Bahoutdin Architectural Complex
National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO
Bukhara Region
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Sheikh Bohoutdin was the great representative of clergy from Nakshbandiy order, was considered as the spiritual patron of Bukhara governors, and died in 1389. That is why his necropolis, which has erected subsequently at his tomb, always was and remains the most esteemed in Uzbekistan and, at present, in the other countries, which practice Islam. Ancient toponymy of this settlement is known under the name Kasri Arifon.
The architectural complex consists of several nonsimultaneous constructions.
1. The most ancient is dahma (gravestone) of Bohoutdin Nakshabandy, reveted by marble blocks and enclosed above an openwork marble lattice. The tomb of Bohoutdin is located on the top platform with the marble gravestone and stele. Small khauz (basin) settles down at the north, as reveted by the marble as well.
2. The following site of the complex is Saho-khona, representing quadrangular pavilion of the type of rotunda. A construction of four-arch, flanked on the corners of minaret shaped turrets, which are completed by small domes.
3. At the complex, there is a mosque called Khakim Kushbegi, with the flat trabeation, supported by the two columns and forming six painted plafonds. From the south to it adjoins ayvan with five columns and the same amount of painted plafonds. From the northern part is located another ayvan, also with five wooden columns, beam ceiling and vassa.
4. The mosque of Muzaffarkhan also a component of the complex has bricked walls. Flat beam ceiling supported by the wooden columns and ayvan on the four columns with five various painted plafonds.
5. From the northern part of the mosque, the small minaret constructed from the backed brick with lantern from eight arches towers.
6. Small madrasah belongs to the complex as well.
7. Abdul-Lazizkhan khonaqo is located in the northwest part of the courtyard. The composition of khonaqo has constructed in classical method on the square plan. The entrance into the complex was from two gates, named as Toki-mionka, in the form of the small arched-dome construction and Khodja Dilyavar gate. In front of the main khonaqo facade is located the necropolis - Dahman-Shahon (a cemetery of governors). It represents 6 rectangular sufa in height of up to 2,5 m with the reveted walls from marble blocks. Besides of that, there are 2 wells and 2 khauz (basins).
Déclarations d’authenticité et/ou d’intégrité
The Complex is a historical source, with an interesting architecturally spatial composition of the courtyard with accommodation of the whole complex of occurring at different time's constructions.
Comparaison avec d’autres biens similaires
A principle of decoration of dahma (mausoleum), ayvans for praying - khazir, widespread on the Near and Middle East, for example, in Samarkand - dahma Sheybanids and Complex of Khodja Ahror Vali, Kasim Sheikh ensemble in Navoi.