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1429 Events
2-4 March 2009
A retrospective inventory conducted by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre revealed that of the 76 sites in the Africa region, only 6 have a Statement of Outstanding Universal Value, 27 a Statement of Value, and 43 do not have either one. Therefore 19 State Parties are concerned by the preparation of Statements of OUV to be approved by the Centre. In this context, thanks to a generous ...
24-26 February 2009
The Kingdom of Bahrain, in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre and IUCN-WCPA, hosted the workshop on 'building capacity for marine World Heritage'.  The workshop had three central objectives: Building greater capacity within the global IUCN-WCPA marine network in helping deliver World Heritage related technical support; Carrying out a global thematic review of marine World ...
23 February 2009
[in French only] Monsieur Eusebio Leal, Directeur de la Oficina del Historiador de La Habana, donne une conférence magistrale sur le Centre historique de cette ville. Cette dernière apparaît comme un modèle de gestion intégrale et une expérience singulière. Le centre historique de La Havane, construit entre les XVIe et XIXe siècles, a été déclaré par l'UNESCO en 1982, patrimoine culturel de ...
16 February 2009
In the context of the partnership between Jaeger-LeCoultre, The International Herald Tribune and UNESCO, the Jaeger-LeCoultre Manufacture has designed a watch symbolizing its commitment to the World Heritage Marine Programme. The goal of the partnership is to identify, monitor and preserve marine sites around the world, and the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer has designed a limited edition ...
19-23 January 2009
In the framework of the UN 2009 International Year of Astronomy, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is hosting a symposium on "The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture". The aim of this Symposium is to provide a global, and at the same time detailed, view of the very many activities that link astronomy to our diverse cultures. It will also be a forum to discuss the ways these ...
15 January 2009
5th Annual Ename International Colloquium To be held 18th - 20th March 2009 in Ghent and Ostend, Belgium Climates of Heritage Conservation Responding to the Challenge of Global Climate Change through Public Engagement and Social Innovation This three-day colloquium will focus on the immediate and obvious significance of the impacts of global climate change to the Low Countries, namely ...
14-17 December 2008
Thanks to the generous invitation of the Kingdom of Bahrain, fourteen out of the eighteen States Parties from the Arab Region met in Manama to launch the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting decided by the World Heritage Committee at its 32nd session in Quebec City (July 2008). Two days of the meeting were devoted to training for the drafting of Statements of Outstanding Universal Value ...
12 December 2008
Final International Steering Committee of UNESCO/Japanese Fund-in-Trust for Preservation of Ajina Tepa - Buddhist Monastery on the Silk Road, and Presentation of Central Asia Silk Roads World Heritage Serial Nomination process to International Diplomatic Corps in Tajikistan. The Final International Steering Committee for the Ajina Tepa project is organized by the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office ...
10-12 December 2008
This workshop is the outcome of a collaboration between the Regional and Monitoring Support Unit (RMSU) for the programme Euromed Heritage IV of the European Union (EU) and the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement. It will deal with inventories of cultural heritages in nine Mediterranean Partner countries of the EU (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria ...
4-6 December 2008
The subject of this colloquium, organized by L'Association nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de France (ANABF), is the integration of built and landscape heritage in heritage focused territorial planning. The debates will consider the place of heritage and culture, economic development, craftsmanship, know-how and quality of life in this approach. Reflection will also be ...
3-5 December 2008
The second HERITY International Conference, with the theme 'Measuring the Value of Material Cultural Heritage', will be held in Rome from 3 to 5 December 2008. It is organized by HERITY International in partnership with ICCROM, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and UN-WTO. Participation is possible by invitation or prior registration. Goals of the Conference are: 1) To make possible the ...
26-28 November 2008
Today, many bridges protected at the national level or inscribed on the World Heritage List are threatened. How to reconcile new usage with restoration rules, or the respect for authenticity with traffic and safety concerns? How to integrate contemporary projects into protected sites? These are a few of the problems examined by this colloquium organized by the French Ministry of Culture, ...
24 November 2008 - 6 December 2008
This is the first international training course prepared by the World Heritage Training and Research Institute for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITR-AP) in collaboration with the International Organization for Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ICCROM), on Management Planning for Cultural Heritage.  The course will be led by advisors from ICCROM and the International ...
23-25 November 2008
International Conference on the Historic Urban Landscape and its management in Budapest, Hungary (Collegium Budapest, 23-25 November 2008) The goal of the conference is to: 1. contribute to the global reflection on the concept of historic urban landscape in an interdisciplinary perspective and on its relevance for the management of historic cities; 2. share the perspectives and to compare ...
20-22 November 2008
Denkmal is the largest European event for monument maintenance and restoration, and urban renewal. It is the only salon to approach these themes in a complete and complex manner. Since its creation in 1994, it has been held every 2 years in Leipzig. Denkmal unites an in-depth exhibition with an extensive international professional programme (conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops, ...
15 November 2008
10th Cambridge Heritage SeminarThe Future of Historic Cities: Challenges, Contradictions, Continuities Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, UK18-19 April 2009 Deadline for paper proposals: 15 November 2008For the past ten years the Cambridge Heritage Seminars have brought together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to explore the most pressing issues in heritage ...
6-7 November 2008
The Workshop, which took place on 6th  and 7th November 2008 in Olympia, Greece, was jointly organised by the World Heritage Centre and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with ICCROM and with a financial contribution from the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Mrs Marianna Vardinoyannis. It brought together participants from various regions of the world as well as ...
3-4 November 2008
The World Heritage Centre organized an International Expert Meeting, Prehistory and the World Heritage Convention: Towards an Action Plan and the related thematic studies, at UNESCO Headquarters on 3 to 4 November 2008, to establish the foundations for the future development, strategy and implementation of the initiative, based on discussions between 18 international experts and ...
30 October 2008
1. Abstracts or poster should be submitted electronically to: wh-info@unesco.org. and 2009seminar@fuuh.upv.es before 30 October 2008 and should include the following information: a. Author’s name, title and qualifications ;b. title of paper or poster;c. E-mail address;d. telephone number and fax number;e. institution name and complete postal address;f. abstract (500 words maximum) or ...
28 October 2008 - 31 December 2008
Every year the Marc de Montalembert Foundation offers a grant of 7,000 Euros to enable the implementation of projects furthering the knowledge and understanding of Mediterrean cultures. To apply for the 2009 Marc de Montalembert grant candidates should send a project outline along with a request for an application form to: Fondation Marc de Montalembert,Fondation de France40, Avenue Hoche ...
22 October 2008
The UNESCO-VOCATIONS PATRIMOINE Fellowships for World Heritage Site Managers Programme aims to reinforce the capacity of professionals currently working or intending to work in the near future, in the management, conservation and development of a World Heritage property.Launched in January 2006, the Fellowships are made possible as a result of an innovative public-private partnership between ...