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The partners will provide technical expertise and staff a 6 member steering committee, undertaken activities in the framework of the programme, fund-raise for the activities and promote Africa 2009.Les partenaires fourniront une expertise technique et une équipe de direction de 6 membres qui aura la mission d'entreprendre des activités dans le cadre du ...
Partners Score 7.2952785 Date 08/2012
Align with the principles expressed by the States Parties in the Yaoundé Declaration March 1999, The Central Africa Forests Commission (COMIFAC) is the only authority in term of political, technical orientation, coordination, harmonization and decision making regarding the conservation and sustainable management of the Central Africa forests ecosystem and ...
Partners Score 6.49719 Date 08/2020
The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) was founded on September 8, 1993 in Fez, Morocco.  The organization was made up of 215 cities in qhich are located sites included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.  Of the member cities, 7 are located in Africa, 38 in Latin America, 20 in Asia and the Pacific, 125 in Europe and North America and 25 in the Arab ...
Partners Score 6.072029 Date 12/2012
The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) is an INGO (international non-governmental organization) founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1948. It is a global network engaged in the field of International Voluntary Service. It coordinates the activities of more than 200 voluntary service organizations in 100 countries around the world every year, ...
Partners Score 6.0604997 Date 08/2020
The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) strives towards the effective conservation and protection of Africa’s natural and cultural heritage. AWHF is for African Union (AU) member states that signed the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention in support of these goals. The AWHF is the first regional funding initiative within the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage ...
Partners Score 4.447062 Date 04/2022
Government of Norway Since Norway joined the World Heritage Committee in 2017, it has significantly stepped up its support for the implementation of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. © Shutterstock / Nataliya Nazarova Through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway provided a grant of NOK 25 million (US$ 2.9 million) in July 2019 to the World Heritage Fund to ...
Partners Score 3.614272 Date 06/2023
Objective The Government of Japan established a Funds-in-Trust to preserve the tangible cultural heritage such as historic monuments and archaeological remains of great value. Activities financed by the Funds-in-Trust The Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of the World Cultural Heritage finances those activities which comply with this objective, such as ...
Partners Score 2.0661087 Date 03/2023
NetherlandsFunds-in-Trust The UNESCO/Netherlands Funds-in-Trust (NFiT) co-operation to support the World Heritage Centre was established in 2001 by the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences with the aim of reinforcing the implementation of the 1972 "Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage". Under this Funds-in-Trust ...
Partners Score 1.2490568 Date 03/2023
Government of Flanders(Kingdom of Belgium) cover Photo © Elizabeth Rauer As part of the General Trust Fund (FUT) with UNESCO, the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) supports activities of the World Heritage Centre in view of enhancing the management and representativity of natural World Heritage sites, in particular marine and African sites. The ...
Partners Score 0.9018965 Date 10/2023