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Launch of ICOMOS-ICORP website

vendredi 17 août 2012
access_time Lecture 0 min.
http://icorp.icomos.org (17/08/2012) © icorp.icomos.org | icorp.icomos.org

ICOMOS-ICORP recently launched its new website and Facebook pageICOMOS- ICORP is the International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness of the International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS; an International NGO dedicated towards the protection and management of cultural heritage.

The goals of the International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness are to enhance the state of preparedness within the heritage institutions and professions in relation to disasters of natural or human origin, and to promote better integration of the protection of heritage structures, sites or areas into national, local as well as international disaster management, including mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery activities. Through the sharing of experience and the development of a professional network, the Committee aims to stimulate and support activities by ICOMOS National and International committees for enhancing disaster risk management of cultural heritage. ICORP also supports ICOMOS in its role as the founding partner of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS).
