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2687 Documents
Year of Publication: 2011close
Palais et parc de Versailles: délimitation du bien lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1979 et de sa zone tampon approuvée en 2007
Year: 2011
State Party: France
Site: Palace and Park of Versailles
Language: Français fr
Category: Maps
Cathédrale de Chartres: délimitation du bien lors de son inscription sur la Liste en 1979 - Scale 1 :1500
Year: 2011
State Party: France
Site: Chartres Cathedral
Language: Français fr
Category: Maps
Le Mont Saint-Michel et sa baie: délimitation du bien lors de son inscription sur la liste en 1979 et de sa zone tampon approuvée en 2007
Year: 2011
State Party: France
Site: Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay
Language: Français fr
Category: Maps
Fort Jesus, Mombasa - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Kenya
Site: Fort Jesus, Mombasa
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Delta du Saloum - limites du bien
Year: 2011
State Party: Senegal
Site: Saloum Delta
Language: Français fr
Category: Maps
Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas) - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: United Arab Emirates
Site: Cultural Sites of Al Ain (Hafit, Hili, Bidaa Bint Saud and Oases Areas)
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Map of the inscribed serial property - CCLC
Year: 2011
State Party: Colombia
Site: Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Citadel of the Ho Dynasty - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Viet Nam
Site: Citadel of the Ho Dynasty
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Carte du bien inscrit - Les Causses et les Cévennes
Year: 2011
State Party: France
Site: The Causses and the Cévennes, Mediterranean agro-pastoral Cultural Landscape
Language: Français fr
Category: Maps
Leon Cathedral - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Nicaragua
Site: León Cathedral
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Barbados
Site: Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Kenya
Site: Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe - inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Sudan
Site: Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Le Morne - inscribed minor modification
Year: 2011
State Party: Mauritius
Site: Le Morne Cultural Landscape
Language: English en
Category: Maps
Fagus Factory in Alfeld - Map of the inscribed property
Year: 2011
State Party: Germany
Site: Fagus Factory in Alfeld
Language: English en
Size: 595x841 pixels
Category: Maps
Villages antiques du Nord de la Syrie - bien inscrit
Year: 2011
State Party: Syrian Arab Republic
Site: Ancient Villages of Northern Syria
Language: Français fr
Category: Maps