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World Heritage Convention

57 Decisions
6 Resolutions
Year start: 1989close
Theme: Administrationclose
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/3C and WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/INF.3C and WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/INF.3C.Add Takes note with satisfaction of the Report of the Rapporteur of its 28th session (Suzhou, 2004).
The World Heritage Committee: 1. Having examined Document WHC-04/7 EXT.COM/4B, 2. Recalling Decision 28 COM 13.1, adopted at its 28th session (Suzhou, 2004) 3. Decides that the Special Meeting of Experts referred to in paragraph 13 of Decision 28 COM 13.1 shall take place in Kazan, as offered by the Russian Federation and thanks the Russian authorities for their offer; 4. Decides that the Special Meeting mentioned above will take place from 6 to 9 April 2005; 5. Requests the World Heritage Centre to prepare a background paper collecting as much as possible relevant information ...
9. The General Assembly examined document CC-89/CONF.013/2 by which the accounts of the World Heritage Fund were submitted to the Assembly in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the Fund. The Assembly was informed of contributions received since 31 August 1989 from several States Parties. A detailed statement of these contributions is given below. Etat partie Somme Années de contribution   (en dollars des Etats-Unis d'Amérique)   Costa Rica 696 1986 to 1988 Cyprus 958 1988-1989 German Democratic ...
12. When examining item 7 of the agenda concerning the means of ensuring an equitable representation of different regions and cultures of the world on the World Heritage Committee, the Assembly expressed the wish to be presented regularly with the charts prepared by the Secretariat: one presenting for each State Party the periods during which they have been members of the Committee, the other showing the distribution of Member States of the Committee according to the different regions. One delegate recalled that the seventh General Assembly had questioned the opportunity of increasing the ...
13. Under item 8 of its agenda the General Assembly was called on to elect seven Members to the World Heritage Committee to replace the following seven Members who would have completed their term of office at the end of the twenty-sixth session of the General Conference: Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, India, Mexico, United Republic of Tanzania, and Yemen. The list of States Parties having submitted their candidature was read out to the Assembly. In accordance with Article 16, paragraph 5, of the Convention, the list of candidates was limited to those States Parties which had paid their ...
13. Under item 8 of its agenda, the General Assembly was called upon to elect seven Members to the World Heritage Committee, to replace the following seven Members whose mandate would expire at the end of the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference: Brazil, Cuba, France, Italy, Pakistan, Tunisia, United States of America. The list of the thirty-one States Parties having submitted their candidature was read to the Assembly. Upon the proposal of the Representative of Niger, seconded by numerous delegations, the General Assembly suspended its work to consult among groups with a view ...
10. The General Assembly examined the Document WHC-95/CONF.204/3 concerning the budgetary situation of the World Heritage Fund, in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the Fund. The situation concerning contributions up to 28 October 1995, replacing Document WHC-95/CONF.204/3 Add., was also distributed during the session. The Assembly was further informed that the following contributions had been received since 28 October 1995: State Party Amount (US $) Year of contribution Algeria 10,768 balance 1993, 1994 and ...
12. The General Assembly unanimously decided that the amount of mandatory contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the period 1996-1997, calculated in US dollars, would be maintained at 1 percent of contributions made by States Parties to the Regular Programme of UNESCO, in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 1, of the Convention, as had been decided by the nine previous General Assemblies.
13. The President then explained for which reasons it was proposed to simplify the procedure in force for the election of members to the World Heritage Committee, in order to avoid an excessive number of ballots. This simplification, contained in the proposed amendments to Rules 13.8, 13.9 and 13.10 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (cf. Document WHC-95/CONF.204/5), would comprise four ballots with absolute majority and at the fifth ballot a simple majority, and in the event of two or more candidates obtaining the same number of votes, to proceed by drawing lots.14. The ...
34. Under item 10 of its agenda, the General Assembly was called upon to elect seven members to the World Heritage Committee, to replace the following seven members whose mandate would expire at the end of the twenty-eighth session of the General Conference: Colombia, Indonesia, Oman, Peru, Senegal, Syrian Arab Republic and Thailand. Following the withdrawal of its candidature by Nigeria, as well as that of Colombia which withdrew in favour of Ecuador, the list of twenty-eight States Parties having submitted their candidature was read to the General Assembly: Algeria, Argentina, ...
26. Under item 9 of the agenda, the General Assembly was called upon to elect seven members of the World Heritage Committee, to replace the following seven members whose mandate would expire at the end of the 29th session of the General Conference: China, Cyprus, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Philippines and Spain. The list of candidates was read out to the General Assembly: Angola, Armenia, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Hungary, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Mozambique, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, ...
25. The representative of the Bureau of the Comptroller presented document WHC-99/CONF.206/3b.rev giving the state of mandatory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund as at 22 October 1999. He then informed the General Assembly of all the other voluntary contributions and funds in trust received in 1999 by the World Heritage Centre. The Deputy Director of the Centre then announced the list of the other contributions expected, including the financing of the posts in the framework of the programme of associate experts. 26. The representative of the Bureau of the ...
29. In accordance with item 7 of the agenda, the General Assembly unanimously decided that the amount of mandatory contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the period 2000-2001 would be maintained at 1 percent of contributions made by States Parties of the Regular Programme of UNESCO, according to article 16, paragraph 1 of the Convention, as had been decided by previous General Assemblies.
49. Under item 9 of the agenda, the General Assembly was called upon to elect seven members of the World Heritage Committee, to replace the following seven members whose mandate would expire at the end of the thirtieth session of the General Conference: Brazil, France, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Niger, United States of America. The list of candidates was read out to the General Assembly: Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Egypt, Guatemala, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Portugal, Slovakia, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom, ...
54. The Director of the Centre tabled document WHC-99/CONF.206/INF.7, and referred to the decision of the twenty-third session of the Bureau to submit the following draft resolution concerning the Centre’s needs and resources to the twelfth General Assembly for it to take note. 55. The General Assembly took note of the draft resolution addressed to the Director-General. «The Bureau of the World Heritage Committee Noting that the true nature of the functioning of the Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage implies a regular growth in the annual ...
7. The Secretary for the natural part of the Convention, Mr. Bernd von Droste, reported on the activities undertaken since the twelfth session of the Committee, held during 5-9 December 1988 in Brasilia (Brazil). 8. Mr. von Droste stated that three States Parties had ratified the Convention during 1989 and expressed the wish that further efforts be made to encourage the adherence of new States Parties. The Committee noted the work that the Secretariat had undertaken to coordinate efforts to conserve the world's natural heritage with those of other international funds and conventions, ...
33. The Committee examined document SC-89/CONF.004/8 presenting the status of contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the years 1981-83, 1984-85, 1986-87 and 1988­-89, the status of implementation of international assistance projects approved in 1988 and 1989, as well as a statement on the use of the budget approved by the Committee at its 12th session for 1989. 34. The Committee noted that there continued to be certain delays in the payment of obligatory and voluntary contributions and encouraged the Secretariat to continue its efforts to obtain the outstanding payments, which ...
48. The representative of the Bureau of the Comptroller presented the documents WHC-2001/CONF.206/3b and WHC-2001/CONF.206/3b.Add, containing the compulsory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund as at 30 September and revised as at 22 October 2001. He indicated that the state of compulsory and voluntary contributions would be updated for the next session of the Committee in Helsinki in December 2001. 49. The Delegate of Thailand referred to the last page of document WHC-2001/CONF.206/3b, State of contributions as at 31 August 2001, and requested clarification regarding ...
The General Assembly, 1. Elected H.E. Mr Ahmad Jalali (Islamic Republic of Iran) as Chairperson of the 14th General Assembly, 2. Elected Ms Alissandra Cummins (Barbados) as Rapporteur of the 14th General Assembly, 3. Elected France, Nigeria, and Uganda as Vice-Chairpersons of the 14th General Assembly.
The General Assembly, 1. Having examined the financial situation of the World Heritage Fund and the contribution of UNESCO to the activities of the World Heritage Centre as planned in the 32 C/5, 2. Recognizing the need to increase the financial resources from the UNESCO Regular Budget for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, 3. Recalling Decision 27 COM 11 of the World Heritage Committee at its 27th session (Paris, 2003), 4. Recalling its wish that the 32nd General Conference allocate an additional US$ 1 million for activities directed at the implementation of the World ...