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World Heritage Convention

Decision 25 BUR V.79-81
Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore (Pakistan)

V.79       The Bureau examined the report on the state of conservation as presented within WHC-2001/CONF.205/4 concerning the Shalamar Gardens. The Bureau recalled that the property faced threats caused by the lack of a comprehensive management strategy and plan, urban encroachment and ad-hoc public works. The need for enhancing the capacity of site management authorities in conservation techniques, project elaboration, and site presentation was also noted. The Centre informed the Bureau that the reformulated international assistance request had been received for utilizing the US$ 50,000 emergency assistance granted to the State Party, This new information would be transmitted to the Advisory Bodies and the Chairperson for their evaluation.

V.80       The Observer of Pakistan expressed her Government’s appreciation to the World Heritage Committee and the World Heritage Centre for the special support being provided following the inscription of the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger. In particular, the Bureau was informed that her Government welcomed the initiatives being taken by the Centre to mobilize international technical and financial assistance through the European Union Asia-Urbs Programme. Finally, the Observer of Pakistan reassured the Bureau of her Government’s firm commitment to conserve the world heritage values of the Shalamar Gardens and to continue co-operating with the Committee and the Centre for enhancing the management and development of this property.

V.81       The Bureau welcomed the positive actions taken and being planned by the State Party and the World Heritage Centre for the rehabilitation of the Shalamar Gardens and for elaborating a comprehensive management plan for the site. The Bureau requested the State Party and the Centre to continue its close co-operation to ensure that an integrated conservation, management and development plan be elaborated, adopted and implemented as soon as possible. The Bureau requested the State Party and the Centre to report on the progress made in removing the threats facing the site for examination by the Committee at its twenty-fifth session.

Decision Code
25 BUR V.79-81
States Parties 1
State of conservation reports
2001 Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore
Context of Decision