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356 Décisions
11 Résolutions
Thème : Méthodes et outils de travail close
Par année
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee adopted the procedure proposed by the Secretariat subject to amendments to stage A on the source of information on the deterioration of a property and subject to reference to cases where the necessary corrective measures for threatened natural sites have not been duly taken (see paragraph 40 below). It was decided to incorporate this procedure in the "Operational Guidelines". The full text of the procedure is to be found in Annex II to this report.
[Uniquement en anglais] On the publication of the World Heritage List, the Committee decided: (a) to retard the publication of the List in order to include the properties placed thereon at its third session; (b) that the List of World Heritage in Danger and the List of properties for which international assistance has bean granted would be published as appendices of the List; (c) that the list of properties for which international assistance has been granted would include reference to properties for which technical assistance has been granted but would make no mention of preparatory ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The proposal from Upsala Ekeby to produce glass and silverware gave rise to considerable discussion, since it raised the principle of using tho World Heritage Emblem and depictions of World Heritage Sites for commercial purposes. There was some reticence among members of the Committee to authorize any commercial company to use the Emblem or pictures of the sites for such purposes. On the other hand the Committee underlined the need to create a world-wide interest in the Convention and recognized the importance of publicity. The Committee therefore decided: (a) ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The question was raised as to whether the Committee would authorize States Parties to the Convention to produce material bearing the Emblem such as postage stamps and postcards for publicity purposes and for raising financial contributions to the Fund. The Committee was of the opinion that States Parties were free to use the Emblem for such purposes, and could make additional voluntary contributions to the Fund by this means.
8. L’ordre du jour de la session a été adopté sans amendement. Les travaux de l’Assemblée ont été accomplis lors d’une seule séance.
La quatrième session du Comité du patrimoine mondial s'est tenue à Paris, France, du 1er au 5 septembre 1980 à l'aimable invitation du gouvernement français.  Les États membres du Comité dont la liste suit étaient présents à la réunion: Algérie, Argentina, Australie, Bulgaria, Equateur, Egypte, France, Ghana, Iraq, Italy, Népal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Sénégal, Soudan, Suisse, Tunisie, États-Unis d’Amérique and Yougoslavie. Des représentants du Conseil international des monuments et des sites (ICOMOS) et de l'Union international pour la conservation de la ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Representatives of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.
[Uniquement en anglais] Observers from thirteen States Parties to the Convention which were not members of the Committee, namely Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Federal Republic of Germany, Haiti, Honduras, Jordan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Zaire also attended the session, as well as an observer from one other international organization: the Arab, Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization. The full list of participants will be found in Annex I to this report.
Le président, le Dr Shehata Adam, a déclaré la session ouverte ; il a ensuite souhaité la bienvenue aux participants et remercie le gouvernement français d'avoir aimablemet invité le Comité du patrimoine mondial  à tenir sa quatrième session à l'Hôtel de Sully. M. Jean-Pierre Bady, directeur de la Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites, a prononcé une allocution de bienvenue dans laquelle il a brièvement évoqué l'historique de l'Hôtel de Bethune Sully.  M. Michel Batisse, Sous-Directeur général adjoint  des sciences, a pononcé ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 5. Dr. Shehata Adam brought to the attention of the Committee the text of a letter from the Government of Jordan regarding the nomination to the World Heritage List of the "Old City Jerusalem and its walls" and suggested the matter be taken up under Item 4 of the proposed agenda.6.  The delegate from the United States of America suggested that a working group on the balance between cultural and natural sites be established and the exanimation of the Report of the Rapporteur on the 4th session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee (19-22 May1980) was ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 8. Mr. M. Parent was elected as Chairman of the Committee by accla- mation. The Committee then elected by acclamation the following representatives of States Members of the Committee as Vice-Chairmen : H. Exe. Prof. R.O. Slatyer (Australia), Mr. J. Adusei (Ghana), Mrs. R. Torres de Arauz (Panama), Mr. D. Hales (United States of America), Dr. M. Prelog (Yugoslavia) and Mr. A. Beschaouch (Tunisia) as Rapporteur. Dr. S. Adam (Egypt), the former Chairman of the Committee, was invited to participate in the work of the Bureau. 9. Mr. M. Parent, in his capacity as ...
[Uniquement en anglais] 30. The Secretariat informed the Committee that it had carefully explored the various means available to protect the emblem and the name of the World Heritage Fund. 31. Possibilities for such protection exist in a number of countries within the framework of the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention and national legislation. In noting this report the Committee decided to include in the operational guidelines the following recommendation : Nations party to the Convention should take all possible measures to prevent the use of the emblem of the ...
La cinquième session du Comité du patrimoine mondial s'est tenue à Sydney, Australie du 26 au 30 octobre 1981, à l'aimable invitation du gouvernement australien.  Les États membres du Comité dont la liste suit étaient présents à la réunion: République fédérale d'Allemagne, Argentine, Australie, Brésil,  Bulgarie, Chypre, Egypte, États-Unis d'Amérique, France, Guinée, Irak, Italie, Jordanie, Jamahiriya arabe libyenne, Népal  Pakistan, Suisse et Tunisie.
[Uniquement en anglais] Representatives of the International Centre for Conservation in Rome (ICCROM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) attended the meeting in an advisory capacity.
[Uniquement en anglais] Observers from seven States Parties to the Convention not members of the Committee, namely Canada, Chile, India, Iran, Malta, Poland and Portugal also participated in the session, as well as observers from one intergovernmental organization, the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO) and two international non-governmental organizations, the International Council of Museums (ICOM); and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA). The full list of participants will be found in Annex I to this report
[Uniquement en anglais] The meeting was formally opened by the Prime Minister of Australia, The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser, who welcomed delegates and observers to his country. The Prime Minister referred to the concept of a World Heritage as a profound expression of co-operation between people and a willingness to share, and stated that the World Heritage Convention was an important milestone in the modern history of man's concern, not only for his environment, but also for his cultural roots and origins. The Prime Minister also spoke of the first nominations by Australia for the World ...
[Uniquement en anglais]  In reply, the representative of the Director-General of Unesco, Mr. G. Bolla, thanked the Prime Minister for his welcome and expressed the profound gratitude of the participants for the kind invitation to hold the meeting in Sydney and for the generous hospitality of the Australian people. He also recalled the concern of Mr. Amadou Mahtar M'Bow, Director- General of Unesco, for the conservation of the cultural and the natural heritage and expressed the Director-General's appreciation for the active participation of Australia in all the activities of ...
[Uniquement en anglais] Professor R. O. Slatyer (Australia) was elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation and he delivered a brief address.
[Uniquement en anglais] The Committee thereafter elected by acclamation the delegates of the following States members of the Committee as Vice-Chairmen: the Federal Republic of Germany, Brazil, Bulgaria, Guinea and Nepal. Mr Azedine Beschaouch (Tunisia) was re-elected Rapporteur by acclamation.
[Uniquement en anglais] On the question of evaluation and protection, the Committee decided : to encourage ICOMOS and IUCN to be as strict as possible in their evaluations and to request the Secretariat to support the NGOs to this end ; to encourage informal discussions between the State Party, the Secretariat and the NGO to advise the State Party on a nomination wherever it seems useful ; to request the Secretariat to distribute as soon as possible after the Bureau Meeting the statement of justification on each property recommended for inclusion on the World Heritage List ; to ...