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World Heritage Convention

260 Decisions
13 Resolutions
Year start: 2003close
Year end: 2003close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses appreciation to the State Party for submitting the revised work plan and budget breakdown for the Shalamar Gardens International Assistance request; 2. Requests the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre to assist the authorities in implementing this International Assistance request; 3. Requests the State Party to examine the heritage values of Shalamar Gardens and Lahore Fort to redefine the core, buffer and support zones of these two properties;4. Takes note with satisfaction, of the on-going positive co-operation between the Department ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined the state of conservation of the property; 2. Recommends that the State Party considers ways and means to enable the Ifugao Rice Terraces and Cultural Heritage Office (IRTCHO) to raise and use funds other than the subsidies provided by the National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA), and increase stakeholder involvement in its work; 3. Requests UNESCO, the Advisory Bodies and other international partners to support and strengthen the international co-operation activities with the competent national and local authorities by mobilising ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its appreciation to the Albanian authorities for the progress made with the legal protection of and the institutional arrangements for the World Heritage property; 2. Recalls that a mission is foreseen to the property in October 2003 in order to assess if the property can be removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger; 3. Requests that a report, taking into account all issues which led to the inscription of the property in the List of World Heritage in Danger, be submitted to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 for examination ...
Sites: Butrint
The World Heritage Committee,1. Acknowledges the results of the international UNESCO/ICOMOS mission to the property providing updated information;2. Notes that the threats for which the property was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1979, namely the partial destruction due to an earthquake, have been mitigated through professional restoration;3. Expresses its concern about the risks that excessive and uncontrolled urbanisation have on the exceptional universal value of the property;4. Requests the State Party to take into account the specific recommendations from the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking note of the measures and the studies undertaken by the State Party to protect the property,;2. Commending the State Party for the efforts made to monitor the water level;3. Urges the State Party to adopt the draft legislation foreseen;4. Strongly recommends that the State Party defines the limits of the property in order to avoid further encroachment;5. Recommends that the State Party reviews the system of water canalisation, water distribution and considers requesting international assistance under the World Heritage Fund to identify the appropriate ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.         Requests the UNESCO Secretariat to present a report on the state of conservation of the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 28th session in 2004.
The World Heritage Committee [15], 1. Notes that over the past few years, the State Party, through its Galápagos National Park Service, and the Charles Darwin Foundation have undertaken new and expanded responsibilities in the areas of marine conservation and the control of introduced species;2. Welcomes the efforts by the State Party to support the ongoing strengthening of the Special Law for Galáapagos;3. Commends the authorities for pursuing programme development in areas critical to the conservation of this property, including the establishment of a Galápagos quarantine system;4. ...
The World Heritage Committee [30],1. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party for favourably considering the recommendations of the joint international urban planning expert and ICOMOS mission of July 2002; 2. Notes with appreciation that a compromise solution is being elaborated between the national and local authorities to reduce the height of the commercial complex to minimize the negative impact of this high rise building to the World Heritage property;3. Requests the authorities of Iran to continue their efforts to ensure the conservation of the authentic setting and integrity ...
The World Heritage Committee [57], 1. Having taken note of the November 2002 ICOMOS mission findings and recommendations,; 2. Commends the authorities for their efforts to increase the protection and conservation of the property; 3. Notes with appreciation that a seminar on the recovery of the property was organized under the auspices of UNESCO and of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO);4. Strongly supports the current initiative to co-ordinate and manage the conservation process through the design and implementation of a comprehensive Master Plan that includes management ...
The World Heritage Committee [59],1. Takes note of the willingness of the State Party to undertake the actions requested by the Committee over the last years; 2. Invites the State Party to finalize as soon as possible the Master Plan as well as the urban planning and feasibility studies;3. Requests an intermediary progress report to be submitted to the Chairperson of the Committee by 1 October 2003, and, if deemed necessary, that a UNESCO/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission take place;4. Requests the State Party to submit a detailed progress report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 ...
The World Heritage Committee [1],1. Recalling that requests have been made by the Committee and its Bureau to the State Party to take urgent actions to stop illegal poaching in the Reserve and to implement the recommendations of the Sangmelima workshop ("Participative Management and Sustainable Development", 23 - 26 March, 1998, organised by World Heritage Centre),; 2. Noting that the State Party has renewed efforts to improve the management of Dja Faunal Reserve by drafting a management plan,;3. Welcomes the actions being undertaken by the State Party to implement the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling decision 26 COM 21 (b) 6 taken during the 26th session of the World Heritage Committee, requesting the State Party to provide a detailed report on the situation with regard to poaching of wildlife at the property, and encouraging the State Party to invite a mission to Taï National Park to evaluate the state of conservation of the property and to inform the Committee on whether or not it should be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger,;2. Takes note of the recent report submitted by the State Party to the World Heritage Centre informing ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling the decision made at its 23rd session in 1999, requesting the State Party to consider inviting a mission to Comoé National Park during 2000 to review threats to the integrity of the property and plan appropriate emergency rehabilitation measures and to submit a detailed state of conservation report to enable the Committee to consider including this property in the List of World Heritage in Danger,;2. Noting the recent report of the State Party to the World Heritage Centre, received 5 May 2003, which highlights that the situation at this property ...
The World Heritage Committee [2],1. Noting the results of the report provided by the UNESCO and IUCN mission to the property and the existing number of positive actions that have been carried out by the State Party to improve the management of the property and the protection of the World Heritage value of the property,;2. Commends the State Party for positive actions undertaken so far for the conservation of the property, particularly in relation to the control of illegal logging, charcoal kilns and marijuana fields; 3. Urges the State Party to clarify jurisdiction arrangements over the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Notes with concern the proposed construction of the Dyondyonga electricity dam on the Mekrou River, on the border between the Republics of Niger and Benin, within the W National Park World Heritage property in Niger and the proposed World Heritage property in Benin, currently deferred by the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee (April 2002);2. Notes that the proposed construction of a dam, as well as the exploitation of a phosphate mine are a serious potential threat to the integrity of the property;3. Recognises the importance of finding solutions to the ...
The World Heritage Committee [3],1. Taking note of the urgent need to re-establish co-operation and confidence among the stakeholders for the purpose of effective conservation and management of St. Lucia Wetland National Park,; 2. Expresses strong concern regarding the potential impacts that the reported developments and the lack of a comprehensive environmental assessment plan might have on the property;3. Encourages the promotion of the development of new skills such as tourism among local communities for a better management of the property;4. Requests the State Party to provide a ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Notes that the road construction from Nouakchott to Nouadhibou has begun;2. Urges the State Party to organize a meeting to define the real impact of this road on the Park and to ensure that the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) study complies with internationally recognized standards, in collaboration with interested donors; 3. Notes that oil exploration in the vicinity of the Park is being carried out, with indications that large reserves in the area may be exploited in the near future, causing a potentially serious threat to the marine life of the ...
The World Heritage Committee [4],  1. Expresses its thanks for the State Party's prompt invitation of an IUCN/World Heritage Centre mission to the property in response to the Committee decision 26 COM 21(b) 12; 2. Notes that the World Heritage Centre and IUCN are consulting with concerned authorities in Indonesia to establish the Terms of Reference and determine suitable dates for the mission; 3. Requests the World Heritage Centre and IUCN to co-operate with the State Party to organize the mission as soon as possible in 2003 and submit a detailed report in order that the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee [5],1. Expresses its serious concerns over the failure to carry out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the lack of consultations with the World Heritage Centre or IUCN in the design and implementation of the Kasra Bridge Project and the link road from Durbhagat to Bankatta, despite the protests of the national authority responsible for the property, namely the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation;2. Requests that the Director of the World Heritage Centre write to the highest officials of the concerned bi- and multilateral funding ...