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1429 Events
25 May 2007
Europa Nostra Awards 2008 architectural heritage cultural landscapes works of art and collections of artistic and historic significance archaeological sites industrial and engineering heritage Over the past 5 years, Europa Nostra has been managing the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage in the context of the European Commission's Culture 2000 programme. On 7 November 2006 the European ...
21-25 May 2007
Within the framework of the World Heritage Convention and the follow up to the Periodic Reporting in Africa, the World Heritage Centre with the support of the United Kingdom's Department for Culture, Media and Sport, is organizing in collaboration with the South African authorities a "Capacity-building Workshop for Youth Leaders on the Values of Heritage Sites". The Department ...
12-13 May 2007
World Migratory Bird Day was first promoted in 2006 by the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement (UNEP/AEWA) and the global Convention on Migratory Species. This year, the immense threats to migrating birds caused by climate change are its main focus. Climate change has severe consequences for these nomads of the skies: it causes the loss of essential bird habitats, changes ...
11 May 2007
Uniting with internationally recognized institutions and companies for better outreach is a crucial component in safeguarding World Heritage. Every year, the World Heritage Centre holds a Partners' Day, inviting selected partners to highlight their involvement with UNESCO in providing technical expertise, training, resource mobilization and communication for World Heritage. This year, it ...
4-6 May 2007
Lyme Regis Fossil Festival 2007'Rising Seas'  A Youth Climate Change Summit was held Friday, 4 May, primarily with activities for 900 students who were invited to review information about climate change and contribute their ideas on what should be done to address its various issues. The Lyme Regis Fossil Festival continued during the weekend of May 5-6 with an exciting mix of ...
3-4 May 2007
The European Periodic Report was submitted to the World Heritage Committee at its 30th meeting in Vilnius in 2006. The Nordic and Baltic sub-regional report identifies a number of objectives for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Periodic Reporting appears to be an important tool to strengthen and maintain the credibility of the implementation of the World Heritage ...
2-3 May 2007
A meeting will be held in Vienna in May 2007 to continue the process of implementing the action plan of the countries of Western Europe as it was decided by the World Heritage Committee at its 30th session in Vilnius July 2006. This meeting is the follow-up of the meeting concerning periodic reporting held in Paris, France on 23-24 October ...
18-20 April 2007
1st Training Workshop on "Conserving World Heritage Natural Sites and Cultural Landscapes in South-Eastern Europe - Managing cultural landscapes"Following the launch of the joint project on World Heritage natural sites and cultural landscapes in South-Eastern Europe at the symposium held from 16-18 October 2006 in Osnabrück, Germany, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the Bellagio ...
18-19 April 2007
This two-day training course, led by the Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers, will give an overview of global challenges and new approaches in conservation planning for cultural World Heritage properties, and will also examine practical problems in conservation planning.
16-21 April 2007
This workshop, organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, will bring together the relevant authorities of each State Party in the sub-region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), China, as well as international experts from UNESCO and ICOMOS, to discuss the serial  nomination of the Silk Road for inscription on the World Heritage List.  The objectives of the ...
15-20 April 2007
World Heritage Management Over Time - Maintaining Values and Significance By focusing on the values associated with World Heritage sites, this series aims to facilitate a better utilization of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention through providing support to national policy making and planning, and information exchange on best practices and case studies. A training workshop will further ...
14-17 April 2007
Stakeholders' Meeting for the Comprehensive Management Plan for Bam and its Cultural Landscape, IranThis is the sixth Stakeholders' Meeting for the final draft of a comprehensive management plan for the World Heritage property of Bam and it Cultural Landscape, Iran. Topics to be discussed include environmental protection of the site and disaster management and risk ...
10 April 2007 - 7 May 2007
Open to the public as from 27 April 2007 With financial assistance from the Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Fondazione per l'Arte della Compagnia di San Paolo. The Minaret of Jam, 65m high, is a gracious slender tower dating back to the twelfth century. Covered by a complex brick decoration and bearing a blue ...
2-6 April 2007
The 35th annual CAA conference to be held on April 2-6, 2007 in Berlin, Germany, brings together students, researchers, heritage managers and other experts to present, examine, and discuss current theory and application of quantitative methods and computer science in Archaeology. The CAA conference has established a tradition of international, open communication and exchange that crosses ...
2-3 April 2007
Expert Meeting on Benchmarks and Chapter IV of the Operational Guidelines.
26-28 March 2007
The UNESCO Havana Office will host the first meeting of the Caribbean Capacity Building (CCBP) Programme Network from 5 to 7 March.Twelve Caribbean States Parties and related academic institutions are currently adhering to this sub-regional programme that aims at building and strengthening capacities in heritage management, in fostering cooperation in the region and in contributing to ...
21-24 March 2007
The Future of Heritage: Changing Visions, Attitudes, and Contexts in the 21st Century This colloquium will provide a unique global forum for sharing predictions, projections, and innovative ideas about how the field of heritage will look in the coming decades. As in previous years, the participants will include a wide range of scholars, heritage professionals, educators, and community ...
11-17 March 2007
The intention and objectives of the training are to: Understand the issues of heritage in an international contextDialogue and exchangeShare experience with professionals from around the worldThe one-week training course is dedicated to French-speaking heritage site managers, professionals in charge of missions for transnational associations in the field of heritage, institutions, project ...
6 March 2007
A Study Day at Ironbridge World Heritage Site is organized by Sustaining Knowledge for a Changing Climate (SKCC), funded by the Environmental and Physical Sciences Research Council with partners from Manchester University, Newcastle University, University College London and the University of East Anglia.The focus of the day is to investigate issues of flood control and land instability within ...
5-8 March 2007
International Experts' Meeting for the Rehabilitation of Earthquake-affected Prambanan World Heritage Site and Taman Sari Water Castle in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia  On 27 May 2006, an earthquake that measured 5.9 on the Richter scale hit Yogyakarta, the "Cultural Hub" of Indonesia, damaging severely its cultural heritage, including the Hindu temples of Prambanan ...
19-20 February 2007
The objectives of this meeting are as follows: To review the results of the European Periodic Reports and to discuss the next steps for the implementation of the Action Plan. To compare and contrast the different processes undertaken in light of the decisions adopted by the 30th Committee on this issue (30 COM 11A.1). To review the Tentative Lists in view of a possible harmonization. To ...