, and the immaterial comfort of the peoples' well being becomes more and more essential. The desire to conserve the cultural identity and to preserve cultural landscapes competes with the classical tendency of progress. In our days it should be understood as an approach within a ...
18-21 April 2005
In 2004 a three-year series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites was launched with a view to better utilizing the UNESCO Convention on the World’s natural and cultural heritage through national policy-making and planning, and the exchange of information on best practices and case studies. The second training workshop in the UNITAR series will build on the findings ...