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Minaret in Vobkent

Date de soumission : 18/01/2008
Critères: (i)(ii)(iii)
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO
État, province ou région :
Bukhara Region
Coordonnées n40 04 E64 30
Ref.: 5312

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The minaret represents columnar shaped tower. The height of the minaret from the bottom of the socle up to the top of the basic column is equal to 40,3 m. The height of 12-cut socle is 2,3 m. Diameter of the basis of the trunk is 6,19 m. Diameter of the top of a trunk (under the lantern) is 2,81 m, diameter of the lantern 3,66 m, diameter of the basic column is 1,05 m. The trunk of the minaret has an entasis.

The minaret in Vobkent (1196-1197), is similar to the minaret of Kalyan in Bukhara and differs from it with decoration. The zones and edges are sharply dismembered. Here zones of type «maudj» are clearly readable. All of the laying like «maudj» - from pair bricks flat wise, with vertical inserts of the unique paintings. First three strips from below are divided only smooth hem from brick into the edge. Then wide foreparts alternate with narrow paths. The fourth strip contains the historical inscription from which it was established that the minaret is constructed in 593. (1196-1197).

The name of the builder is completely specified in the bottom fillet of the inscription. It says: minaret has constructed by the son of Sadr Burhaniddin Muhammad Bukhara Sadr Burkhaniddin Abdalaziz II, son of Sadr Hasanaddin Omar, the son of the founder of Sadr dynasty. The fifth path represents the abstract stylization «under kufi», the sixth - decorative lattice, the seventh - the prayerful formula, three followings - again lattice. Under the lantern eight-final rectangular stars with inserts from glazed brick, accented from below by the band of pattern «under kufi» are arranged. The third relief inscription from the plates with the handwriting inscription «divoni» is above it. It contains the date of the complement of construction 1198-1199. On the socle, on the parapets and above are continuous laying and groove of openwork painting.

Déclarations d’authenticité et/ou d’intégrité

The minaret has the exact date, and almost completely preserved. It is very important for studying genesis and development of the Central Asian minarets.

Building methods and architectural furniture in synthesis with its proportions put it in the line of the outstanding monuments of culture. Its location in ancient Vobkent, being the large center in the Great Silk Road, makes it very outstanding.
