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3 Events
Day: Friday, 31 January 2014 close
31 January 2014
As this year 1 February falls on a weekend, nominations, additional information concerning pending referrals and minor boundary modifications must be received at the World Heritage Centre, in compliance with the Operational Guidelines, the preceding Friday, that is 31 January 2014 by 17h00 GMT. Should you need any further information please contact Mr Alessandro ...
14 January 2014 - 15 February 2014
The Preventive and Planned Conservation Conference 2014 seeks a diverse and comprehensive program covering more areas of Preventive and Planned Conservation of Built Cultural Heritage. This conference is one of the communication and dissemination actions implemented within Cultural Districts “Monza and Brianza” and “Le Regge dei Gonzaga”. “Cultural ...
1 October 2013 - 31 January 2014
[in French only] Partenaire actif de l’UNESCO pour la valorisation des paysages et du patrimoine, la France a développé des outils originaux pour la promotion des paysages. Il y a 20 ans, la loi du 8 janvier 1993 dite « loi Paysage » qui vise à protéger et à mettre en valeur les paysages, qu’ils soient remarquables ou quotidiens, ...