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WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8 État des depenses encourues au titre du Fonds du patrimoine mondial au 30 avril 1998
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8 Statement of expenditure of the World Heritage Fund, as of 30 April 1998
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8Add. État des depenses encourues au titre du Fonds du patrimoine mondial au 30 avril 1998
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8Add.
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8Add. Statement of expenditure of the World Heritage Fund, as of 30 April 1998
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.8Add.
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-98/CONF.201/9 Rapport du rapporteur
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/9
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-98/CONF.201/9 Report of the Rapporteur
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/9
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.11 Discussion Papers Prepared for the Consultative Body Meeting, 29-30 April 1998
Code: WHC-98/CONF.201/INF.11
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
Australian Report on the State of Conservation of a Selected Number of its World Heritage sites (English only)
Year: 1998
Session: 22BUR
State Party: Australia
Site: Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu National Park, Shark Bay, Western Australia, Tasmanian Wilderness, Wet Tropics of Queensland
Language: English en
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties