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World Heritage Convention

52 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 13COM 1989close
By Year
19. The Committee noted that following an earthquake at Tipasa in Algeria, a preliminary mission by a member of the Secretariat had been completed which reported that some damage had occurred. An emergency assistance request had been submitted to the Secretariat which is continuing to cooperate with the managers of the property.
Sites: Tipasa
20. The Committee was also informed of the collapse of the roof of one of the temples in Patan in the Valley of Kathmandu. Emergency assistance had been immediately granted to the Nepalese authorities concerned.
21. The delegate from Canada informed the Committee of his concern in learning of the tree felling which had taken place last winter in the Park of Versailles, which, together with the Chateau, is inscribed on the World Heritage List. He drew the Committee's attention to the danger of separating the responsibilities for cultural and natural resource management in the case of a property where a balance between architecture and the surrounding landscapes is essential. ICOMOS shared these concerns and considered that a tree regeneration plan inappropriate to a protected historical park ...
22. The same delegate informed the Committee of his concern over the announcement of a universal exhibition in Venice. The fragile structures and the limited space of this town, inscribed together with its lagoon on the World Heritage List in 1987, made Venice extremely vulnerable to the effects of mass events. The Secretariat informed the Committee that the Director-General had already written to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy requesting more details on this project. The Committee decided to launch the following appeal: The World Heritage Committee, meeting for its 13th ...
23. The Committee recalled that the revised versions of forms for nominating sites for inscription on the World Heritage List and for requesting international assistance from the World Heritage Fund had been prepared in accordance with the Operational Guidelines and had been already examined by the Bureau at its 13th session. The Bureau members had since then provided comments which were incorporated in the documents submitted to the Committee. The Committee adopted these revised documents in principle, requesting the Committee members to send any additional suggestions they may have to ...
24. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on the several activities undertaken in 1989 presented in document SC/89/CONF.004/6 which, in particular, concentrated on the production and diffusion of general information material and the preparation of photographic exhibits, films and publications. As regards activities related to tourism, it was recalled that over-visitation by tourists could endanger certain sites and that adequate information was needed to minimize this risk. 25. The Committee approved the proposals presented by the Secretariat for 1990. In respect of the production ...
33. The Committee examined document SC-89/CONF.004/8 presenting the status of contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the years 1981-83, 1984-85, 1986-87 and 1988­-89, the status of implementation of international assistance projects approved in 1988 and 1989, as well as a statement on the use of the budget approved by the Committee at its 12th session for 1989. 34. The Committee noted that there continued to be certain delays in the payment of obligatory and voluntary contributions and encouraged the Secretariat to continue its efforts to obtain the outstanding payments, which ...
38. The Committee noted that the Bureau had examined in detail the requests for international assistance presented in document SC-89/CONF.004/7. The Committee also took into consideration that the Bureau had incorporated additional information received by the Secretariat since the preparation of this document into its evaluation. 39. In accordance with the procedures for granting international assistance set out in the Operational Guidelines adopted by the Committee in December 1988, the Committee approved the following requests: A. Technical Cooperation 1. Galapagos National Park ...
38. The Committee noted that the Bureau had examined in detail the requests for international assistance presented in document SC-89/CONF.004/7. The Committee also took into consideration that the Bureau had incorporated additional information received by the Secretariat since the preparation of this document into its evaluations. 39. In accordance with the procedures for granting international assistance set out in the Operational Guidelines adopted by the Committee in December 1988, the Committee approved the following requests: B. Training France/Benin: US$30,000Sub-regional ...
38. The Committee noted that the Bureau had examined in detail the requests for international assistance presented in document SC-89/CONF.004/7. The Committee also took into consideration that the Bureau had incorporated additional information received by the Secretariat since the preparation of this document into its evaluations. 39. In accordance with the procedures for granting international assistance set out in the Operational Guidelines adopted by the Committee in December 1988, the Committee approved the following requests: C. The Committee deferred the following requests for ...
40. The Committee welcomed the proposals of ICOMOS and the Secretariat concerning the global study. In presenting his proposal, the representative of ICOMOS emphasized in particular the need to highlight the changes which had occurred in the world and in approaches to culture in the last twenty years. New tendencies were appearing, especially as concerns the relationships of man to his environment, and new themes were emerging such as anthropised landscapes or vernacular architecture. It was noted that the proposals made by the Secretariat should also be taken into account in elaborating ...
44. The Committee examined 18 nominations of cultural and natural properties to the World Heritage List. It decided to inscribe seven properties and extend one property (Section A), to defer the examination of two properties (Section B), and not to inscribe eight properties (Section C). In addition, the Committee inscribed one property on the List of World Heritage in Danger and withdrew another property from this List (Section D). 45. The Committee was informed by the Secretariat that by a letter dated 6 November 1989, the Federal Republic of Germany had withdrawn the nomination of the ...
Sites: Wadden Sea
47. The Committee noted the intention of the Greek authorities to organize as soon as possible in Greece an international colloquium of experts to examine the conservation projects for the monuments in Mystras and that they would not undertake any restoration work on the site until the publication of the proceedings of the colloquium.
Tasmanian Wilderness Australia N(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee approved the nomination of the extension to the Western Tasmanian Wilderness National Parks World Heritage site which corresponded to an additional area of 604,645 ha, i.e., a 78% increase, thereby serving to consolidate and greatly enhance the existing World Heritage site. The Committee noted that there were some small enclaves of publicly-owned land with World Heritage values currently excluded from the nomination and expressed the hope that these could be added in the future. The Committee noted with satisfaction the ...
Archaeological site of Olvmpia Greece C(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi) The Committee requested the Greek authorities to continue to carefully protect the site and its environment from the impact of increased tourism.
Mystras  Greece C(ii)(iii)(iv) Aware of the incontestable outstanding universal value of Mystras, and taking into account the strong assurance received from the Greek authorities that they will not take any action which might compromise the integrity and authenticity of the site, the Committee decided to inscribe Mystras on the World Heritage List.
Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) Mali  C(v) N(iii) The Committee took note of the IUCN evaluation of the natural values of this property, which met natural criterion (iii) concerning "exceptional combinations of natural and cultural elements". The Committee nevertheless expressed concern that the condition for integrity of this property was not fully met and recommended that the Secretariat contact the Malian authorities to develop a technical cooperation project aiming at avoiding the adverse impact of tourism on the cultural and natural values and at ameliorating living ...
Banc d'Arguin National Park Mauritania N(ii)(iv) The Committee decided that this property should be inscribed excluding the Cap Blanc Satellite Reserve which could only be considered once the boundary question was resolved and the Côte des Phoques parts could be included. The Committee recommended that the Mauritanian authorities adopt the recommendations of the 1989 FAO report on the protective legislation of the Park, and that a technical co-operation request be elaborated for an integrated development project for the local people dependent on the ocean ...