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2 Décisions
0 Résolutions
Session : 18BUR 1994close
Thème : Renforcement des capacitésclose
Par année
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau approved US$30,000 for the organization of a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of the centre's training partners in the field of the conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage, key individuals and colleagues from UNESCO's Secretariat to provide a sound basis for a fresh strategy. The Bureau asked the Centre to submit the overall evaluation findings as well as recommendations for a future training strategy to the World Heritage ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Bureau approved US$30,000 for a workshop to be held in 1994-1995 with a selected number of experts, specialists and key individuals, including agreement by the schools, to review the curricula of the courses, management objectives as well as the outcome of the courses. The Bureau asked that the Centre  submit the evaluation findings as well as  recommendations by the experts for a future training strategy for natural heritage to the World Heritage ...