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Interior of 40m tall old growth evergreen forest at 1200m elevation just below the cloud line in fig. 11, on the upper western slopes of Volcan Cacao. Photograph taken in March (dry season)

Interior of 40m tall old growth evergreen forest at 1200m elevation just below the cloud line in fig. 11, on the upper western slopes of Volcan Cacao. Photograph taken in March (dry season)
Sunday, 1 March 1998
World Heritage Properties
Interior of 40m tall old growth evergreen forest at 1200m elevation just below the cloud line in fig. 11, on the upper western slopes of Volcan Cacao. Photograph taken in March (dry season)
License source:
Nomination File
Condition of use:
Re-users must attribute the work to the copyright holder when they use it.
Re-users are not allowed to distribute derivatives of the work. Essentially the work cannot be modified.
Original Size:
436x630 pixels
3.69x5.33 cm
Nomination File
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