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The Cuenca Mirador

Date de soumission : 23/09/2002
Catégorie : Mixte
Soumis par :
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Coordonnées Located to the North of the Department of Petén, Guatemala. In the Vertex that forms the frontier with Mexico and Belize. It is part of the Mayan Biosphere Reservation.
Ref.: 1753

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Some of the cities that form this route, present very old dates about that 1000 A.C goes back a year. The cities are composed by several architectural groups that communicate by roadways that were used like roads that also were connected in to complex net among the cities of Nakbé, The Mirador and Wakná. Another special characteristic of the buildings is the use of stuccoed mascarones and associate stelaes, as well as the use of big fortifications. Rich tombs of important characters exist with paintings murals and hieroglyphic inscriptions.
