Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük
Factors affecting the property in 2013*
- Financial resources
- Management systems/ management plan
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2013
Total amount approved : 0 USD
Missions to the property until 2013**
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2013
On 31 January 2013, the State Party submitted a state of conservation report, including “The Draft Management Plan of Çatalhöyük Neolithic Site”. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the draft plan is currently in the process of submission to the Executive and Monitoring Council for evaluation and approval. Following the approval of the Executive and Monitoring Council, the final Management Plan will be submitted to the World Heritage Centre before the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee. At the time of the preparation of this report, the final version of the plan had not been received by the World Heritage Centre.
a) Finalization and implementation of the Management Plan
The State Party submitted the updated draft Management Plan, which aims to ensure the recognition and conservation of the significance and values of the property by all stakeholders, including visitors. The main management issues have been defined based on the analysis of the situation and information derived from a stakeholder consultation. Management policies and actions are planned around a series of key issues: Archaeological Excavations and Research, Visitor Management and Presentation, Tourism and Promotion, Accessibility, Education, Participation, Local Development, and Risk Management.
The required actions have been prioritized, the duration of their implementation estimated, and parties responsible for implementation identified; the requirement for strengthening legal powers and financial provision for effective implementation is prioritized for 2013-2014.
b) Defining, besides the Çatalhöyük Research Project, the national and local entities responsible for the custody of the inventories and documentation on the property
This issue has been addressed in the draft Management Plan, which states that all collections, inventories and documentation are managed and regulated by the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage and Museums through the Directorate of Konya Museum. Storage facilities on site have recently been significantly enhanced and further work is in progress to strengthen documentation including compiling visual sources and written materials in different languages related to Çatalhöyük (excavation reports, photographs, related articles etc.). It is planned to store and present the compiled literature in one of the sections of the Konya Museum.
c) Including amongst the monitoring indicators, the evaluation of environmental and climatic impacts, as well as those related to the effects of agriculture, tourism or other developments, which might affect the property
All of these issues have been addressed in the draft Management Pan and appropriate actions identified.
d) Financial strategy for the conservation and maintenance of the property
The Action Plan has identified priorities and the agencies responsible for implementation. In addition, the source of finance for each of the actions is identified.
Analysis and Conclusion by World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in 2013
The World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies recommend that the Committee express its satisfaction with the progress made by the State Party in response to the Committee decision.
However, they note that while a number of the actions listed within the Action Plan refer to monitoring, no monitoring indicators have been identified. There is a need for a monitoring plan with appropriate indicators in order to ensure that the implementation of conservation and management objectives proves effective.
They also point out that it is not clear how many of the activities are already funded, and whether there is a need to seek additional funding for some of the activities (in particular prioritised activities). It would, therefore, be useful to develop a complete financial strategy.
The draft Management Plan has been completed; however this document needs final approval by the relevant agencies in order for its implementation to move forward.
Summary of the interventions
Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2013
37 COM 7B.86
Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük (Turkey) (C 1405)
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 36 COM 8B.36 , adopted at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012),
3. Welcomes the progress made by the State Party with regards to the Management Plan and takes note of the information regarding its approval and imminent implementation;
4. Also takes note that the State Party intends to revise this Management Plan and requests it to ensure, within the framework of the revision process that:
a) the actions listed in the Management Plan, including suitable monitoring indicators, are elaborated in a such a way that they enable the State Party to adequately monitor the conservation and management of the property,
b) the legal underpinning of the Plan is secured, and that a more detailed financial strategy is elaborated to ensure that adequate funding is in place for all necessary actions;
5. Also requests the State Party to provide printed and electronic copies of the revised Management Plan to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2014, for review by the Advisory Bodies.
Draft Decision: 37 COM 7B.86
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 36 COM 8B.36, adopted at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012),
3. Welcomes the progress made by the State Party in updating the Management Plan;
4. Urges the State Party to:
a) Elaborate further the actions listed in the Management Plan, including suitable monitoring indicators to enable the State Party to monitor the conservation and management of the property adequately,
b) Provide assurance that the legal underpinning of the Plan is secured, and
c) Provide a more detailed financial strategy to ensure that adequate funding is in place for all necessary actions;
5. Requests the State Party to proceed with the necessary final approval for the management plan, taking into account the above mentioned request, and to provide three printed and electronic copies to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2014, for review by the Advisory Bodies.
* :
The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).
** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.