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45 Decisions
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Session: 18BUR 1994close
By Year
The Bureau recalled that the site was inscribed in 1983 and added to the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 due to threats from poaching and a road construction. A field mission was carried out in 1993 and a report was submitted to the seventeenth session of the World Heritage Committee in December 1993. A short up-date report has been provided by the IUCN Office in Ecuador, indicating major restructuring of the park administration and a reduction of personnel. Furthermore, the Macas-Guamote road construction is progressing with no attention being paid to the conditions of the ...
The current state of the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage site had been the cause of apprehension since 1992 and had already appeared on the agenda of a number of meetings of the Bureau and of the World Heritage Committee. The Bureau was informed of the conclusions of the joint UNESCO/ICOMOS Review Mission of 14-30 November 1993, which had recommended that the site be placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and returned to the World Heritage List within a period of one to three years, after sixteen specific matters of concern had been met. It was explained that the World Heritage ...
The Bureau was informed of the considerable improvements for site conservation and management in the two years since the initial mission. These improvements were achieved with the support of the Canadian Government. The Bureau noted with satisfaction that ICOMOS will provide a detailed report to the Committee session in December, including a long-term assessment of conservation problems at the site for the decade to come.
Sites: Kizhi Pogost
This property inscribed in 1978 was also the subject of an International Campaign of UNESCO. The Coordinator of the MAP/UNEP "100 historical sites" Programme presented the results of the studies and restoration work carried out since 1965. The evaluation would indicate that a number of buildings have been preserved and conserved, however the island's problems of socio­economic and development have yet to be resolved. Restorationwork is no longer sufficient; the needs of the population struck by unemployment must be considered. Actions to create employment to allow the population to ...
December 1993, a working meeting was held at Headquarters on 31 May 1994, with the Delegate of the Syrian Arab Republic to UNESCO and the national authorities in charge of the conservation of the cultural heritage. A work plan for this site was thus prepared which will be financed through the US$ 19,500 accorded by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee in 1992. A technological partnership has been set up by UNESCO with the Electricity of France which will provide one or two experts in hydrogeology, and thus make substantial savings. A contract for the use of the balance of the ...
Mr. Mounir Bouchenaki, Director of the Division of Physical Heritage, recalled the recommendations made by the Committee at the time of the inscription of the Angkor site on the World Heritage List in December 1992, and informed the Bureau of the latest action taken by the Director-General of UNESCO for the safeguard of Angkor. The Director-General decided to give additional support to the UNESCO Office in Cambodia, by assigning Mr. Khamliène Nhouyvanisvong, former Acting Assistant Director-General for External Relations, to the post of Director of this Office, and also naming him ...
Sites: Angkor
The Bureau was informed that, in accordance with the recommendations of UNESCO's expert mission carried out in December 1993, a working meeting was held at Headquarters on 31 May 1994, with the Delegate of the Syrian Arab Republic to UNESCO and the national authorities in charge of the conservation of the cultural heritage. The World Heritage Centre was thus informed that the Syrian authorities are currently preparing a global project to safeguard and develop the city of Palmyra, for which a contribution to the national financial efforts will be requested from the Committee at its ...
The Bureau was informed that the Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Preservation of the Rock Churches of GSreme, which was held at the site from 5 to 11 September 1993 with the support of the World Heritage Fund, are currently under publication at ICCROM, in close collaboration with the Turkish authorities in charge of conservation. The World Heritage Fund provided US$ 10,000 to finance this publication. The Bureau took note of this information.
The Delegate of the United States of America recalled that the Committee at its seventeenth session expressed its concern about plans for the extension of the Taos Airport, as this would pose a potential threat to this World Heritage site. The Delegate informed the Bureau that the National Park Service has been in close and continuous consultations with Pueblo's Governing Council, attorneys representing the Pueblo interests and with the responsible federal agency, (Federal Aviation Administration), and that it is of the opinion that full consultation and assessment procedures to evaluate ...
Sites: Taos Pueblo
The Bureau recalled that the site was inscribed in 1983 and placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992. Furthermore, it noted that considerable discussion had taken place both at the Committee and it's Bureau sessions regarding the possible delisting of the site, and that IUCN reports on the status of the site indicating the degradation of its natural values have been reviewed continuously since December 1991. Furthermore, a report by wetland experts from the United States National Park Service indicate that major effort is required to restore the site. The Secretariat ...
This site which was inscribed in 1986 is threatened by the path of the A303 motorway through the southern part of the site. At the request of the Observer of the United Kingdom, a communication prepared by the concerned authorities was brought to the attention of the Bureau. Two proposals for the organization of the site will be discussed on 8 July 1994 at a meeting organized by The English Heritage and the National Trust, in which the representatives of the Ministry of Transportation and international experts will participate. The first foresees the construction of a tunnel which would ...
The Bureau took note that the Government of India finally responded to the concerns of the World Heritage Committee and its Bureau by letter dated 24 January 1994. However, the Bureau showed continued concern with regard to the management of the site, the increase in poaching and the continuous decline of this World Heritage site in Danger. It therefore, endorsed international assistance, if officially requested by the Indian Government, and requested the Centre and IUCN to work closely together with two non-governmental organizations, WWF-India and the Swaminathan Foundation, to obtain a ...
The Bureau was informed of a recent IUCN mission to the site giving an account on (a) the implementation of the Commonwealth and State Management Agreement which has been signed, but no further action has been taken so far and (b) on the efforts to achieve more effective conservation of the site, for which improvements have been made. The Bureau requested the Centre to write to the Australian authorities informing them of its concerns and requesting that an up-date on progress in implementing the Agreement be presented to the next session of the Committee.
The Bureau took note that several reports have been sent to the Centre and Bureau members by the Wilderness Society concerning Tasmania World Heritage site and the impact of logging operations in areas adjacent to the current World Heritage area. By letter of 22 March 1994, the Centre informed the Permanent Delegate of Australia and requested a response from the Australian authorities regarding this matter. The Observer from Australia indicated that discussions between the Government and the State of Tasmania are taking place at the moment. The Bureau requested the Centre to follow-up and ...
The Bureau was informed by IUCN of the first World Heritage mission to this mixed site. The report indicated problems at the site with landowner residents, aboriginal concerns as well as the fact that no management plan has yet been prepared. However, the Commonwealth is taking up these issues and furthermore, a socio­economic impact study is underway. IUCN suggested that all authorities consider renominating the area under cultural criteria and with a reduced boundary. The Observer of Australia informed the Bureau that through the agreed management arrangements for the site, a review ...
The Bureau was informed that a fire broke out at Isabela Island on 12 April 1994 and was discovered by a patrol boat of the Galapagos National Park authorities. The fire combat was very difficult, involving park personnel and both the army and the navy. After one month the fire was under control, but 4,500 ha were burnt. The giant tortoises are not at risk, but the extinction danger remains. The authorities have received emergency aid from the World Heritage Fund (US$ 50,000), UNESCO (US$ 20,000) and several governments, NGOs and individual donors. The Bureau took note of the report and ...
The Bureau recalled that at its sixteenth session it noted concern over increasing forestry activities at the site, however, no mission was carried out. A recent report by WWF and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (EPC) on the ecological state of the site indicates serious threats, including overgrazing, chemical pollution as well as a proposed hydrodam construction. IUCN stressed the need for impact studies, a forest management plan and a system of reserves. The Bureau took note of the report and requested the Centre to write to the appropriate authorities transmitting its ...
Sites: Mount Athos
The Bureau took note of the Centre's report on the Paris-Dakar rally crossing the site, which had very little impact on the ecological situation of the Park. IUCN reported on the plan to capture six monk seals from the seal population of the park (100­130) and move them to Antibes (Southern France) for captive breeding. After some discussion on captive breeding experiences, the Bureau requested that the propensity of the planned capture operation be reported to the World Heritage Committee.
The Bureau took note of the report by IUCN on the following issues: (a) legal matters, in particular land claims and sacred sites of the Maori people; (b) continued cattle grazing which has an impact on the natural World Heritage values and should be phased out, and (c) that the 1986 IUCN recommendation to include the site of the coastal forest (Waitutu forest) in the World Heritage area, was not taken up. Plans have been made by the Maori owners to sell the land for logging operations. The Bureau requested the Centre to send a letter to the New Zealand authorities transmitting the above ...
The Bureau was informed that a fire broke out at the site on 22 February 1994 in the buffer zone area and rapidly swept through the site. A report by the Forest Fire Control and Rescue Division of the Royal Forest Department in Bangkok indicated that fire fighting was difficult, particularly in the mountain area of the Sanctuary. It furthermore stated that the fire was completely extinguished by 15 March 1994 and damage assessment revealed that 10,924 ha were burnt. The report noted that fire is a normal and frequent occurrence at the site but generally it is not damaging. The Bureau took ...
The Delegate of the United States informed the Bureau about a report concerning Yellowstone National Park, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978. The Park is faced with a proposed mining project of a gold mine two miles north of the northeast boundary of the site. The area concerned is both public and private with 20% under the administration of the US Forest Service. The mine would remove 56 acres of wetlands to build an artificial lake and would call for construction of access roads and housing for the workers. The economic value of the project is estimated at US$ 1 billion in ...
The Bureau was informed that the property was one of the most important black rhino refuges at the date of inscription with a population of 500. The ten remaining rhinos are being captured and translocated for intensive protection. The site has never received assistance from the World Heritage Fund to control poaching. The Bureau raised concern about this loss of one of the World Heritage values of the site, and asked the Centre to work closely together with CITES and IUCN to determine the lessons learned from this unfortunate experience. This specific case could be used to coordinate ...
In December 1993, on the occasion of the seventeenth session of the World Heritage Committee in Cartagena, it was reported that information from local and national authorities in Spain confirmed the setting-up of a multidisciplinary advisory council (Building Committee) which had drafted a Master Plan setting out the priorities for restoration and all other work on Burgos Cathedral. ICOMOS confirmed to the Bureau that the issue of coordinating actions and respective roles with regard to the Cathedral have now been solved. The Ministry of Culture, the Regional Government of Castille and ...
The three mosques of Djingareiber, Sankore and Sidi Yahia were placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1990. These properties are threatened by obvious, precise and imminent dangers: a) serious alteration of the mud construction materials b) serious alteration of the structures c) the climatic factor of desertification. The Bureau was informed of the content of the report, produced in French, concerning the state of conservation of the three mosques, by the UNESCO consultant. In 1990, this consultant elaborated the proposal for the placing of the mosques on the List of ...
Sites: Timbuktu
During its present session, the Secretariat informed the Bureau that this site, inscribed in 1978, continued to be threatened by frequent floods. However, thanks to financial assistance from the European Union, the Polish authorities have at their disposal the necessary pumping material to maintain a satisfactory level of salubrity of the historic part of the mine. Furthermore, Bureau members were informed that in 1991 the Polish authorities prepared a humidity-level study, and that in 1993 the data collected was examined during a seminar held in the United States, which was attended by ...
The Coordinator of the MAP/UNEP "100 historical sites" programme presented this archaeological site inscribed in 1992, which is immerged below 1.50m of water due to subsidence. However, the maintenance work there is being carried out in a satisfactory manner by the Archaeological Institute of the Department of Antiquities, in spite of the lack of human and financial resources. The Bureau was informed of the wish of the Albanian authorities to create a natural and cultural archaeological park. To accomplish this, the Hydrology Institute of Tirana has prepared a study in order to identify ...
Sites: Butrint
The Bureau was informed about the results of a World Heritage Centre monitoring mission to the existing five cultural World Heritage Sites in China, namely the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the Mogao Caves and the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian. The mission had been generally impressed with the standard of maintenance of Chinese World Heritage sites and the professionalism of the staff responsible for them. Nevertheless, the mission had been able to raise specific technical issues with the State Bureau of Cultural ...
The MAP/UNEP Coordinator of the "100 historical sites" Programme emphasized the exemplary character of the conservation measures. He reported on the considerable financial support from the Municipality, and he briefly outlined the "Safeguard Plan for the Enhancement of the Safeguarded Sector of Arles". He also mentioned the plan for preventive action to combat atmosphericpollution to conserve the Primatiale Saint-Trophime. This project, partially financed by the World Monument Fund, has elaborated a 24-hour surveillance system which can detect and forecast atmospheric changes. The ...
The Bureau was informed of the outcome of an ICOMOS mission which visited Lubeck in May 1994 to discuss problems arising from the development plans for the city centre. The Bureau recommended that the authorities in Lubeck be encouraged to revise its heritage protection legislation so as to allow sufficient time for the proper investigation of the city's rich archaeological heritage and to implement measures to make the important archaeological and artistic discoveries accessible to the general public. It also recommended that the authorities should seek the assistance of an experienced ...
This archaeological site, inscribed in 1990 and excavated since the 19th century, continues to suffer from violent winds, high humidity and the sea. Conservation work has not been carried out systematically after each excavation campaign, and the site museum is too small. Moreover, the personnel responsible for the surveillance of the site appear to be insufficient. Furthermore, it seems that pastures close to the archaeological site have been rented to the Municipality of Myknos for grazing land. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to ask the Greek authorities for precise ...
Sites: Delos
This site, which was inscribed in 1992, is threatened by the expansion of activities linked with tourism. The avenues and surrounding area of the archaeological site are threatened by urbanism and the construction of hotel complexes. Moreover, the archaeological site is subject to vibrations from the nearby airport which now accommodates large carriers, and for which an extension is planned. The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to request the Greek authorities to ensure that the Antiquities Law is strictly observed, so as to limit threats weighing on the site due to tourist ...
This site was inscribed in 1987. The MAP/UNEP Coordinator of the 100 historical sites" Programme informed the Bureau that the Technical and Scientific Committee created in 1988 and which was responsible for evaluating the security of the Tower of Pisa, did remarkable work. A series of enquiries, measures and studies were undertaken to obtain information on all the physico­mechanical characteristics of the substratum, and to make various hypotheses of structural evolution. The intervention approved by the Technical Committee in the spring of 1992 necessitated the development of a ...
The Bureau expressed concern following the report presenting the different threats to the integrity of the site of Pétra, especially with regard to: 1) the serious impact of some ten new hotels planned or under construction, both on the visitor capacity of the site, their visibility from the site and the disproportion of several of them in relation to the village habitations, the destruction of archaeological vestiges which they cause, pollution and soil erosion; 2) the negative impact of the pumping station planned for Wadi Musa and its new hotels; 3) the risks caused to the site by ...
Sites: Petra
The Bureau expressed concern with the lack of general maintenance of the site, especially the lack of permanent and effective surveillance. It requested the World Heritage Centre to request the Jordanian authorities to take the necessary measures to ensure the satisfactory maintenance and management of the site.
Sites: Quseir Amra
World Heritage sites in Mexico: The Observer of Mexico informed the Bureau that the Mexican National Institute for Anthropology and History (INAH) prepared state of conservation reports on the ten cultural and natural sites that were inscribed on the World Heritage List until 1992. He emphasized that Mexico has taken this initiative as it feels that it is an integral element of the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in the country and that it is one of the obligations of the States Parties to the Convention to report on the state of conservation of the sites and on the ...
The Bureau recalled that the case of Puebla was briefly discussed at the seventeenth session of the Committee. The Secretariat informed the Bureau that since then, it continued to receive letters and reports from individuals, associations and organizations on the rehabilitation plan for Puebla, particularly the so-called Rio San Francisco area. A report was received on 28 March 1994 from the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) that a regional development programme called ANGELOPOLIS is in preparation for an area of the State of Puebla including 14 municipalities ...
The Bureau approved US$30,000 for the organization of a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of the centre's training partners in the field of the conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage, key individuals and colleagues from UNESCO's Secretariat to provide a sound basis for a fresh strategy. The Bureau asked the Centre to submit the overall evaluation findings as well as recommendations for a future training strategy to the World Heritage ...
The Bureau approved US$30,000 for a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of experts, specialists and key individuals, including agreement by the schools, to review the curricula of the courses, management objectives as well as the outcome of the courses. The Bureau asked that the Centre  submit the evaluation findings as well as  recommendations by the experts for a future training strategy for natural heritage to the World Heritage ...
Historic Centre of the Town of Olinda (Brazil) - US$19,000: for a tourist study which would form part of the Urban Development Plan. Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo Monastery and Monastery of Rila (Bulgaria) - US$21,000: of which US$16,000 will be earmarked for the purchase of equipment and US$5,000 for advisory services on the nature of conservation measure to be undertaken. Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) - US$8,000: for the restoration of mural paintings in the 18th century Baroque Festival Palace, which was severely damaged in 1991. ICCROM will supervise the project in collaboration ...
Argentina - US$20,000: for a series of seminars which will be held at different sites in Argentina and on different subject matters: 1) Posadas, 5-8 September 1994: Safeguarding the Jesuit Missions 2) Mar del Plata, 30-31 August 1994: Tourism and cultural heritage. 3) Salta, 5-8 September 1994: Preservation of historic centres. 4) Cordoba, 5-8 September 1994: Interventions in the archaeological heritage. 5) Buenos Aires, 5-8 September 1994: Recycling versus restoration. 6) Trelew-Chubut, 5-8 September 1994: Natural heritage, its relevance in the development process. Brazil ...
Archaeological Park of Tierradentro (Colombia) - US$69,500: in accordance with paragraph 85 of the Operational Guidelines which indicate that emergency assistance may be approved "for work in connection with cultural and natural properties included or suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List and which have suffered severe damage due to sudden, unexpected phenomena" to undertake the following actions as a first phase of an overall conservation plan: 1) Field expert mission (4 Colombians and 2 international experts) to draw up an action plan for the safeguarding of the site. 2) ...
Training in the Conservation and Management of Natural Heritage in the Arab Region The Bureau reviewed a request for US$30,000 for a two-week regional training seminar submitted by the Egyptian authorities, to be held in Egypt in April 1995 on conservation and management of natural heritage. The Bureau approved the requested sum of US$30,000 for the course and asked the Centre to proceed with an agreement on the course programme with the national ...
Establishment of an itinerant conservation laboratory which would service the 7 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List (Bulgaria) - US$39,000: The Bureau recommended that this request be re-examined by the Secretariat and ICCROM before being submitted to its next session in December 1994. Historic Centre of Puebla (Mexico) - US$18,000: to elaborate a rehabilitation plan to secure the safeguarding of the remaining historical buildings in the area, the introduction of new functions and structures compatible with the urban architecture and a maintenance programme to keep the locality in ...
China (Biodiversity Measuring and Monitoring Course): the Bureau reviewed a request for US$19,000 for a biodiversity measuring and monitoring course to be held in Guangdong Province in China in November/December 1994. It felt however that 2 Chinese participants had already been financed from the World Heritage Fund for a similar course in the United States in 1994 and, moreover, that the course did not involve World Heritage site managers, nor was it being held at a World Heritage site. The Bureau therefore, did not approve the ...
At the end of the debate, the Bureau was informed that the amounts approved for training were slightly superior to the budget allocation for this activity, and therefore it authorized the Director of the World Heritage Centre to commit the approved funds by transferring the amount required from the technical assistance budgetary line.