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Periodic Reproting LAC: 2nd Cycle

26-28 novembre 2009
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The Buenos Aires meeting was the first meeting organized and 46 representatives from 24 countries in the Region took part, in addition to the Advisory Bodies. For three days, focal points of the LAC regions were informed of the process leading to the preparation of the Retrospective Inventory, the Retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value and the Periodic Reporting process. The calendar of activities for the Region was approved during the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, the five working groups presented a draft of the Retrospective Statement of Outstanding Universal Value of the case studies proposed: Saltpeter of Humberstone and Santa Laura (Chile), City of Quito (Ecuador), Iguazu National Park (fictitious case, including both the National Parks of Iguazú and Iguaçu in Argentina and Brazil as a transboundary property), Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (Peru), and Talamanca Range Reserves-La Amistad /La Amistad National Park (Costa Rica and Panama).

Activités 1
Nuria Sanz
États parties 1
Mots clefs (texte)

Periodic Reporting, LAC, Latin America


jeudi 26 novembre 2009
samedi 28 novembre 2009

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Buenos Aires, Argentina