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World Heritage Convention

173 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 26COM 2002close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the National and State Government for having provided adequate resources to establish and maintain control over poaching, encroachment and illegal activities;2. Notes that the level of on-the-ground staff presence, law enforcement and patrolling mechanisms backed up by relevant communication facilities are satisfactory;3. Invites the National and State Governments to accelerate the finalization of the management plan, ensure the steady and predictable flow of technical and financial support and recognizes the need to introduce consultative and ...
The World Heritage Committee,Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII.3 - XII.5.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Invites the State Party to determine, as soon as possible, the appropriate time for a UNESCO/IUCN mission to the site, and inform the Centre and IUCN well in advance of the date so that the mission can be planned in order to address all issues relevant to strengthening the state of conservation of this site; 2. Requests the State Party to elaborate on the continuing problems with the Park border and concession in advance of the mission;3. Recommends that a detailed report on the mission be presented to its 27th session in June/July ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes the positive outcome of the Court case on the legitimacy of the Landscape Territorial Plan;2. Expresses concern that another Court decision is delaying the adoption and implementation of the key instrument for management of the site;3. Requests further information from the State Party with respect to the mining of pumice within the World Heritage site;4. Urges the State Party to prohibit expansion of pumice extraction, as it may impact on the values for which the site was inscribed on the World Heritage List;5. Requests the State Party to provide by ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the efforts of the State Party to address conservation problems at this site, particularly in relation to encroachment control and implementation of community projects; 2. Requests the State Party to provide for review by the Centre and IUCN: a final copy of the Kenya Forests Working Group (KFWG)/Laikipia et al. Report; a map of the proposed Sirimon Forest excision, clearly showing its relationship to the World Heritage site, as well as the location of the increase in plantation forest, and an update on the proposed excision including ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes that no decision regarding the possible extension of the Gunung Mulu World Heritage site to include the Gunung Buda National Park has been made;2. Recommends that the Centre and IUCN continue to communicate with the State Party and raise the issue of the possible participation of indigenous people in the planning of the extension of the World Heritage site at the appropriate time in the future.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Urges the State Party to undertake a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the road that complies with internationally recognized standards, in collaboration with interested donors;  2. Notes the completion of the German International Cooperation (GTZ) study on the legality of oil exploration within the Park and requests that it be submitted to IUCN and the Centre for review;3. Urges the State Party to develop and implement urgent measures to protect the Park, above all to guarantee the long-term regeneration of Mauritania's marine ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.  Welcomes the efforts of the State Party to regulate tourism development at Sian Ka'an, and invites it to monitor closely the development on private property;2. Notes that the State Party has submitted copies of the maps prepared for the Coastal Development Plan showing how it relates to the World Heritage site boundaries;3. Requests the State Party to report by 1 February 2003, on the impact on the site of the removal of the moratorium on construction for examination at its 27th session in June/July 2003;4. Invites the State Party to inform on the ...
Sites: Sian Ka'an
The World Heritage Committee, Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII.6 - XII.10.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes that there remain serious concerns relating to the state of conservation of this site, particularly with regard to pollution impacts, including from the Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill, the lack of progress with the Federal Law on the "Protection of Lake Baikal", the establishment of the Baikal Commission, and uncertainties about gas exploration and exploitation in the Selenga Delta;2. Requests the State Party to provide:a) Precise time-schedules for the implementation of the first stage of the Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM) Programme in ...
Sites: Lake Baikal
The World Heritage Committee, Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII. 30-33.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the State Party for its continued efforts towards the conservation of the site, and in particular the initiatives for the Iberian Lynx population;2. Urges the State Party to give priority to promoting integrated regional land-use planning in order to minimise impacts related to irrigation and road design, construction and management around the site.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Acknowledges the support provided by the State Party to produce the Ngorongoro Crater Ungulate Study, while requesting the State Party to implement its recommendations;2. Urges the State Party to consider imposing a moratorium on new development in and around the Crater (Crater Highlands), until the impacts of the current lodges, road system and other tourism developments are assessed, with particular emphasis on water usage;  3. Requests the State Party submit a report on the state of conservation of the site, including its response to the Ngorongoro ...
The World Heritage Committee,Urges the States Parties of the United Republic of Tanzania and Kenya to initiate a dialogue on the transboundary effects on the Serengeti World Heritage site from changes in the upstream catchment, and to request that IUCN, through its Regional Office for Eastern Africa, support the process leading to this dialogue.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII. 36- 40;2. Notes the new information that a mission has been invited to the site.
The World Heritage Committee, Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII. 41-43.
Sites: St Kilda
The World Heritage Committee, Recommends the State Party to implement, as a matter of urgency, the 1995 Management Plan for this site, with provision for its on-going improvement (based on input received and lessons learnt) and to provide a report on the situation by 1 February 2003 for examination at its 27th session in June/July 2003.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the efforts of the site management and the National Park Service to address air-quality problems; 2. Expresses the hope that the implementation of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) standards will have a significant positive effect on air quality at the site;3. Requests the State Party to keep the Committee informed of actions taken at Federal and State levels to address the air-pollution problems affecting the site.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses strong concern regarding the potential impacts of the proposed development and the lack of a comprehensive environmental assessment, in particular noting the potential impacts for hydrocarbon and chemical spills from this type of development and the gaps in hydrogeological information;2. Urges that a research programme be conducted to include analysis of alternative site options and a detailed structural geologic and hydro-geologic study with a study of water flow patterns in a range of climatic conditions between the Graham Springs Basin and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Notes the state of conservation report and the decision of the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII.11- XII.13.