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World Heritage Convention

856 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Theme: List of World Heritage in Dangerclose
By Year
Mount Nimba strict Nature Reserve (Guinea/cote d'Ivoire) The site was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 because of a proposed iron-ore mining project and threats due to the arrival of a large number of refugees. An expert mission was undertaken in 1993 and proposals to revise the boundaries of the site were endorsed by the seventeenth session of the Committee in 1993. An international assistance project under the World Heritage Fund was carried out in 1994. The Committee was informed that the French Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry of the Environment in ...
Manas wildlife Sanctuary (India) At its eighteenth session, the World Heritage Bureau took note of the response by the Indian Government concerning Manas wildlife Sanctuary which was inscribed on the List of World Heritage In Danger in 1992. The Committee was informed that the Secretariat received a report on the conditions of the site from WWF-India. The report emphasises the critical situation in the area. Furthermore, the Government of India has indicated its interest in a joint mission to the site by World Heritage Centre staff and local NGOs. The Committee commended the Indian ...
Aïr-Tenere Natural Nature Reserves (Niger) The Committee was informed that the wildlife in this site has been decimated due to the consequences of the conflict between the Resistance Army of the Tuaregs and Government forces. Hence, the Committee was encouraged to note that the warring parties had signed a peace accord on 9 October 1994. The implementation of this accord by the new Government is however an essential prerequisite for the conservation of this site. The Committee requested the Centre to write to the new Government, recalling Niger's international obligations under the ...
Everglades National Park (United States of America) The site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1993 due to an increasing number of threats since the date of its inscription on the List in 1979. The State and Federal Governments and the Agricultural Industry are providing significant financial support for the management of the site and for its long-term restoration in the order of hundreds of millions of dollars. The American authorities had prepared a report for the eighteenth session of the Committee. The Committee decided to retain the site on the List of World ...
Virunga National Park (Zaire) The Committee recalled that at its last session it was deeply concerned about the civil unrest in Zaire which led to donors (EEC and USAID) suspending their support to this site. Many Park staff had not been remunerated for almost a year. Despite the fact the Bureau granted emergency assistance of US$ 20,000 to meet costs of field operations, poaching of wildlife has continued and the capability of staff to patrol the 650 km long boundary of the Park remains far below desirable levels. Human population in the fishing village near Lake Idi Amin has grown ...
Palace of Abomey (Benin) The Committee commended the Government of Benin and ICCROM for the activities undertaken since 1992 in training in preventive conservation and for the project for the conservation and enhancement of the Royal Palaces of Abomey which is foreseen for 1994-1996 in collaboration with ICCROM and the Government of Italy. The Committee decided to retain this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger and requested the Secretariat to ensure that a monitoring mission be undertaken to Abomey to evaluate the state of conservation of the eleven palaces that have not yet ...
Angkor (Cambodia) The Committee noted that at its eighteenth session, the Bureau expressed satisfaction with the progress accomplished by the Royal Cambodian Government in response to the requests formulated by the Committee at its sixteenth session, when Angkor was inscribed on the World Heritage List and List of World Heritage in Danger. At the invitation of UNESCO and at the request of the Chairperson of the Committee, the Minister of State of the Kingdom of Cambodia, H.E. Mr Vann Molyvann, made a presentation to Committee members, highlighting the main tasks undertaken by the Royal ...
Sites: Angkor
Dubrovnik (Croatia) The Committee was informed that the restoration of what is called the fifth facade of the city -the roofs- was almost completed and that there remained but a few insulae awaiting repairs, and that important progress had been made in the restoration of several of the most important monuments of the city. The Committee commended the Government of Croatia and UNESCO on the progress made in the conservation and restoration of Dubrovnik. It noted, however, that after the priority needs had been taken care of, other works such as the restoration of nine destroyed palaces ...
Timbuktu (Mali) The Committee was informed that the Government of Mali had fully endorsed the recommendations of a UNESCO mission that was undertaken in early 1994 and which recommended a method of intervention involving the local population which, since the construction of the mosques, had been responsible for their upkeep, thus perpetuating a living religious cultural tradition. The Committee also endorsed this proposal and decided that it would support its implementation, if and when requested by the State Party. The Committee decided to retain the site on the List of World Heritage ...
Sites: Timbuktu
Bahla Fort (Oman) The Committee recalled that it was informed during its seventeenth session, that intensive restoration works were being undertaken at this site and that it appeared probable that the nature of the material used for the restoration work, the rapidity with which the work was being carried out and the methods used could raise a certain number of questions with regard to conserving the authenticity of the monument. The Committee was informed that the Director of the World Heritage Centre, at the invitation of the Government of Oman, undertook a mission to Oman in March 1994 ...
Sites: Bahla Fort
Chan Chan Archaeological Zone (Peru) The Committee welcomed the initiative of the Government of Peru to organise in October 1995, in collaboration with ICCROM and CRATerre, a regional course on the conservation of adobe, parallel to which the participants and international experts would also evaluate the past conservation practices and experiences in Chan Chan and define new conservation policies for this site. The Committee requested the authorities to submit the results of the course and the assessment of the conservation policies and practices to the Secretariat so that ...
Wieliczka Salt Mine (Poland) The Committee took note of the long-term conservation strategy that had been developed for this site, which included a project for ventilation and dehumidification. The Committee encouraged the Polish authorities to implement this long-term conservation strategy and requested to be kept informed of its implementation. It decided that this site be retained on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) The Secretariat recalled the concern raised over the state of conservation of the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage site and the debate during the seventeenth session of the Committee in December 1993 and the Bureau at its eighteenth session in July 1994 on the possible inscription of the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger and the delisting of certain parts of the site damaged by uncontrolled development. The 16-point recommendation of the UNESCO/ICOMOS Review Mission of November 1993 and the pledge made by' the Representative of His Majesty's Government ...
Virunga National Park Zaire During its examination of monitoring reports, the Committee noted the serious threats to Virunga National Park arising from the Rwandan refugee immigration. Accordingly, the Committee agreed to place Virunga National Park on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli, Lebanon, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli has been erected in Tripoli, the second largest city in Lebanon and the capital of the Northern Governorate, and was designed by Oscar Niemeyer between 1962-1967 and built until 1975. The ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa, Ukraine, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The historic centre of Odesa is part of a port city located on the Ukrainian shores of the Black Sea. It stands on a shallow indentation of the seacoast about thirty kilometres north of the Dniester River estuary. The city was ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Landmarks of the Ancient Kingdom of Saba in Marib Governorate, Yemen, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (iii) and (iv); Taking note that the authenticity, integrity, protection and management of the property or its potential vulnerabilities could not have been fully evaluated at this stage due to the lack of a technical evaluation mission to the site, Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal ...
VII.6 Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Guinea/Cote d' Ivoire) The Committee recalled that the site was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 because of negative impacts from a proposed iron-ore mining project and threats due to the arrival of a large number of refugees from neighbouring countries. It furthermore recalled that an extensive report was presented to the Bureau at its nineteenth session in July 1995. The Committee noted that in response to the Bureau's request for clarifications on the legal protection and classification of the site, the Ministry for ...
V11.7 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The IUCN Representative informed the Committee that recent information on the site indicates that the civil unrest continues to restrict management efforts. Habitat conditions in a portion of Manas were still intact, but numbers of large fauna species were particularly low due to commercial poaching. The Committee recalled that it had on numerous occasions expressed its concerns on the state of conservation of the site and requested the State Party to provide detailed information. The Committee took note of the intervention by the Observer of ...
VII.8 Air-et-Tenere Reserve (Niger) The Committee recalled that at the request of the Niger authorities, the site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 as it was affected by civil disturbances. A Peace Accord was signed in October 1994. The Delegate of Niger took the floor and recommended that an evaluation mission be organized to review the situation at the site. Meanwhile, the Committee decided that the site would remain on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The situation will be reviewed by the Committee at its twentieth session in the light of information ...