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Yakushima (UNESCO/TBS)
Located in the interior of Yaku Island, at the meeting-point of the palaearctic and oriental biotic regions, Yakushima exhibits a rich flora, with some 1,900 species and subspecies, including ancient specimens of the sugi (Japanese cedar). It also contains a remnant of a warm-temperate ancient forest that is unique in this region. Source: UNESCO TV / © TBS Produced by TBS Supported by Sony URL: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/662/
Yakushima (UNESCO/TBS)
Located in the interior of Yaku Island, at the meeting-point of the palaearctic and oriental biotic regions, Yakushima exhibits a rich flora, with some 1,900 species and subspecies, including ancient specimens of the sugi (Japanese cedar). It also contains a remnant of a warm-temperate ancient forest that is unique in this region. Source: UNESCO TV / © TBS Produced by TBS Supported by Sony URL: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/662/
UNESCO/NHK Videos on Heritage
Located in the interior of Yaku Island, at the meeting-point of the palaearctic and oriental biotic regions, Yakushima exhibits a rich flora, with some 1,900 species and subspecies, including ancient specimens of the sugi (Japanese cedar). It also contains a remnant of a warm-temperate ancient forest that is unique in this region. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/662/
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© NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai