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The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve.

208 Activities

National Report of Colombia Country results Colombia Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ---> The National ...

Sommaire Introduction Four Thematic Dimension Mapped to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Four Thematic Dimension Mapped to UNESCO Culture Conventions UNESCO Culture ...

National Culture Profile of Morocco Historic City of Meknes (Morocco)|© UNESCO Sommaire Introduction Initiative Implementation Results snapshot Key ...

National Report of North Macedonia Country results North Macedonia Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ...

National Report of Serbia Country results Serbia Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ---> The National ...

National Report of the Philippines Country results Philippines Burkina Faso Columbia Costa Rica Croatia Morocco North Macedonia Philippines Portugal Romania Serbia Viet Nam Vietnam ...

UNESCO North Macedonia and the City of Skopje Project Page © Milan Piroš Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in North Macedonia and the city of Skopje is with the ...

UNESCO Philippines and the City of Baguio Project Page © Shutterstock Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in the Philippines and the city of Baguio is with the ...

UNESCO Romania and the City of Cluj-Napoca Project Page © Daniel Vrabioiu / Roșia Montană Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators Romania and the city of Cluj-Napoca ...

UNESCO Serbia and the City of Leskovac Project Page © Daniel Vrabioiu / Roșia Montană Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Serbia and the city of Leskovac is ...

UNESCO Viet Nam and the City of Hue Project Page © Trang An/ Landscape Complex Partners Implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators in Viet Nam and the city of Hue is with the ...

This project aims to fund the elaboration of a Risk Management Plan for the property Quebrada de Humahuaca by providing technical support to the State Party of Argentina and to provide specific training to the local ...

In summer 2016, the Temple of Bel, among other important archaeological monuments of the World Heritage Site of Palmyra, was intentionally destroyed. An element of the structure of the Temple, the Portico, remained ...

The site’s values are communicated to the public through signage, publications and interpretation at visitor centres. The Maori have been involved in creating displays explaining the cultural and natural ...

Caribbean archaeological heritage has been the subject of enhancement initiatives at the beginning of the years 2000, to valorise underrepresented heritage on the World Heritage List in the region. An international ...

The handbook "Cultural heritage and local development: A Guide for African local governments", co-edited by the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement and CRATerre-ENSAG in 2006, was designed as a tool for decision ...

Urban heritage preservation policies, when separated from development strategies, can lead to a marginalization of the poorest populations. Constraints caused by regulations, in the absence of assistance mechanisms, ...

Human Evolution related properties represent a process of evolutionary accretion that took place over a vast period of time, offering vital insight to scientific, cultural, ethological and historical dimensions of ...

There exist a great variety of religious and sacred sites that are representative of the different cultures and traditions of the world. Approximately 20 percent of the properties inscribed on the World Heritage ...

The “International Conference on the Seismic Performance of Traditional Buildings” was held in Istanbul, Turkey from 16 to 18 November 2000, under the patronage of UNESCO, ICOMOS and Turkey’s Ministry of Culture. It ...
