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Title Code Session Year State Party State Party (ISO) Property Property inscribed on the Danger List Category Theme Language Language (ISO) Size
  1 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.1 Informations générales WHC-11/35.COM/INF.1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  2 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.1 General information WHC-11/35.COM/INF.1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  3 WHC-11/35.COM/2 Admission of Observers WHC-11/35.COM/2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  4 WHC-11/35.COM/2 Admission des Observateurs WHC-11/35.COM/2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  5 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.2 Liste des participants WHC-11/35.COM/INF.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  6 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.2 List of Participants WHC-11/35.COM/INF.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  7 WHC-11/35.COM/3A.REV Ordre du jour provisoire de la 35e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/3A.REV 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  8 WHC-11/35.COM/3A.REV Provisional Agenda of the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/3A.REV 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  9 WHC-11/35.COM/3B.Rev Calendrier provisoire de la 35e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (UNESCO 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/3B.Rev 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  10 WHC-11/35.COM/3B.Rev Provisional Timetable of the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/3B.Rev 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  11 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.3A Liste provisoire des documents de la 35e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.3A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  12 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.3A Provisional list of documents of the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.3A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  13 WHC-11/35.COM/5A Rapport du Centre du patrimoine mondial sur ses activités et la mise en œuvre des décisions du Comité du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/5A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  14 WHC-11/35.COM/5A Report of the World Heritage Centre on its activities and the implementation of the World Heritage Committee’s Decisions WHC-11/35.COM/5A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  15 WHC-11/35.COM/5B Rapports des organisations consultatives WHC-11/35.COM/5B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  16 WHC-11/35.COM/5B Reports of the Advisory Bodies WHC-11/35.COM/5B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  17 WHC-11/35.COM/5C Suivi des recommandations sur l'audit du Centre du patrimoine mondial par l'Auditeur externe WHC-11/35.COM/5C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  18 WHC-11/35.COM/5C Follow-up of the recommendations by the External Auditor on the audit of the World Heritage Centre WHC-11/35.COM/5C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  19 WHC-11/35.COM/5D Rôles du Centre du patrimoine mondial et des Organisations consultatives WHC-11/35.COM/5D 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  20 WHC-11/35.COM/5D Roles of the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies WHC-11/35.COM/5D 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  21 WHC-11/35.COM/5E Convention du Patrimoine Mondial et développement durable WHC-11/35.COM/5E 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  22 WHC-11/35.COM/5E World Heritage Convention and sustainable development WHC-11/35.COM/5E 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  23 WHC-11/35.COM/5F Programme sur le patrimoine mondial et le tourisme WHC-11/35.COM/5F 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  24 WHC-11/35.COM/5F World Heritage Tourism Programme WHC-11/35.COM/5F 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  25 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.2 Rapport annuel sur l’autorisation d’utilisation de l’emblème du patrimoine mondial par le Centre du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  26 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.2 Annual report on the use of the World Heritage Emblem granted by the World Heritage Centre WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  27 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.1 Rapport sur les partenariats du patrimoine mondial, envisagés et conclus, avec le secteur privé WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  28 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.1 Report on World Heritage partnerships with the private sector, envisaged and present WHC-11/35.COM/INF.5A.1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  29 WHC-11/35.COM/6 Rapport d'avancement sur les centres de catégorie 2 associés au patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/6 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  30 WHC-11/35.COM/6 Progress report on the World Heritage related category 2 centres WHC-11/35.COM/6 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  31 WHC-11/35.COM/7.2 Evaluation du mécanisme de suivi renforcé WHC-11/35.COM/7.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  32 WHC-11/35.COM/7.2 Evaluation of the Reinforced Monitoring Mechanism WHC-11/35.COM/7.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  33 WHC-11/35.COM/7.1 Recommandations de la Réunion internationale d'experts sur le patrimoine mondial et les zones tampons WHC-11/35.COM/7.1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  34 WHC-11/35.COM/7.1 Recommendations of the International Expert Meeting on World Heritage and Buffer Zones WHC-11/35.COM/7.1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  35 WHC-11/35.COM/7A État de conservation des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril WHC-11/35.COM/7A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  36 WHC-11/35.COM/7A State of conservation of the properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger WHC-11/35.COM/7A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  37 WHC-11/35.COM/7A.Add État de conservation des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril WHC-11/35.COM/7A.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  38 WHC-11/35.COM/7A.Add.Corr État de conservation des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril WHC-11/35.COM/7A.Add.Corr 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  39 WHC-11/35.COM/7A.Add State of conservation of the properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger WHC-11/35.COM/7A.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  40 WHC-11/35.COM/7B État de conservation de biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/7B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  41 WHC-11/35.COM/7B State of conservation of World Heritage properties inscribed on the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/7B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  42 WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add État de conservation de biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  43 WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add State of conservation of World Heritage properties inscribed on the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  44 WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add.2 État de conservation de biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  45 WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add.2 State of conservation of World Heritage properties inscribed on the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add.2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  46 WHC-11/35.COM/7C Réflexion sur les tendances de l'état de conservation WHC-11/35.COM/7C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  47 WHC-11/35.COM/7C Reflection on the trends of the state of conservation WHC-11/35.COM/7C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  48 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7A Compendium sur les déclarations de valeur et de valeur universelle exceptionnelle pour les biens du patrimoine mondial inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril et ceux discutés pour inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  49 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7A Compendium on the Statements of Significance and of Outstanding Universal Value for World Heritage properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and discussed for in-Danger listing WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  50 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7C Rapport de la réunion d’experts sur les défis globaux de l’état de conservation des biens du patrimoine mondial (13-15 avril 2011, Dakar, Sénégal) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  51 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7C Report of the expert meeting on the global state of conservation challenges of World Heritage properties (13-15 April 2011, Dakar, Senegal) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  52 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7Rev Liste des rapports sur l’état de conservation proposés pour discussion WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7Rev 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  53 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7Rev List of state of conservation reports proposed for discussion WHC-11/35.COM/INF.7Rev 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  54 WHC-11/35.COM/8A Listes indicatives des Etats parties soumises au 21 avril 2011, conformément aux Orientations WHC-11/35.COM/8A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  55 WHC-11/35.COM/8A Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties as of 21 April 2011, in conformity with the Operational Guidelines WHC-11/35.COM/8A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  56 WHC-11/35.COM/8B Propositions d’inscription de biens sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/8B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  57 WHC-11/35.COM/8B Nominations to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/8B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  58 WHC-11/35.COM/8B.Add Propositions d’inscription de biens sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/8B.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  59 WHC-11/35.COM/8B.Add Nominations to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/8B.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  60 WHC-11/35.COM/8D Clarifications des limites et des superficies des biens par les Etats parties en réponse à l’Inventaire rétrospectif WHC-11/35.COM/8D 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  61 WHC-11/35.COM/8D Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties in response to the Retrospective Inventory WHC-11/35.COM/8D 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  62 WHC-11/35.COM/8E Adoption des déclarations rétrospectives de valeur universelle exceptionnelle WHC-11/35.COM/8E 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  63 WHC-11/35.COM/8E Adoption of retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value WHC-11/35.COM/8E 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  64 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add Addendum évaluation des propositions d'inscription de biens culturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  65 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add Addendum Evaluations of Nominations of Cultural and Mixed Properties to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  66 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add.Corr Addendum Évaluations des propositions d'inscription de biens culturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add.Corr 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  67 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add.Corr Addendum Evaluations of Nominations of Cultural and Mixed Properties to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Add.Corr 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  68 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1 Evaluation de l'ICOMOS des propositions d'inscription de biens culturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  69 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1 ICOMOS Evaluation of Nominations of Cultural and Mixed Properties to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  70 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Corr Corrigendum Évaluations des propositions d'inscription de biens culturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Corr 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  71 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Corr Corrigendum Evaluations of Nominations of Cultural and Mixed Properties to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1.Corr 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  72 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B2 Evaluations de l’UICN des propositions d’inscription de biens naturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  73 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B2 IUCN Evaluations of Nominations of Natural and Mixed Properties to the World Heritage List WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B2 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  74 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B3 Liste des propositions d’inscription reçues au 1er février 2011 pour examen par le Comité à sa 36e session (2012) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B3 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  75 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B3 List of nominations received by 1 February 2011 and for examination by the Committee at its 36th Session (2012) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B3 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  76 WHC-11/35.COM/9A Evaluation de la Stratégie globale et de l’initiative PACTe WHC-11/35.COM/9A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  77 WHC-11/35.COM/9A Evaluation of the Global Strategy and the PACT Initiative WHC-11/35.COM/9A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  78 WHC-11/35.COM/9B Présentation et adoption de la stratégie du patrimoine mondial pour le renforcement des capacités WHC-11/35.COM/9B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  79 WHC-11/35.COM/9B Presentation and adoption of the World Heritage strategy for capacity building WHC-11/35.COM/9B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  80 WHC-11/35.COM/9C Recommandations du Groupe d'experts sur la science et technologie dans le contexte des propositions d'inscriptions sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/9C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  81 WHC-11/35.COM/9C Recommendations of the Science and Technology Expert Working Group in the context of World Heritage Nominations WHC-11/35.COM/9C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  82 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.9A Rapport final de l’Audit de la Stratégie globale et de l’initiative PACTe WHC-11/35.COM/INF.9A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  83 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.9A Final report of the Audit of the Global Strategy and the PACT initiative WHC-11/35.COM/INF.9A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  84 WHC-11/35.COM/10A Rapport sur le second cycle de soumission de rapports périodiques pour la région Afrique WHC-11/35.COM/10A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  85 WHC-11/35.COM/10A Report on the Second Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the Africa region WHC-11/35.COM/10A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  86 WHC-11/35.COM/10B Rapport d’avancement sur le premier cycle du Rapport périodique et le lancement du second cycle du Rapport périodique pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes WHC-11/35.COM/10B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  87 WHC-11/35.COM/10B Progress Report on the first cycle of the Periodic Reporting and launching of the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting in Latin America and the Caribbean WHC-11/35.COM/10B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  88 WHC-11/35.COM/10C Rapport d’avancement sur la soumission des rapports périodiques dans toutes les autres régions WHC-11/35.COM/10C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  89 WHC-11/35.COM/10C Progress report on Periodic Reporting in all other regions WHC-11/35.COM/10C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  90 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.10C Programme régional pour les États arabes WHC-11/35.COM/INF.10C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  91 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.10C Regional Programme for Arab States WHC-11/35.COM/INF.10C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  92 WHC-11/35.COM/11 Protection du patrimoine culturel et naturel palestinien WHC-11/35.COM/11 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  93 WHC-11/35.COM/11 Protection of the Palestinian cultural and natural heritage WHC-11/35.COM/11 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  94 WHC-11/35.COM/12A Réflexion sur l’avenir de la Convention du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/12A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  95 WHC-11/35.COM/12A Reflection on the Future of the World Heritage Convention WHC-11/35.COM/12A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  96 WHC-11/35.COM/12B Rapport de la réunion d'experts sur les procédures de prise de décision des organes statutaires de la Convention du patrimoine mondial (Manama, Bahreïn, 15-17 décembre 2010) WHC-11/35.COM/12B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  97 WHC-11/35.COM/12B Report of the expert meeting on decision-making procedures of the statutory organs of the World Heritage Convention (Manama, Bahrain, 15-17 December 2010) WHC-11/35.COM/12B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  98 WHC-11/35.COM/12C Rapport d’avancement sur la réflexion concernant les processus en amont WHC-11/35.COM/12C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  99 WHC-11/35.COM/12C Progress report on the reflection concerning the upstream processes WHC-11/35.COM/12C 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  100 WHC-11/35.COM/12D Rapport d’avancement sur la préparation du 40e anniversaire de la Convention WHC-11/35.COM/12D 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  101 WHC-10/35.COM/12D Progress report on the preparation of the 40th Anniversary of the Convention WHC-10/35.COM/12D 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  102 WHC-11/35.COM/13 Révision des Orientations WHC-11/35.COM/13 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  103 WHC-11/35.COM/13 Revision of the Operational Guidelines WHC-11/35.COM/13 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  104 WHC-11/35.COM/13A Rapport d'avancement du groupe de travail informel sur l'emblème du patrimoine mondial WHC-11/35.COM/13A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  105 WHC-11/35.COM/13A Progress report of the Informal Working Group on the World Heritage Emblem WHC-11/35.COM/13A 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  106 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.13B Rapport sur le processus de préparation du projet de recommandation sur le Paysage urbain historique WHC-11/35.COM/INF.13B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  107 WHC-10/35.COM/INF.13B Rapport sur le processus de préparation du projet de recommandation sur le Paysage urbain historique WHC-10/35.COM/INF.13B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  108 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.13B Report of the progress in the preparation of a new Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscapes WHC-11/35.COM/INF.13B 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  109 WHC-11/35.COM/14 Examen des demandes d’assistance internationale WHC-11/35.COM/14 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  110 WHC-11/35.COM/14 Examination of International Assistance requests WHC-11/35.COM/14 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  111 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.14 Assistance internationale WHC-11/35.COM/INF.14 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  112 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.14 International Assistance WHC-11/35.COM/INF.14 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  113 WHC-11/35.COM/15 Rapport sur l’exécution du budget 2010-2011 et préparation du budget 2012-2013 WHC-11/35.COM/15 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  114 WHC-11/35.COM/15 Report on the execution of the 2010-2011 Budget and preparation of the 2012-2013 Budget WHC-11/35.COM/15 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  115 WHC-11/35.COM/16 Projet d’ordre du jour de la 18e session de l’Assemblée générale des Etats parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial (UNESCO, novembre 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/16 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  116 WHC-11/35.COM/16 Draft Agenda of the 18th session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention (UNESCO, November 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/16 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  117 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.16 Rapport du Comité du patrimoine mondial sur ses activités pour la 18e session de l’Assemblée générale des Etats parties (UNESCO, novembre 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.16 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  118 WHC-11/35.COM/INF.16 Draft Report of the World Heritage Committee on its activities for the 18th session of the General Assembly of States Parties (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/INF.16 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  119 WHC-11/35.COM/19 Ordre du jour provisoire de la 36e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (2012) WHC-11/35.COM/19 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  120 WHC-11/35.COM/19 Provisional agenda of the 36th session of the World Heritage Committee (2012) WHC-11/35.COM/19 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  121 WHC-11/35.COM/20 Décisions adoptées par le Comité du patrimoine mondial à sa 35e session (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/20 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  122 WHC-11/35.COM/20 Decisions Adopted by the Word Heritage Committee at its 35th Session (UNESCO, 2011) WHC-11/35.COM/20 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  123 WHC-11/35.COM.INF.20 Summary Record / Résumé des interventions WHC-11/35.COM.INF.20 35COM 2011 Statutory documents English en
  124 WHC-11/35.COM.INF.20 Résumé des interventions / Summary Record WHC-11/35.COM.INF.20 35COM 2011 Statutory documents Français fr
  125 Report on the ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission to Stone Town of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania, 23 - 31 January 2011 35COM 2011 United Republic of Tanzania tz Stone Town of Zanzibar Mission reports English en
  126 Report on the joint UNESCO/ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission to Ngorongoro Conservation Area (United Republic of Tanzania), 6 - 12 February 2011 35COM 2011 United Republic of Tanzania tz Ngorongoro Conservation Area Mission reports English en
  127 Report on the Joint WHC/IUCN Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, 10-14 January 2011 35COM 2011 Mexico mx Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve Mission reports English en
  128 Mission de suivi de l’état de conservation des Forêts humides de l’Atsinanana, Madagascar, 23-31 mai 2011 35COM 2011 Madagascar mg Rainforests of the Atsinanana Yes Mission reports Français fr
  129 Report on the Monitoring Mission to Rio Plátano Biospehere Reserve (Honduras) (N 196), 1 - 9 February 2011 35COM 2011 Honduras hn Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve Yes Mission reports English en
  130 Reactive Monitoring Mission Mana Pools, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas (Zimbabwe) 9-15 January 2011 35COM 2011 Zimbabwe zw Mana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas Mission reports English en
  131 Report of the Joint WHC/IUCN/Ramsar Convention Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Doñana National Park (Spain), 19-22 January 2011 35COM 2011 Spain es Doñana National Park Mission reports English en
  132 Report on the Advisory Mission to the Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley (Afghanistan), 19-27 November 2010 & 30 March - 7 April 2011 35COM 2011 Afghanistan af Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley Yes Mission reports English en
  133 Report on the Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Lorentz National Park, 24 January - 3 February 2011 35COM 2011 Indonesia id Lorentz National Park Mission reports English en
  134 Report on the Joint WHC/IUCN Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Virgin Komi Forests (Russian Federation), 3-11 October 2010 35COM 2010 Russian Federation ru Virgin Komi Forests Mission reports English en
  135 Reactive Monitoring Mission to Serengeti National Park (United Republic of Tanzania), 30 november - 8 December 2010 35COM 2010 United Republic of Tanzania tz Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti National Park Mission reports English en
  136 Report on the Joint UNESCO/ICOMOS/ICCROM Reactive Monitoring Mission to Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi, 8-11 November 2010 35COM 2010 Uganda ug Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi Mission reports English en
  137 Pilgrimage Church of Wies - inscribed minor boundary modification 35COM 2011 Germany de Pilgrimage Church of Wies Maps English en
  138 Historic Centre of Naples - inscribed minor boundary modification 35COM 2011 Italy it Historic Centre of Naples Maps English en 8123x4973px
  139 Rwenzori Mountains National Park - Map of the inscribed property 35COM 2011 Uganda ug Rwenzori Mountains National Park Maps English en
  140 Bwindi Impenetrable National Park - Map of the inscribed property 35COM 2011 Uganda ug Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Maps English en
  141 Maps of inscribed serial elements - Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps 35COM 2011 Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland at, ch, de, fr, it, si Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps Maps English en
  142 Volcanoes of Kamchatka: boundary of the component "Southern Kamchatka" Regional Nature Park (two parcels) 35COM 2011 Russian Federation ru Volcanoes of Kamchatka Maps English en 1995x2810px
  143 Tsingy de Bemaraha - Boundary of the World Heritage property 35COM 2011 Madagascar mg Andrefana Dry Forests Maps Français fr
  144 Kakadu National Park - inscribed minor modification 35COM 2011 Australia au Kakadu National Park Maps English en
  145 Ancient City of Damascus - inscribed minor modification 35COM 2011 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient City of Damascus Yes Maps English en
  146 Melaka and George Town, Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca - inscribed minor boundary modification 35COM 2011 Malaysia my Melaka and George Town, Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca Maps English en
  147 Map showing the boundary and buffer zone of the component “Parco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Capo di Ponte/Riserva Naturale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo” 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  148 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica: Map showing the boundary and buffer zone of the component “Parco Pluritematico “Coren de le Fate” di Sonico” 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  149 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica: Map showing the boundary and buffer zone of the component “Parco Comunale di Sellero” 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  150 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica: Map showing the boundary and buffer zone of the component “Parco Archeologico Comunale di Seradina-Bedolina, in Capo di Ponte” 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  151 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica: Map showing the boundary and buffer zone of the component “Parco Archeologico Nazionale dei Massi di Cemmo” 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  152 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica: Map showing the boundary and buffer zone of the component “Parco Comunale di Luine di Darfo-Boario Terme” 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  153 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica: Map showing the location of all the inscribed components and their buffer zones 35COM 2011 Italy it Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Maps English en 4133x2924px
  154 Villa Romana del Casale: Map showing the inscribed property and its buffer zone 35COM 2011 Italy it Villa Romana del Casale Maps English en 4133x2924px
  155 Upper Svaneti - Map of the World Heritage Property 35COM 2011 Georgia ge Upper Svaneti Maps English en
  156 Site historique de Lyon: délimitation du bien et de sa zone tampon lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1998 35COM 2011 France fr Historic Site of Lyon Maps Français fr
  157 Cathédrale de Bourges: délimitation du bien inscrit sur la liste en 1992 35COM 2011 France fr Bourges Cathedral Maps Français fr
  158 Cathédrale Notre-Dame, ancienne abbaye Saint-Rémi et palais de Tau, Reims: délimitation du bien lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1991 35COM 2011 France fr Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims Maps Français fr
  159 Ville fortifiée historique de Carcassonne : délimitation du bien lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1997 35COM 2011 France fr Historic Fortified City of Carcassonne Maps Français fr
  160 Ville fortifiée historique de Carcassonne : délimitation du bien et de sa zone tampon lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1997 35COM 2011 France fr Historic Fortified City of Carcassonne Maps Français fr
  161 Centre historique d’Avignon: Palais des papes, ensemble épiscopal et Pont d'Avignon. Délimitation du bien lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1995 35COM 2011 France fr Historic Centre of Avignon: Papal Palace, Episcopal Ensemble and Avignon Bridge Maps Français fr
  162 Cathédrale d’Amiens: délimitation du bien inscrit sur la liste en 1981 35COM 2011 France fr Amiens Cathedral Maps Français fr
  163 Burgos Cathedral: Map of the inscribed property 35COM 2011 Spain es Burgos Cathedral Maps English en
  164 Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada: Map of the inscribed property and its buffer zone 35COM 2011 Spain es Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada Maps English en
  165 Timgad - Map of the inscribed property 35COM 2011 Algeria dz Timgad Maps Français fr
  166 Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec. Map of the inscribed property and its buffer zone 35COM 2011 Czechia cz Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec Maps English en
  167 Kutná Hora: The Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec (boundary of the component 732-002) 35COM 2011 Czechia cz Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec Maps English en
  168 Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara (boundary of the component 732-001) 35COM 2011 Czechia cz Kutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec Maps English en
  169 Historic Centre of Český Krumlov: inscribed property and buffer zone 35COM 2011 Czechia cz Historic Centre of Český Krumlov Maps English en
  170 Historic Centre of Český Krumlov: inscribed property 35COM 2011 Czechia cz Historic Centre of Český Krumlov Maps English en
  171 Map of Ningaloo Coast inscribed property 35COM 2011 Australia au Ningaloo Coast Maps English en
  172 Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch - inscribed minor boundary modification 35COM 2011 Germany de Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch Maps English en 4962x3508px
  173 The Wadden Sea - inscribed minor boundary modification 35COM 2011 Denmark, Germany, Netherlands (Kingdom of the) de, dk, nl Wadden Sea Maps English en
  174 Supplementary Information 35COM 2010 Jordan jo Wadi Rum Protected Area Nomination English en
  175 Nomination Text 35COM 2010 Jordan jo Wadi Rum Protected Area Nomination English en
  176 Maps 35COM 2010 Jordan jo Wadi Rum Protected Area Nomination English en
  177 Management Plans 35COM 2010 Jordan jo Wadi Rum Protected Area Nomination English en
  178 Executive Summary 35COM 2010 Jordan jo Wadi Rum Protected Area Nomination English en
  179 Annexes 35COM 2010 Jordan jo Wadi Rum Protected Area Nomination English en
  180 Résumé analytique 35COM 2010 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient Villages of Northern Syria Yes Nomination Français fr
  181 Plan de gestion 35COM 2010 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient Villages of Northern Syria Yes Nomination Français fr
  182 Informations complémentaires 35COM 2010 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient Villages of Northern Syria Yes Nomination Français fr
  183 Dossier de nomination 35COM 2010 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient Villages of Northern Syria Yes Nomination Français fr
  184 Cartes 35COM 2010 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient Villages of Northern Syria Yes Nomination Français fr
  185 Annexes 35COM 2010 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient Villages of Northern Syria Yes Nomination Français fr
  186 Supplementary Information 35COM 2010 United Arab Emirates ae Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) Nomination English en
  187 Nomination Text 35COM 2010 United Arab Emirates ae Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) Nomination English en
  188 Maps 35COM 2010 United Arab Emirates ae Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) Nomination English en
  189 Executive Summary 35COM 2010 United Arab Emirates ae Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) Nomination English en
  190 Annexes 35COM 2010 United Arab Emirates ae Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) Nomination English en
  191 Supplementary Information 35COM 2010 Sudan sd Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe Nomination English en
  192 Nomination Text 35COM 2010 Sudan sd Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe Nomination English en
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