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Title Code Session Year State Party State Party (ISO) Property Property inscribed on the Danger List Category Theme Language Language (ISO) Size
  1 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09 Compte rendu des travaux SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09 01GA 1976 Statutory documents Français fr
  2 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09 Summary Record SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09 01GA 1976 Statutory documents English en
  3 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02 Reglement interieur provisoire SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02 01GA 1976 Statutory documents Français fr
  4 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02 Provisional Rules of Procedure SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02 01GA 1976 Statutory documents English en
  5 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01 Ordre du jour provisoire SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01 01GA 1976 Statutory documents Français fr
  6 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01 Provisional Agenda SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01 01GA 1976 Statutory documents English en
  7 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03 Fonds pour la protectlon du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03 01GA 1976 Statutory documents Français fr
  8 SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03 Fund for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03 01GA 1976 Statutory documents English en