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WHC-09/17.GA/INF.3B.1 List of candidates to the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/INF.3B.1
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: English en
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/4 保护世界文化和自然遗产政府间委员会的活动报告 (2008--2009 年)
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/4
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/4 Rapport du Comité intergouvernemental de la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel sur ses activités (2008- 2009)
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/4
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: Français fr
Author: Centre du patrimoine mondial
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/4 Informe del Comité Intergubernamental de Protección del Patrimonio Mundial Cultural y Natural sobre sus actividades (2008-2009)
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/4
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: Español es
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/4 Report of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on its activities (2008-2009)
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/4
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: English en
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/5 审查世界遗产基金的财务报告,包括缔约国的捐款情况
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/5
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/INF.5 Comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial pour l'exercice financier 2006- 2007
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/INF.5
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: Français fr
Author: Centre du patrimoine mondial
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/INF.5 Accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period 2006-2007
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/INF.5
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: English en
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC-09/17.GA/6 依照《世界遗产公约》第16 条之规定确定对世界遗产基金 的捐款额
Code: WHC-09/17.GA/6
Year: 2009
Session: 17GA
Language: 中文‬ zh
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents