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Title Code Session Year State Party State Party (ISO) Property Property inscribed on the Danger List Category Theme Language Language (ISO) Size
  1 CC-90/CONF.003/1 Rev Ordre de jour CC-90/CONF.003/1 Rev 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  2 CC-90/CONF.003/1 Rev Agenda CC-90/CONF.003/1 Rev 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  3 CC-90/CONF.003/INF.1 Liste des documents CC-90/CONF.003/INF.1 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  4 CC-90/CONF.003/INF.1 List of documents CC-90/CONF.003/INF.1 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  5 CC-90/CONF.003/2 Examen du suivi de l'etat de conservation des biens culturels inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et problemes techniques s'y rapportant CC-90/CONF.003/2 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  6 CC-90/CONF.003/2 Monitoring of the state of conservation of cultural World Heritage properties and related technical problems CC-90/CONF.003/2 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  7 CC-90/CONF.003/INF.2 Liste des participants CC-90/CONF.003/INF.2 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  8 CC-90/CONF.003/INF.2 List of participants CC-90/CONF.003/INF.2 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  9 CC-90/CONF.003/3 Examen du suivi de l'etat de conservation des biens naturels inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et problemes techniques s'y rapportant CC-90/CONF.003/3 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  10 CC-90/CONF.003/3 Monitoring of the state of conservation of natural World Heritage properties and related technical problems CC-90/CONF.003/3 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  11 CC-90/CONF.003/4 Global Study: Preparation of a Global Indicative List of geological sites (Including fossil sites) CC-90/CONF.003/4 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  12 CC-90/CONF.003/5 Demandes d'assistance internationale CC-90/CONF.003/5 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  13 CC-90/CONF.003/5 Examination of the requests for international assistance CC-90/CONF.003/5 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  14 CC-90/CONF.003/6 Etat des comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial CC-90/CONF.003/6 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  15 CC-90/CONF.003/6 Situation of the World Heritage Fund CC-90/CONF.003/6 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  16 CC-90/CONF.003/7 Examination of nominations of cultural properties to the World Heritage List and evaluations of ICOMOS CC-90/CONF.003/7 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  17 CC-90/CONF.003/8 Propositions d'inscription de biens naturels sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial CC-90/CONF.003/8 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  18 CC-90/CONF.003/8 Examination of nominations of natural properties to the World Heritage List and evaluations of IUCN CC-90/CONF.003/8 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
  19 CC-90/CONF.003/9 Activites promotionelles CC-90/CONF.003/9 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents Français fr
  20 CC-90/CONF.003/9 Promotional activités CC-90/CONF.003/9 14BUR 1990 Statutory documents English en
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