L'viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre
Factors affecting the property in 2009*
- Housing
- Management systems/ management plan
- Solid waste
Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports
a) New constructions within the historic centre
b) Lack of valid detailed planning documents
c) Inadequate infrastructure including the sewage system
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2009
Total amount approved : 0 USD
Missions to the property until 2009**
2004: ICOMOS-German World Heritage Foundation mission;
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2009
The World Heritage Committee at its 31st session (Decision 31 COM 7B.120, Christchurch, 2007) urged the State Party to complete the revision of the Master Plan for the World Heritage property. The World Heritage Committee requested the State Party to submit the topographic maps indicating the exact boundaries of the World Heritage property and its buffer zone as inscribed on the World Heritage List, as well as also requested the State Party to provide the World Heritage Centre with an updated report by 1 February 2009 for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 33rd session in 2009.
The World Heritage Committee also noted the State Party’s proposal to create a Training Centre on the protection, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and encouraged the authorities to cooperate with ICCROM in this regard taking into account the Global Training Strategy.
The World Heritage Committee at its 32nd session (Decision 32 COM 8B.69, Quebec City, 2008) also examined and approved the minor modification to the boundary of the buffer zone of L'viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre, Ukraine. The World Heritage Committee requested the State Party to provide, as soon as possible, details of the overall area of the adjusted buffer zone.
The World Heritage Centre transmitted to the State Party the World Heritage Committee’s Decision 31 COM 7B.120 on 27 August 2007 and Decision32 COM 8B.69 on 8 October 2008. Further communications took place in January and March 2009 in an effort to stress the urgency of responding to the World Heritage Committee’s request.
No detailed state of conservation report has been received from the State Party. However, the World Heritage Centre received from the Ukrainian authorities on 6 January 2009, a document entitled “Historical city building argumentation for property development in L’viv”, and on 26 February 2009, the following documents: a) a map of the boundaries of the historic area of the City of L’viv; b) a catalogue “Rescued Heritage” concerning the historic Centre of L’viv; c) a list of potential major new constructions that may be envisaged within the boundaries of this World Heritage property in 2010-2012; d) information on a project for the restoration of the lost historical urban fabric in L’viv and its re-use as a tourist complex. In addition, the State Party provided on 7 April 2009 documents and maps concerning the Hotel Complex Project within the boundaries of the World Heritage property.
In the absence of the detailed state of conservation report from the State Party, the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS are seriously concerned about numerous construction or restoration projects within the World Heritage property and its buffer zone which could affect the Outstanding Universal Value and integrity of the property. Taking into account the high number of development projects within the World Heritage property and its buffer zone, there is a need to ensure adequate review and environmental and cultural impact assessments for these proposals.
Summary of the interventions
Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2009
33 COM 7B.126
L’viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre (Ukraine) (C 865)
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/7B.Add,
2. Recalling Decision 31 COM 7B.120, adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007),
3. Expresses its concern about numerous construction projects within the World Heritage property and its buffer zone which could affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
4. Urges the State Party to complete the revision of the Master Plan for the World Heritage property;
5. Requests the State Party to invite a joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission to assess the state of conservation of the property and the issues identified in Decision 31 COM 7B.120, adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007);
6. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2010, a detailed state of conservation report of this World Heritage property including the detailed existing projects and description of any intention to undertake or to authorize major restoration or new construction projects which may affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 34th session in 2010.
Draft Decision: 33 COM 7B.126
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/7B.Add,
2. Recalling Decision 31 COM 7B.120, adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007),
3. Expresses its concern about numerous construction projects within the World Heritage property and its buffer zone which could affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
4. Urges the State Party to complete the revision of the Master Plan for the World Heritage property;
5. Requests the State Party to invite a joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission to assess the state of conservation of the property and the issues identified in Decision 31 COM 7B.120, adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007);
6. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2010, a detailed state of conservation report of this World Heritage property including the detailed existing projects and description of any intention to undertake or to authorize major restoration or new construction projects which may affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 34th session in 2010.

* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.