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1429 Events
30 September 2008 - 3 October 2008
2nd International Conference of the Alliance of World Heritage Cultural Landscapes on "Spirit of Place and Development" Following the establishment of the Alliance of World Heritage Cultural Landscapes at the 1st International Conference held in Aranjuez, Spain, in December 2007 (http://www.aranjuezcultural.es/red/index.htm), this 2nd conference is designed to focus on the ...
30 September 2008
The theme of the 12th International Seminar of Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage (FUUH) is both ambitious and crucial to the future of heritage conservation as well as to the development of communities, cities and civil society at large. The Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Concept includes the broader territorial and landscape context and therefore goes far beyond historic centres or ...
29 September 2008 - 4 October 2008
The 16th General Assembly and International Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) will take place in Québec City from 29 September to 4 October 2008. The Symposium theme is "Finding the Spirit of Place". We have identified four tracks or sub-themes for thought and discussion.Re-thinking spirit and placeKey words: material culture theory, ...
29 September 2008 - 16 October 2008
Traveling Exhibition: Between heaven and earth: Mont-Saint-Michel and sacred mountains of the world. In many civilizations, humankind has chosen extraordinary mountainous areas to establish sanctuaries lost between heaven and earth. Some of these places have been inscribed on the World Heritage List and are the focus of a project by photographer, author and lecturing professor Jean-Michel ...
22-25 September 2008
New initiatives related to biodiversity put economics in the forefront to raise awareness for conservation needs, and to link biodiversity with sustainable development and poverty reduction. These initiatives value ecosystem services (e.g. Sukhdev Study), identify biodiversity business opportunities (e.g. IUCN, Shell, et al Study) or develop appropriate economic instruments and policies. By ...
16-18 September 2008
The City of Regensburg, a German medieval town, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2006, will host this year's OWHC Northwest European Regional Conference The selected conference theme ‘Earth, Wind, Water, Fire - Environmental Challenges to Urban World Heritage’ fits perfectly into the concept of the United Nation’s ‘International Year of Planet ...
16-19 September 2008
From 16 to 19 September 2008 the tenth International DoCoMoMo Conference, also celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the organization, will take place at the new building of the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology and at the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam. The legacy of the Modern Movement has gained legendary status, largely as a result of the appreciation of ...
15-16 September 2008
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre together with the UNESCO Kathmandu Office, in close collaboration with Nepal's Department of Archaeology and the Lumbini Development Trust is organizing a workshop for the World Heritage property of Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, in Lumbini, Nepal. About 100 participants from different Nepali ministries, institutions, stakeholders as well as the ...
2-5 September 2008
As a follow-up to the project "Preservation for the Frozen Tombs in the Altai Mountains", which highlighted the international significance of the cultural heritage of the Altai Mountains, extending over China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Russia and the need for transboundary cooperation in view of its conservation, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre is initiating a similar exercise for the Golden ...
29 August 2008
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) are organizing a one day seminar on “World Heritage and Public Works–Development cooperation for poverty alleviation” at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. The seminar aims at examining the contribution of heritage preservation policies and projects at selected World Heritage ...
31 July 2008
Course will take place 3-15 November 2008, Kyoto, Japan The Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto is organizing the 3rd International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage from 3 to 15 November 2008, in cooperation with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and ICOMOS. The course aims at preparing the ...