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World Heritage Convention

69 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 24BUR 2000close
By Year
The Bureau was informed that the Secretariat undertook a mission to Victoria Falls on 1 June 2000 and held discussions concerning recommendations of the last session of the Committee with both the Zambian and the Zimbabwean authorities on both sides of the site. The mission was informed that national and bilateral meetings would be held in August 2000. The Delegate of Zimbabwe, speaking on behalf of both States Parties, confirmed to the Bureau the organization of the meeting in August 2000 to finalize a number of issues concerning the management of the site. The Bureau reiterated its ...
World Heritage affected by a spill from Romania  The Centre informed the Bureau that there have been four spills of cyanide and heavy metals from three mine sites in Romania since 30 January 2000. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) sent an expert assessment mission to evaluate the cyanide spill at Baia Mare (Romania) and the final report has been made available on the UNEP web site at http://www.natural-resources.org/environment/BaiaMare/mission.htm. The Representative of UNEP informed the Bureau of the results of a mission undertaken by UNEP to the site. The statement ...
The Centre informed the Bureau that, although at present it is difficult to estimate the exact damage, there is evidence of damage to the site as a result of the cyanide and heavy metals spills in Romania. Emergency assistance for the site is under implementation. ICOMOS highlighted that there is currently no impact on the cultural values, however they may occur in the long-term, and that ICOMOS supported the emergency request. IUCN also supported assistance for this cultural landscape and shared concerns about the environmental impacts of the cyanide spill. IUCN pointed out that clear ...
The Bureau took note of the following documents which were requested by the third extraordinary session of the Committee in July 1999: WHC-2000/CONF.202/INF.6 entitled «Australia’s Commitments: Protecting Kakadu National Park» and WHC-2000/CONF.202/INF.7, a report from the Independent Scientific Panel (ISP) of ICSU concerning remaining scientific issues relating to the mining of uranium at Jabiluka. In addition, the Bureau noted the correspondence that the Centre had received, from the Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation (GAC), expressing concerns over an accumulation of ...
The Bureau noted that as in the case of Shark Bay, ACIUCN has established a collaborative process to prepare a report on the state of conservation of this site. It noted the view expressed by IUCN that the process will be complete and a report submitted in 2001 subject to ACIUCN receiving adequate resources. The Bureau noted that the issues addressed will include the management of areas of the Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) which are outside of the World Heritage site but which have been previously identified as having World Heritage value, proposals to develop helicopter landing sites ...
The Bureau was informed that in accordance with the request of the twenty-third session of the Committee, the Ministry of Construction of China submitted a report on the state of conservation of this site.  The report dealt particularly with the project to construct a monorail that had been completed. The Bureau noted that the project had been approved by the Ministry of Construction in China in September 1997, taking into consideration environmental protection and the scale of construction of a non-polluting source of transportation for tourists with an aerial view of the scenic ...
The Secretariat informed the Bureau that, upon the request of the Committee at its twenty-third session, the Peruvian authorities submitted a response to the recommendations of the UNESCO-IUCN-ICOMOS mission to Machu Picchu in October 1999. The Secretariat also informed the Bureau that it had received from the Peruvian Permanent Delegation a request for collaboration in the further undertaking of geological studies on the potential of landslides on the slopes of the mountain on which the Ciudadela is located. These studies would be undertaken in the framework of the UNESCO – Kyoto ...
The Bureau noted the advice of ICOMOS that the proposed construction of a sports stadium at some three kilometres from the World Heritage city of Salzburg would not have an adverse impact on the World Heritage site and that there would be no direct line of sight between the two. The Observer of Austria confirmed the view of ICOMOS. The Bureau, however, requested the Austrian authorities to submit this view in writing by 15 September 2000 so that at its twenty-fourth extraordinary session the Bureau could be informed accordingly.
The Secretariat informed the Bureau that information from various sources was received concerning the on-going demolition of the traditional buildings in the Shöl area (administrative district of the Potala Palace) which forms part of the World Heritage protected area inscribed in 1994. The beautification of the more prominent buildings, as with many other historic areas in Asia, for conversion into souvenir shops and tourism facilities, was leading to the decrease of residential use and undermining the authenticity of the site. The Bureau noted the efforts being made by the ...
In addition to the information available in the document WHC-2000/CONF.202/5, the Secretariat informed the Bureau that the rehabilitation work of the public areas (roads, pavements, etc.), financed by the Arab Fund for Social and Economic Development (FADES) was making good progress in Cairo Fatimide around the Beit Suhaimi as well as in Historic Cairo (or Copt) around the Roman Citadel, with the involvement of the Ministry of Tourism.  With regard to the restoration of Beit Sinnari, halted for a short time due to lack of materials, work has now recommenced at a good rhythm.  ...
The French authorities had informed the Secretariat that the planning for the parvis of the Cathedral had encountered some delay because of the change of the Mayor of the town, but that the matter was now progressing in consultation with the appropriate institutions and authorities.  The ICOMOS expert would be invited to participate in this process. The Bureau recommended the French authorities to proceed with the preparation of the plan for the parvis with the participation of the ICOMOS expert and to keep the Committee informed on its progress and the results ...
The Bureau noted that it had not received the State Party’s report that was requested by the Bureau at its twenty-third extraordinary session. The Observer of Germany expressed his regret for the delay. The Bureau reiterated the request for a report on the integration of the Roman water pipes and town ramparts in the plan for the buildings close to the Roman Amphitheatre. It requested the German authorities to submit this plan by 15 September 2000 for examination by ICOMOS and by the Bureau at its twenty-fourth extraordinary session. 
The Bureau noted the request from the German authorities that the deadline for the submission of a state of conservation report be extended and requested the authorities to submit such report by 15 September 2000 for examination by ICOMOS and by the Committee at its twenty-fourth session.
The Bureau was informed that since the preparation of the Working Document, the World Heritage Centre had still not received information concerning the structural study being implemented with financial assistance from the World Heritage Fund Emergency Assistance, made available in 1998 to the Archaeological Survey of India. The Centre reported that the Activity Financing Contract for this emergency structural survey has become null and non-disbursed money has been liquidated following UNESCO Administrative Regulations. In February 2000, a reactive monitoring mission was undertaken by an ...
The Bureau recalled that the 1995 UNESCO Mission recommended that the site be redefined and extended in order to include key characteristics of the Safavid urban planning scheme. The establishment of a site commission had also been recommended by the 1995 Mission for improved co-ordination amongst the concerned departments of the Government for the management and planning of the historic city of Esfahan. The ICCROM/ICOMOS expert who undertook a monitoring mission in December 1999 at the invitation of the Government of Iran, informed the Bureau that the third Five-Year National ...
A monitoring mission was undertaken by an ICCROM/ICOMOS expert in December 1999 at the invitation of the Government of Iran. The Bureau recalled that the site was located in the war zone during the 1980s and suffered from the impact of bombardments. In 1995, a UNESCO mission recommended that a Master Plan of the area be prepared, taking into account the need to enhance site presentation, visitor management, basic infrastructure, and development control in the surrounding settlement areas. The 1995 mission also recommended that legal protection for the site and its buffer zone be ...
The Deputy Director reported on his mission to Jordan at the beginning of May and in particular his visit to Petra where he worked with the representatives of the Antiquities Directorate and the "Petra Regional Planning Council".  He also met with the President of the Petra National Trust that financed the cleaning-up operations and the presentation of the "Siq".  He briefly reported to the Bureau on the situation at the archaeological site and its environmental problems, including the urban expansion in Wadi Musa and the disputes with the inhabitants of the area.  He also ...
Sites: Petra
The Secretariat reported that the conservation and development plan of the Town of Luang Prabang developed under the Luang Prabang-Chinon Decentralized Cooperation Programme was presented to the National Interministerial Commission on Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage in January 2000 and was approved in principle. However the plan has not yet been officially adopted, hence does not have legal enforcement power. The Secretariat also recalled that despite the repeated requests by the Bureau and the Committee for revision and subsequent enactment by the National Assembly of Laos of ...
The demolition and new construction or alterations of historic buildings within Kathmandu Valley have persisted in spite of concerted international and national conservation efforts.  This has resulted in the loss or continuous and gradual deterioration of materials, structure, ornamental features, and architectural coherence making the essential settings of the Monument Zones as well as in their authentic characters.  In view of the above, the Committee, at its twenty-third session, requested a High Level Mission to be undertaken to hold discussions with representatives of HMG ...
Following the request of the Bureau at its twenty-third extraordinary session, the World Heritage Centre organized a UNESCO reactive monitoring mission to Lumbini to examine the state of conservation of the Maya Devi Temple archaeological remains and to undertake further consultations with the Nepalese authorities concerning the proposals under consideration for the rehabilitation of the Maya Devi Temple. The Bureau was informed that the UNESCO mission undertaken in April 2000 recommended the following: (a)     The four draft conceptual designs for the construction ...