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99 Documents
Year of Publication: 1980close
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Title Code Session Year State Party State Party (ISO) Property Property inscribed on the Danger List Category Theme Language Language (ISO) Size
  1 The old Khalka-Kul’ Lake framed by Asiatic poplar tugay vegetation 1980 Tajikistan tj Tugay forests of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve Photo / Media 5184x3888px
  2 Germany: Historic center of Bad Gögging with St. Andreas Church on top of the spa-complex 1980 Austria, Germany, Slovakia at, de, sk Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Western Segment) Photo / Media 4175x2797px
  3 Excavation in the harbour area of Hedeby: View on post rows of harbour facilities 1980 Germany de Archaeological Border complex of Hedeby and the Danevirke Photo / Media 1792x1161px
  4 Los Katíos National Park (Colombia) 1980 Colombia co Los Katíos National Park Photo / Media 2048x1536px
  5 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 5484x3660px
  6 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 6970x4652px
  7 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 6964x4648px
  8 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 7360x4912px
  9 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 3112x2077px
  10 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 6488x4330px
  11 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 6866x4582px
  12 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 6324x4220px
  13 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 7336x4896px
  14 Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Photo / Media 7360x4912px
  15 CC-80/CONF.018/1 Ordre du jour provisoire CC-80/CONF.018/1 03GA 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  16 CC-80/CONF.018/1 Provisional Agenda CC-80/CONF.018/1 03GA 1980 Statutory documents English en
  17 CC-80/CONF.018/2 Examen de l'état des comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial CC-80/CONF.018/2 03GA 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  18 CC-80/CONF.018/2 Examination of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund CC-80/CONF.018/2 03GA 1980 Statutory documents English en
  19 CC-80/CONF.018/3 Détermination du montant de la contribution au Fonds du patrimoine mondial prévue à l'Article 16, paragraphe 1, de la Convention CC-80/CONF.018/3 03GA 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  20 CC-80/CONF.018/3 Determination of the amount of contributions to the World Heritage Fund foreseen by Article 16 of the Convention CC-80/CONF.018/3 03GA 1980 Statutory documents English en
  21 CC-80/CONF.018/4 Élection de membres du Comité du patrimoine mondial CC-80/CONF.018/4 03GA 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  22 CC-80/CONF.018/4 Elections to the World Heritage Committee CC-80/CONF.018/4 03GA 1980 Statutory documents English en
  23 CC-80/CONF.018/6 Compte-rendu des travaux CC-80/CONF.018/6 03GA 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  24 CC-80/CONF.018/6 Summary Record CC-80/CONF.018/6 03GA 1980 Statutory documents English en
  25 CC-80/CONF.018/1 Ordre du jour provisoire CC-80/CONF.018/1 04BUR 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  26 CC-80/CONF.018/1 Provisional agenda CC-80/CONF.018/1 04BUR 1980 Statutory documents English en
  27 CC-80/CONF.018/2 Examen des propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du Patrimoine Mondial et des demandes de cooperation techniques recues des etats parties a la Convention CC-80/CONF.018/2 04BUR 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  28 CC-80/CONF.018/2 Review of nominations to the World Heritage List and of request for technical cooperation received from the states parties to the Convention CC-80/CONF.018/2 04BUR 1980 Statutory documents English en
  29 CC-80/CONF.018/4 Rapport du Rapporteur CC-80/CONF.018/4 04BUR 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  30 CC-80/CONF.018/4 Report of the Rapporteur CC-80/CONF.018/4 04BUR 1980 Statutory documents English en
  31 CC-80/CONF.016/1 Provisional agenda CC-80/CONF.016/1 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  32 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.1 Note d'information CC-80/CONF.016/INF.1 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  33 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.1 Information note CC-80/CONF.016/INF.1 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  34 CC-80/CONF.016/2 Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial CC-80/CONF.016/2 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  35 CC-80/CONF.016/2 Nominations to the World Heritage List CC-80/CONF.016/2 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  36 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.2 État de mise en oeuvre de la cooperation technique octroyee au titre du Fonds du Patrimoine mondial au 31 juillet 1980 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.2 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  37 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.2 State of implementation of technical co-operation granted under the World Heritage Fund as at 31 June 1980 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.2 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  38 CC-80/CONF.016/3 Demandes de cooperation technique CC-80/CONF.016/3 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  39 CC-80/CONF.016/3 Technical co-operation requests CC-80/CONF.016/3 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  40 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.3 Liste des documents CC-80/CONF.016/INF.3 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  41 CC-80/CONF.016/INF.3 List of documents CC-80/CONF.016/INF.3 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  42 CC-80/CONF.016/6 Public information activities CC-80/CONF.016/6 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  43 CC-80/CONF.016/7 Examen de l'etat interimaire des comptes du Fonds du Patrimoine mondial et adoption d'un budget pour la period allant de septembre 1980 - september 1981 CC-80/CONF.016/7 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  44 CC-80/CONF.016/7 Presentation of the interim statement of account World Heritage Fund and adoption of a budget for the period September 1980/September 1981 CC-80/CONF.016/7 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  45 CC-80/CONF.016/8 Rapport a la Conference generale CC-80/CONF.016/8 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  46 CC-80/CONF.016/8 Draft report to the General Conference CC-80/CONF.016/8 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  47 CC-80/CONF.016/9 Liste de biens culturels et naturels susceptibles d'etre inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial CC-80/CONF.016/9 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  48 CC-80/CONF.016/9 List of cultural and natural properties suitable for the inclusion in the World Heritage List CC-80/CONF.016/9 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  49 CC-80/CONF.016/10 Report of the Rapporteur on the fourth session of the World Heritage Committee CC-80/CONF.016/10 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  50 CC-80/CONF.016/10 Rapport du rapporteur CC-80/CONF.016/10 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  51 CC-80/CONF.016/10 Rev. (only Annex 3) Liste des participants CC-80/CONF.016/10 Rev. (only Annex 3) 04COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  52 CC-80/CONF.016/10 Rev. (only Annex 3) List of participants CC-80/CONF.016/10 Rev. (only Annex 3) 04COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  53 CC-81/CONF.003/3 [Empty] CC-81/CONF.003/3 05COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  54 CC-81/CONF.003/6 draft [Empty] CC-81/CONF.003/6 draft 05COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  55 CC-81/CONF.003/INF.6 Liste des documents CC-81/CONF.003/INF.6 05COM 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  56 CC-81/CONF.003/INF.6 List of Documents CC-81/CONF.003/INF.6 05COM 1980 Statutory documents English en
  57 CC-81/CONF.002/INF.1 État de mise en oeuvre de la cooperation technique octroyee au titre du Fonds du Patrimoine mondial au 15 avril 1981 CC-81/CONF.002/INF.1 05BUR 1980 Statutory documents Français fr
  58 CC.80/CONF.017/03 Consideration of the revised text of the "Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention" CC.80/CONF.017/03 04BUR 1980 Operational guidelines English en
  59 CC.80/CONF.016/05 Revised text of the "Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention" CC.80/CONF.016/05 04COM 1980 Operational guidelines English en
  60 Operational guidelines for the implementation of the W.H.Convention 04COM 1980 Operational guidelines English en
  61 Report of the expert mission in hydrology to Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum 1980 Malta mt Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum Mission reports English en
  62 Map of the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem 1980 United Republic of Tanzania tz Serengeti National Park Maps English en
  63 Map of the Serengeti National Park and the surrounding area 1980 United Republic of Tanzania tz Serengeti National Park Maps English en
  64 Plan de l'Ancienne Ville de Bosra montrant l'emplacement de tous les monuments connus. B&W, 37 x 25 cm, scale by approximation ~ 1:6,100. Shows in red the boundaries of the site. 1980 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient City of Bosra Yes Maps Français fr 1713x1193px
  65 Carte du bien inscrit 1980 Senegal sn Niokolo-Koba National Park Maps Français fr
  66 Carte du Parc national du Niokolo-Koba au 1/400.000 1980 Senegal sn Niokolo-Koba National Park Maps Français fr
  67 IGN: Carte de l'Afrique de l'Ouest au 1:200,000. Rép du Mali - Feuille ND-3--XV "Bandiagara". Paris: 1ère ed. 1957; réimpression juillet 1970. (65x75cm). En bleu, les limites du bien inscrit. 1980 Mali ml Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) Maps Français fr 1000x1204px
  68 Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump - Map of the inscribed property 1980 Canada ca Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Maps English en
  69 Training and Information Materials of Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes: Socio-Cultural Considerations. Final Report. A.12.2 1980 Miscellaneous Cultural English en
  70 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Albania, North Macedonia al, mk Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  71 Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Italy it Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci Advisory Bodies Evaluations Français fr
  72 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) 1980 Italy it Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci Advisory Bodies Evaluations English en
  73 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Holy See, Italy it, va Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  74 Advisory Body Evaluation (IUCN) 1980 Tunisia tn Ichkeul National Park Advisory Bodies Evaluations English en
  75 Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Cyprus cy Paphos Advisory Bodies Evaluations Français fr
  76 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) 1980 Cyprus cy Paphos Advisory Bodies Evaluations English en
  77 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Norway no Røros Mining Town and the Circumference Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  78 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Ghana gh Asante Traditional Buildings Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  79 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Poland pl Historic Centre of Warsaw Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  80 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Syrian Arab Republic sy Site of Palmyra Yes Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  81 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Syrian Arab Republic sy Ancient City of Bosra Yes Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  82 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Ethiopia et Lower Valley of the Omo Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  83 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Ethiopia et Aksum Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  84 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Pakistan pk Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and Neighbouring City Remains at Sahr-i-Bahlol Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  85 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Pakistan pk Taxila Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  86 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Pakistan pk Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  87 Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (UICN) 1980 Democratic Republic of the Congo cd Kahuzi-Biega National Park Yes Advisory Bodies Evaluations Français fr
  88 Advisory Body Evaluation (IUCN) 1980 Democratic Republic of the Congo cd Kahuzi-Biega National Park Yes Advisory Bodies Evaluations English en
  89 Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (UICN) 1980 Democratic Republic of the Congo cd Garamba National Park Yes Advisory Bodies Evaluations Français fr
  90 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Panama pa Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo Yes Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  91 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Malta mt Megalithic Temples of Malta Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  92 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Malta mt City of Valletta Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  93 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Malta mt Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  94 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Honduras hn Maya Site of Copan Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  95 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Brazil br Historic Town of Ouro Preto Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  96 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Ethiopia et Tiya Advisory Bodies Evaluations
  97 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS) / Évaluation de l'organisation consultative (ICOMOS) 1980 Algeria dz Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad Advisory Bodies Evaluations
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