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23rd session of the General Assembly of States Parties

UNESCO, Paris 24-26 November 2021

By States Parties
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541 Participants 100%
Participants States parties Categories
Almalaq Bandar Almalaq
Heritage Commission
Urban Heritage
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Alsemiran Mohammed Alsemiran
Heritage consultant
Saudi permanent delegation at UNESCO
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Almusallam Sultan Almusallam
Deputy Permanent Delegate, Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Alsuhaibani Demah Alsuhaibani
International relations specialist
Saudi Arabia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Diop Souleymane Jules Diop
Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent
Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO
Senegal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sarr Mouhamadou Sarr
Premier Conseiller
Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente du Sénégal auprès de l'UNESCO
Senegal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Fleur Abdou Fleur
Deuxième Conseiller
Senegal States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rastovac Siamashvili Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili
UNESCO - Delegation de Serbie
UNESCO - Delegation de Serbie
Serbia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cubrilo Danijela Cubrilo
Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO
Serbia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Agrippine Ralph Agrippine
Acting Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Seychelles to UNESCO
Seychelles States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Toh Andrew Toh
Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to the UNESCO
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore
Singapore States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Alternate permanent delegate
Permanent delegation of singapore to unesco
Singapore States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Arumugam Jeyaletchimi Arumugam
Senior Assistant Director, National Collection Division
National Heritage Board
National Collection Division
Singapore States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Lam Lauren Lam
Foreign Service Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore
Singapore States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ong Jia Jing Ong
Assistant Manager
National Heritage Board, Singapore
International & Museum Relations
Singapore States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Plassat Murinova Anna Plassat Murinova
Ambassador / Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Slovakia to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Slovakia to UNESCO
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Freaud Jarmila Freaud
Chargée de mission à la Délégation permanente de la République slovaque auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la République slovaque auprès de l'UNESCO
La Délégation permanente de la République slovaque auprès de l'UNESCO
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ancinova Annamaria Ancinova
Permanent Delegation of Slovak Republic to UNESCO
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kinierová Veronika Kinierová
Permanent Delegation of the Slovak republic to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the Slovak republic to UNESCO
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kosová Katarína Kosová
National focal point
Slovak Commission for UNESCO
Department for Culture
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ragač Radoslav Ragač
director general
Monuments Board ot the Slovak Republic
director general
Slovakia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Spanžel Špela Spanžel
Secretary, World Heritage Focal Point
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Cultural Heritage Directorate
Slovenia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Carteron Jean-Paul Carteron
Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Délégué Permanent
Délégation Permanente des Iles Salomon auprès de l'UNESCO
Solomon Islands States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ndima Vusithemba Ndima
Deputy Director General
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Seliane Mamoluoane Seliane
Deputy Director: Heritage Institutions
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bhengu Nandipha Bhengu
Deputy Director
South Africa
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mpumlwana Khwezi Anselm Mpumlwana
World Heritage Specialist
National Heritage Council of South Africa - DSAC
Department of sports arts and culture
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ntloko Tumeka Ntloko
Director World Heritage Management
Department Of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
Department Of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Swartz Wendy Swartz
Counsellor: Political
Department of International Relations and Cooperation
Embassy of South Africa, Paris
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tshisevhe Terence Tshisevhe
Assistant Director
Department of International Relations and Cooperation
UNESCO & Health
South Africa States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Barrero Pilar Barrero
Deputy Director General of Management and Coordination of Cultural Assets
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Spain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Agundez Maria Agundez
Head of UNESCO Convention
Minister of Culture of Spain
Spain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hirimburegama Kshanika Hirimburegama
Ambassador/ Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO
Delegation of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dissanayake Amila Dissanayake
3rd secretary
Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO
Delegation of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cretin Nicolas Cretin
Embassy of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dimpre Heloise Dimpre
Embassy of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Goonewardena Dilum Goonewardena
Coordination/ liaison officer
Delegation of Sri Lanka UNESCO
Delegation of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Anastas Mounir Anastas
Délégation permanente de la Palestine auprès de l’UNESCO
State of Palestine States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rjoob Ahmed Rjoob
Director General of the World Heritage Directorate
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
World Heritage Department
State of Palestine States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Taweel Hala Taweel
Délégation permanente de la Palestine auprès de l’UNESCO
State of Palestine States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Alkhatib Husameddin Alkhatib
Chargé de mission
Délégation permanente de la Palestine auprès de l’UNESCO
State of Palestine States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Woode Elaine Woode
Counsellor/Charge d'Affaire
Ambassade du Suriname,
Ambassade du Suriname,
Suriname States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rönnblom Kristoffer Rönnblom
Desk Officer
Ministry of Culture
Sweden States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Berset Kohen Muriel Berset Kohen
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Switzerland to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the Swiss Confederation to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the Swiss Confederation to UNESCO
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Obrist Sibylle Obrist
Conseillère, Déléguée permanente adjointe de la Suisse auprès de l’UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la Suisse auprès de l'UNESCO
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ossola Carlo Ossola
Collaborateur scientifique
Office fédéral de l'environnement
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tossoukpe Kossiwa Tossoukpe
Collaboratrice Spécialisée
Délégation permanente de la Suisse auprès de l'UNESCO
Switzerland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chakkour Lamia Chakkour
Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Délégué permanent de La République Arabe Syrienne auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente de La République Arabe Syrienne auprès de l'UNESCO
Syrian Arab Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Abbas Jamal Abbas
Vice Ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Racherches Scientifiques
délégation de la République Arabe Syrienne
délégation de la République Arabe Syrienne
Syrian Arab Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Akili Rula Akili
Directrice du Patrimoine culturel immatériel Ministère de la Culture
délégation de la République Arabe Syrienne
Syrian Arab Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Hamad Abd Al Hakiem Al Hamad
Vice Ministre de l'Education en la République Arabe Syrienne
Delegation de la République Arabe Syrienne
Syrian Arab Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hassan Nidal Hassan
Secretaire de la Commission national Syrienne
délégation de la République Arabe Syrienne
Syrian Arab Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Charoensuwan Sarun Charoensuwan
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Thailand to UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la Thaïlande auprès de l'UNESCO, Ambassade royale de Thaïlande à Paris
Délégation permanente de la Thaïlande auprès de l'UNESCO, Ambassade royale de Thaïlande à Paris
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Duang-im Pramote Duang-im
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Thailand to UNESCO
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wachiraworakam Thanachai Wachiraworakam
Délégation permanente de la Thaïlande auprès de l'UNESCO, Ambassade royale de Thaïlande à Paris
Délégation permanente de la Thaïlande auprès de l'UNESCO, Ambassade royale de Thaïlande à Paris
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ewecharoen Arunee Ewecharoen
Environmental Officer (Senior Professional Level)
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP)
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kiatbumrung Duangkamon Kiatbumrung
First Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tiamtinkrit Sawanit Tiamtinkrit
Environmental Officer, Senior Professional Level
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
Thailand States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mestre Mesquita Rachel Mestre Mesquita
Attaché Technique
Délégation permanente de la République démocratique du Timor-Leste auprès de l'UNESCO
Timor-Leste States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Moala-Mafi Lucy Moala-Mafi
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Secretary-General, Tonga National Commission for UNESCO
Ministry of Education and Training
Tonga National Commission for UNESCO
Tonga States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
James Colin James
Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Brussels
Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Brussels
Trinidad and Tobago States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gherairi Ghazi Gherairi
Ambassadeur, Delegué peraenent de la Tunisie auprés de l'UNESCO
Delegation Tunisie
Tunisia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Khleifia Refka Khleifia
Delegation Tunisie auprés de l'UNESCO
Tunisia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Okutucu Elif Okutucu
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Turkey
Türkiye States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Türk Cansu Türk
Sector Expert
Turkish National Commission for UNESCO
Cultural Heritage
Türkiye States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nduhuura Richard Nduhuura
Uganda Embassy in France
Uganda States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ijang Linda Ijang
Uganda Embassy Paris/Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Uganda Embassy Paris/Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Uganda States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Baiga Jeffrey Baiga
Uganda Delegation
Uganda Delegation
Uganda States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Savelieva Yuliia Savelieva
First secretary of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to UNESCO
Ukraine States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Qassimi Salem Al Qassimi
Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the United Arab Emirates to UNESCO
United Arab Emirates States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kamali Aysha Kamali
International Organizations Coordinator
United Arab Emirates National Commission for Education, Culture and Science
United Arab Emirates States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nichol Keith Nichol
Head of Cultural Diplomacy
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Warr Alexandra Warr
Head of International Strategy (& World Heritage)
Historic England
Chief Executive's Office
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Polya-Vitry Maxim Polya-Vitry
Deputy Permanent Delegate
UK Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Reed Henry Reed
Senior International Policy Adviser, Cultural Diplomacy
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bridge James Bridge
Secretary General
UK National Commission for UNESCO
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Joseph Chris Joseph
Intern to UK Delegation to UNESCO
UK Delegation to UNESCO
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Joy Charlotte Joy
Non Executive Director for Culture
National Commission
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kijazi Allan Kijazi
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mussa Lela Mussa
Ministry of Tourism and Heritage Zanzibar
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Khamis Madina Khamis
Director General
Stone Town Conservation and Development Authority
Stone Town Authority
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Malebo Hamisi Masanja Malebo
National Commission for UNESCO
National Commission for UNESCO
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Shelukindo Samwel Shelukindo
Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the United Republic of Tanzania to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of the United Republic of Tanzania to UNESCO
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gazi Harry Gazi
Assistant Conservator Commissioner
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Principal Programme Officer
UNESCO National Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania
Culture and World Heritage
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kamamba Donatius Kamamba
University of Dar Es Salaam
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Khamis Fatma Khamis
Principal Secretary
Ministry of Tourism and Heritage Zanzibar
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Msaki Jackson Msaki
Site Manager
Selous Game Reserve
Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mwambegele Sekela Mwambegele
First Secretary
Permanent Delegation of the United Republic of Tanzania to UNESCO
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mziray Albert Mziray
Assistant Conservator Commissioner
Tanzania National Parks
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ntandu Christowaja Ntandu
Director of Antiquities
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Swai Evelyn Swai
Senior Conservator
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wakibara James Wakibara
Senior Lecturer
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
United Republic of Tanzania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Shorts Dionandrea Shorts
U.S. Embassy in Paris
United States of America States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Davenport Christopher Davenport
Culture, Communications & Information Officer
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of International Organization Affairs
United States of America States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mungai Paul Mungai
Foreign Service Officer
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of International Organization Affairs
United States of America States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Velkova Marina Velkova
IO UNESCO Specialist
U.S. Embassy Paris
United States of America States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Villame-Rabattu Benjamin Villame-Rabattu
UNESCO & World Heritage Specialist
U.S. Mission to UNESCO
United States of America States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Civila Gabriela Civila
Ambassadeur, Déléguée permanente
Delegation Permanente Uruguay UNESCO
Delegation Permanente Uruguay UNESCO
Uruguay States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Villarrubia Carolina Villarrubia
Déléguée permanente adjointe
Delegation Permanente Uruguay UNESCO
Delegation Permanente Uruguay UNESCO
Uruguay States Parties to the World Heritage Convention