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Special issue of SPANDREL on the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Journal of School of Planning and Architecture of Bhopal, India

Tuesday, 2 April 2013
access_time 1 min read

7th issue of SPANDREL, Historic Urban Landscape. Biannual publication. 2013

The 7th issue of the SPANDREL journal for the promotion and dissemination of the “Historic Urban Landscape” approach published by the School of Planning and Architecture of Bhopal is now available. Mrs. Savita Raje, Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture as well as the editor of this issue, covers a wide range of themes through many international examples.

In order to promote quality research in the areas of Architecture, Planning and Design, the School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, publishes an international journal “SPANDREL” (Journal of SPA: New Dimensions in Research of Environments for Living). The Journal is intended as a medium for communication and discussion of contemporary issues in Architecture, Planning, Design and related disciplines.

This journal hopes to focus on exploratory research in various disciplines, which will help enrich our understanding of our environment and educate young professionals in better understanding the context in which they are entrusted with the responsibility of shaping the future of built heritage.

The 7th issue of Spandrel is focused on the issues of the development of cities and landscape planning, as developed by the Recommendation on the historic urban landscape, adopted by UNESCO in 2011. Highlighting the work done by students in architecture and urban planning as well as the research of international experts, this issue is devoted to changes and fragmentations of historic urban landscapes, the multifunctional aspect, and infrastructure. It approaches the challenges of modernization, preservation, livability and the identity of cities. It proposes a heritage- and culture-focused approach for managing change and modernization of urban environments.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013
access_time 1 min read