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23rd session of the General Assembly of States Parties

UNESCO, Paris 24-26 November 2021

By States Parties
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541 Participants 100%
Participants States parties Categories
Kirilova Evelina Kirilova
Ministry of Culture
Public relations Directorate
Bulgaria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Compaore/ Remen Rose Martine Compaore/ Remen
Délégation permanente permanente du Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Drissa Koussoube Drissa
Delegation permanente
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ilboudo Alain Francis Gustave Ilboudo
Delegation permanente
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ki Leonce Ki
Directeur des sites classés/Patrimoine mondial
Ministère de la culture, des arts et du tourisme
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nezien Flavien Nezien
Délegué permanent adjoint
Burkina Faso
Délegation permanente du Burkina Faso auprès de l'UNESCO
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ouangraoua Antoinette Ouangraoua
Délégation permanente permanente du Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sanfo Moctar Sanfo
Directeur Général du Patrimoine Culturel
Ministère de la Culture, des Arts et du Tourisme
Direction Générale du Patrimoine Culturel
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Délégation du Cambodge auprès de l’UNESCO
Cambodia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Measketh David Measketh
Ambassadeur, délégué permanent adjoint
Ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération internationale
Delegation permanente du Cambodge auprès de l’UNESCO
Cambodia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Beschaouch Azadine Beschaouch
Délégation du Cambodge
Délégation du Cambodge
Cambodia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Avom Akomndja Avom
2e conseiller
Delégation permanente du Cameroun auprès de l'UNESCO
Delégation permanente du Cameroun auprès de l'UNESCO
Cameroon States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cayer Natasha Cayer
Ambassadeure, Déléguée permanente
Délégation permanente du Canada auprès de l'UNESCO
Canada States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kell Patricia Kell
Executive Director, Cultural Heritage / Directrice exécutive, Patrimoine culturel
Parks Canada / Parcs Canada
Canada States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dault Nathalie Dault
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Canada to UNESCO
Canada States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Maamoune CHARFADINE Maamoune
Premier Secrétaire
Délégation Permanente du Tchad auprès de l'UNESCO
Chad States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
N'Diaye Haoua N'Diaye
Chargée de Programme
Délégation Permanente du Tchad auprès de l'UNESCO
Chad States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Saringarti Noellie Saringarti
Assistante de l'Ambassadeur
Délégation Permanente du Tchad auprès de l'UNESCO
Chad States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chile Permanent Representative to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Chile to UNESCO
Chile States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Waghorn Rodrigo Waghorn
Chile Deputy Permanent Representative
Permanent Delegation of Chile to UNESCO
Chile States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Yang Jin Yang
Permanent delegation of China
China States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jiao Ying Jiao
First secretary
Permanent delegation of China
China States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Zhang Min Zhang
Permanent delegation of China
China States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Vargas Mauricio Vargas
Ambassadeur plenipotentiaire Délégué permanent
Délégation de Colombie auprès de l'UNESCO
Colombia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rodriguez Daniela Rodriguez
First Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Colombia to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Colombia to UNESCO
Colombia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Velasquez Valentina Velasquez
Assitant Diplomatique
Délégation de Colombie auprès de L'UNESCO
Colombia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rossette-Cazel Nathalie Rossette-Cazel
UNESCO world heritage committee
Cook Islands States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mora Escalante Sonia Marta Mora Escalante
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Costa Rica to UNESCO
Costa Rica States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Arias Sanchez Olger Adonai Arias Sanchez
1st Deputy Head of Delegation
Permanent Delegation of Costa Rica to UNESCO
Costa Rica States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gauze Touao KAH Martine Gauze Touao
Université Nangui Abrogoua (UNA)
Centre de Recherche en Ecologie (CRE)
Côte d'Ivoire States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Djessou Sery Serge Armand Djessou
Ingenieur, Assistant Point Focal MAB et Patrimoine Mondial
Université Nangui Abrogoua (UNA)
Centre de Recherche en Ecologie (CRE)
Côte d'Ivoire States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tondossama Adama Tondossama
Directeur Général
Office Ivoirien des Parcs et Réserves
Office Ivoirien des Parcs et Réserves
Côte d'Ivoire States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Carek Rut Carek
Croatian Commission for UNESCO
Department for UNESCO, Ministry of Culture
Croatia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Genc Gordana Genc
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Croatia to UNESCO
Croatia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cabas Mayor Lluraldi Cabas Mayor
Primer Secretario
Delegación Permanente de la Republica de Cuba ante la UNESCO
Cuba States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Esquivel Moynelo Yahima Esquivel Moynelo
Embajadora y Delegada Permanente de la Republica de Cuba ante la UNESCO
Delegación Permanente de la Republica de Cuba ante la UNESCO
Cuba States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Acosta Reyes Nilson Acosta Reyes
Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba
Cuba States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Panayi Photini Panayi
Cyprus States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Demetriou Anna Demetriou
délégation de chypre auprès de l'UNESCO
Cyprus States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ouroda Vlastislav Ouroda
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Culture
Cultural Heritage Department
Czechia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Limová Dita Limová
Head of Section of Relations with UNESCO
Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
International Relations and EU Department
Czechia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pekarkova Lada Pekarkova
Section of Relations with UNESCO
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Culture
Czechia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Valentova Jirina Valentova
Deputy permanent delegate
Permanent delegation of the Czech Republic to UNESCO
Czechia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Paek Sung Chol Paek
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation to UNESCO
Democratic People's Republic of Korea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pak Yong Su Pak
Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to UNESCO
Democratic People's Republic of Korea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Nielsen Malene Nielsen
Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO
Denmark States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Yahya Ayeid Mousseid Yahya
Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation Permanente de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Djibouti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mohamed Ali Adou Mohamed Ali
deuxième conseiller
Délégation Permanente de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Djibouti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Moumin Bahdon Fathia Moumin Bahdon
Conseillère auprès de l'Ambassade de la République de Djibouti à Paris
Délégation Permanente de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Djibouti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Omar Ali Farhan Omar Ali
Délégation Permanente de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation Permanente de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Djibouti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Omar Djama Mohamed Omar Djama
deuxième conseiller
Délégation Permanente de la République de Djibouti auprès de l'UNESCO
Djibouti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hyacinth Romualda Hyacinth
Secretary General
Dominica National Commission for UNESCO
Government of Dominica, Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence
Dominica States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mateo Andrés Mateo
Délégation Permanente de la République Dominicaine auprès de l'UNESCO
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hernandez Ada Hernandez
Deputy ambassador
Permanent Delegation of the Dominican Republic to UNESCO
Dominican Republic States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Baus Palacios Efrain Baus Palacios
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Ecuador to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Ecuador to UNESCO
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador
Ecuador States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chiriboga-Acosta Santiago Chiriboga-Acosta
Deputy Permanent Delegate of Ecuador to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Ecuador to UNESCO
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador
Ecuador States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Youssef Alaa Youssef
Ambassador Permanent Delegate of Egypt to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Badawy Ehab Badawy
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Affairs
Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Abdelwahab Wael Abdelwahab
Deputy Permanent Delegate of Egypt to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Altayeb Sayed Abbas Altayeb
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Elsheikh Sherif Elsheikh
Second Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Morsy Amr Morsy
Permanent Delegation of Egypt to UNESCO
Egypt States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bardi Rhina Bardi
Minister counselor
Permanent Delegation of El Salvador
El Salvador States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ambassade Etat d'Erythrée Ambassade
Ambassade de l'état d'Erythrée
Délégation de L'Erythrée
Eritrea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ghebreab Musie Sebhatleab Ghebreab
Ambassade de L'état d'Erythrée
Délégation de l'Erythrée
Eritrea States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Siim Margit Siim
Coordinator of Culture Programmes
Estonian National Commission for UNESCO
Estonian National Commission for UNESCO
Estonia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hlophe Phumzile Hlophe
Secretary General
National Commission for UNESCO
National Commission for UNESCO
Eswatini States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Simelane Bawelile Philomena Simelane
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Eswatini
Eswatini Government
Eswatini States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ambaye Tilaye Gete Ambaye
Ethiopian delegation in Parid
delegation ofEtniopis
Ethiopia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Feseha Mulugeta Feseha
Director General - Member World Heritage Center
Federal Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Main Office
Ethiopia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Santini Dominique Santini
Administration Manager
New Zealand Embassy in Paris
Fiji States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dayal Shanil Dayal
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Fiji - Geneva
Fiji States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Immonen-Seuguenot Piia Immonen-Seuguenot
Counselor, Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Finland to UNESCO
Finland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wessman Stefan Wessman
Head of Developement
Finnish Heritage Agency
Section for international affairs
Finland States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Roger-Lacan Véronique Roger-Lacan
Ambassadrice et Déléguée permanente de la France auprès de l'Unesco
Délégation permanente de la France
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dextreit Natalia Dextreit
Stagiaire auprès de la Conseillère culture, patrimoine et communication
Délégation permanente de la France
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Fohr Alain Fohr
Commission Nationale Française pour l’unesco
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Fort Julie Fort
Conseillère culture, patrimoine et communication
Délégation permanente de la France
France States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ogoula Akiko Rachel Annick Ogoula Akiko
Délégation Unesco
Gabon States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mamboundou Joan-Dana Mamboundou
Délégué Permanent Adjoint
Délégation Gabon Unesco
Gabon States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Katukia Tea Katukia
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate
Embassy of Georgia
Embassy of Georgia
Georgia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Matchavariani paata Matchavariani
Premier conseiller
Ambassade de Géorgie, Délégation Permanente de Géorgie aupres de l'UNESCO
Georgia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Reuss Peter Reuss
Permanent Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany to UNESCO
Germany States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ringbeck Birgitta Ringbeck
Focal point du Patrimoine Mondial
Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany
Germany States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Lochen Martina Lochen
Chargée de mission
Permanent Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany to UNESCO
Germany States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Diamantopoulou Maria Diamantopoulou
Greece States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Stergioulas Nikolaos Stergioulas
Délégué permanent adjoint
Délégation de la Grèce auprès de l'UNESCO
Greece States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Benissi Constantina Benissi
Archaeologist/Head of Department
Department for the Supervision of Greek & Foreign Scientific Institutions & Coordination of International Cooperation & Organizations
Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
Greece States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bentermacher Gerousi Evgenia Bentermacher Gerousi
Head of a directorate
Hellenic Ministry of Culture
Directorate of the National Archive of Monuments
Greece States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Haddad Chafica Haddad
Deputy Permanent Delegate of Grenada to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Grenada to UNESCO
Grenada States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Gross Hernández Francisco Roberto Gross Hernández
Permanent Delegation of Guatemala to UNESCO
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Calderón Santizo Cristhian Neftalí Calderón Santizo
Viceminister of Culture
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hengstenberg Julissa Hengstenberg
Ministre Conseiller
Delegation du Guatemala
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tenez Rivas Edgar Daniel Tenez Rivas
Evaluating Expert
Ministry of Culture and Sports
World Heritage Delegation
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Valladares Urruela Javier Valladares Urruela
Embasssy of Guatemala in France
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Escobedo Alan Escobedo
Third Secretary
Delegation of Guatemala
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Montes Jeniffer Montes
Ministry of Culture and Sports
World Heritage Delegation
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ralda Quinto María Denise Ralda Quinto
Third Secretary
Permanent Delegation of Guatemala to UNESCO
Guatemala States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dupuy Dominique Dupuy
Ambassadeur, Déléguée permanente
Haiti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bien-Aimé Kesler Bien-Aimé
Specialiste de Programme Culture
Commission nationale haïtienne de coopération avec l'Unesco
Programme Culture
Haiti States Parties to the World Heritage Convention