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Alpine Convention and World Heritage Convention Secretariats Meet

Monday, 1 February 2010
access_time 1 min read

On 18 January 2010 a meeting took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France between the Secretariats of the Convention on the Protection of the Alps and the World Heritage Convention. The 'Alpine Convention' was signed by the 8 Alpine countries on 7th November 1991, recognizing the Alps as a unique, common area which needs a common development and preservation policy.

A presentation about the working group on UNESCO World Heritage, mandated by a Ministerial Conference held in Evian, France, in March 2009 was followed by an exchange of views on World Heritage properties in the region, serial transnational and transboundary nominations, Tentative Lists and methodological approaches to a coherent framework. Some of these issues will be addressed by the forthcoming Experts Workshop on Serial World Heritage properties and Nominations, to be held in Switzerland.

The documents can be downloaded from the website: http://lnk.nu/alpconv.org/15f3.htm
