Final report of the synthesis of the periodic reports for the Arab Region submitted in accordance with the strategy approved by the 23rd session of the World Heritage Committee in December 1999 in Marrakesh (Morocco).
The report contains 10 Section I reports received from 12 States Parties scheduled for the exercise and 36 Section II reports received on 43 sites participating in the exercise.

Report on the state of the World Heritage
in the Arab States, 2000
Principles for the Periodic Reporting Strategies
In the spirit of the decisions taken by the World Heritage Committee at its twenty-second session, the following principles guide the design and implementation of the regional periodic reporting strategies
- The States Parties themselves are responsible for the preparation of national Periodic Reports.
- States Parties may request expert advice from the Secretariat or the advisory bodies. The Secretariat may also commission expert advice with the agreement of the States Parties.
- Periodic reporting will provide the framework for the exchange of experiences among States Parties.
- Periodic reporting is a participatory process in which all World Heritage partners are involved.
- The Secretariat will facilitate the implementation of the periodic reporting requirement by the States Parties and will synthesise the national reports by region. In doing so, full use will be made of the available expertise of the advisory bodies, States Parties, competent institutions and expertise available within the region.