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Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period: Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe-Kyaung (Mandalay)

Date de soumission : 04/10/1996
Critères: (i)(iv)(v)(vi)
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
Department of Archaeology
Coordonnées Ohn D.:21°36' N / 94°53' E - Sale:20°50' N/94°44'E Pak.yi: 21°32'N / 95°13'E -Pak.ge: 21°32'N/95°15E Leg.: 20°19'N / 94°44'E - Sagu: 20°13'N/ 94°46' E Shwe K.: 22°00' N / 96°07' E
Ref.: 821

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Large timber monasteries, mostly built during the 18th and 19th centuries AD, on a similar linear plan. Four main timber structures are usually aligned on a large wooden platform on posts, providing spaces for cult, assemblies and accomodation for the monks: from east to west, the shrine, the prayer hall, the main teaching hall and an ancillary building. Above the shrine, the major landmark is a tall tiered tower (pyathat). Access from three or four sides by brick stairways. The whole monastery is profusely decorated by extensive woodcarving, depicting all aspects of the daily life in Myanmar. several of these monasteries contain rich collections of manuscripts, paintings, sculptures and metalware. Ohn Don, the oldest surviving example built in 1742 AD, is particularly noticeable by its gilded and laquer inner decoation. The largest of these monasteries, Pakhannge, built in 1856, measures 76 by 45m and is supported by 332 teak columns. The best preserved example with outstanding woodcarving is Sale, which is now used as a museum.