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World Heritage Convention

356 Decisions
11 Resolutions
Theme: Working methods and toolsclose
By Year
The Secretariat informed the Committee of the invitation from Sri Lanka, a State Party to the Convention but not a member of the Committee, to hold the sixth session of the Committee in Colombo. The Committee took note of this kind invitation and recalled that its Rules of Procedure foresee that it is only members of the Committee who may extend such invitations.
The sixth session of the World Heritage Committee which was held at Unesco Headquarters in Paris from 13 to 17 December 1982 was attended by the following States Members of the World Heritage Committee : Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Guinea, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Senegal, Switzerland, Tunisia, the United States of America and Zaire.
8. Professor R.O. Slatyer (Australia) was re-elected Chairman of the Committee by acclamation, and gave a brief speech. Professor Slatyer informed the Committee that he would stand down from the Chair when the two Australian nominations were considered by the Com- mittee. 9. The Committee thereafter elected by acclamation the delegates of the following States members of the Committee : Argentina, Bulgaria, Guinea, Italy and Pakistan as Vice-Chairmen. 10. Mr. Azedine Beschaouch (Tunisia) was re-elected Rapporteur by acclamation.
The Committee took note of the recommendation of the Bureau which had proposed that the States having nominated the pro- perties inscribed on the World Heritage List should be presented in the published list under the following heading "Contracting State Having Submitted the Nomination of the Property in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention".
After examining this question the Committee decided that no reference should be made in the heading to any specific article of the Convention and that the heading should therefore read as follows "Contracting State Having Submitted the Nomination of the Property in accordance with the Convention".
13. The Assembly continued its work with the examination of the following item on the agenda concerning the elections. On that subject, several delegates, referring to Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Convention which stipulates that "election of members of the Committee shall ensure an equitable representa­tion of the different regions and cultures of the world", drew the attention of the Assembly to the under-representation of Latin America, Africa and the Arab States within the Committee. Another speaker emphasized the necessity to assure an equitable representation of cultures in the ...
4. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the session was opened by Mr. J. Gazaneo of Argentina, since the outgoing Chairman, Prof. R. Slatyer, could not attend the meeting. Mr. Gazaneo welcomed the delegates and observers and introduced the opening addresses by the Representative of the Director-General of Unesco, Mr. M. Batisse, and the Italian authorities. Mrs. L. Vlad-Borrelli, Representative of the Minister of Cultural Properties and Cultural Environment conveyed the greetings of the Minister and recalled that the town of Florence is one of the Italian cultural properties ...
7. The Committee adopted the agenda for the meeting with the amendment to discuss the difficulties encountered in evaluating nominations of historic towns after point 6 of the agenda.
8. The Committee elected by acclamation Mrs. Vlad-Borrelli (Italy) as Chairman of the Committee and Mr. da Silva Telles (Brazil) as Rapporteur. The following States were elected also by acclamation as Vice-Chairmen: Algeria, Australia, Guinea, Norway and Sri Lanka.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Having examined Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/2,2. Taking into consideration Rule 8 (Observers) of its Rules of Procedure,3. Notes the List of Participants listed in Annex I;4. Authorises the participation in its 7th extraordinary session as observers of the representatives of the international governmental Organizations (IGOs), international non-governmental Organizations (INGOs), nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), permanent observer missions to UNESCO and non profit-making institutions having activities in the fields covered by the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/3A.Rev and WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/INF.3A.Rev, 2. Adopts the agenda included in the first above-mentioned document.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/3B.Rev, Decides to discuss item 11 of the agenda between items 4 and 5, as recommended by the Bureau; Adopts the timetable included in above-mentioned document, as amended.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/4 A, Also noting the oral presentation by the Chairperson of its 27th session (UNESCO, 2003), I. TENTATIVE LISTS Reminds the States Parties to the Convention about the need to continue submitting their Tentative Lists in accordance with Article 11.1 of the Convention and the corresponding provisions of the Operational Guidelines ; Requests the Director of the World Heritage Centre, in consultation with the State Parties concerned, to continue updating its records on the basis of the Tentative Lists received – in ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Having examined Documents WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/4B and WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/4B.Add, 2. Recalling Decisions 28 COM 13.1 and 28 COM 14B.57, adopted at its 28th session (Suzhou, 2004), 3. Confirms that the two complete nominations per State Party referred to in paragraph 17 a) of Decision 28 COM 13.1 are inclusive of nominations deferred and referred by previous sessions of the Committee, extensions (except minor modifications of limits of the properties), transboundary nominations and serial nominations; 4. Recalls its decision at its 6th Extraordinary session ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/4B .and WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/4B.Add, Decides that the Working group on the methods of work of the Committee established at its 7th extraordinary session shall complete its mandate at its 29th session (Durban, 2005).