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Complex of Hué Monuments

Advisory Bodies Evaluations
1993 Advisory Body Evaluation (ICOMOS)
1993 Complex of Hué Monuments - Map showing the location of the components
1993 Citadel of Hué, including Imperial City, Purple Forbidden City, Royal Canal, Museum of Hue, National University, Lake of the Serene Heart
1993 Thien Mu Pagoda
1993 Temple of Letters and Temple of Military
1993 Royal Arena and Voi Re Temple
1993 Duc Duc Tomb
1993 Nam Giao Esplanade
1993 Tu Duc Tomb
1993 Dong Khanh Tomb
1993 Hon Chen Temple
1993 Thieu Tri Tomb
1993 Khai Dinh Tomb
1993 Minh Mang Tomb
1993 Gia Long Tomb
1993 Tran Hai Fortress
2014 38COM 8E - Adoption of Retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value
2013 37COM 8D - Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties in response to the Retrospective Inventory
2011 35COM 7B.81 - Complex of Hué Monuments (Viet nam) (C 678)
2009 33COM 7B.85 - Complex of Hué Monuments (Vietnam) (C 678)
2007 31COM 7B.75 - Complex of Hué Monuments (Vietnam) (C 678)
2006 30COM 7B.71 - State of Conservation (Complex of Hué Monuments)
2005 29COM 7B.58 - Complex of Hué Monuments (Viet Nam)
2004 28COM 15B.61 - Complex of Hué Monuments
2000 24COM VIIIiii.35-43 - State of conservation reports of cultural properties which the Committee noted
2000 24BUR IVB.77 - Complex of Hué Monuments (Vietnam)
1999 State of Conservation Report: 1999
1999 23COM XB.45 - SOC: Complex of Hué Monuments (Vietnam)
1999 23COM XV6.3 - International Assistance for Cultural Heritage approved by the Committee
1998 State of Conservation Report: 1998
1998 22COM VII.43 - Reports on the State of Conservation of Cultural Properties Noted by the Committee
1997 21COM VIIC.54 - SOC: Complex of Hué Monuments (Vietnam)
1997 21COM X.1-2 - Requests for International Assistance
1997 21EXTBUR V3 - Requests for International Assistance
1996 20COM VIID.70 - SOC noted by Committee: The Monuments of Hue (Vietnam)
1995 19COM VIIC.2.49 - SOC: Hue (Viet Nam)
1994 18COM IX - SOC: The Complex of Hue Monuments (Vietnam)
1994 18EXTBUR VB.1.2 - Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests on which the Bureau took a decision - Training
1994 18EXTBUR VB.2.1 - Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee - Technical cooperation
1994 18COM XII3 - Requests for International Assistance: Technical Cooperation - Cultural heritage
1993 Report of the 17th Session of the Committee
1993 17COM XI - Inscription: The Complex of Hue Monuments (Vietnam)
Management Plans
2015 Management Plan of the Complex of Hue Monuments
Mission reports
2006 Report on the Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Complex of Hué Monuments, 12-22 October 2006
2000 Report on ICOMOS Mission to Evaluate the State of Conservation of the Complex of Hué Monuments (Viet Nam), 21-28 August 2000
1999 WHC Assessment Mission Report, Complex of Hué Monuments, December 1999
Periodic Reporting
2012 Periodic Reporting Cycle 2, Section II
2003 Periodic Reporting Cycle 1, Section II (Summary)
2003 Periodic Reporting Cycle 1, Section II
State of conservation reports
2011 State of conservation reports
2009 State of conservation reports
2007 State of conservation reports
2006 State of conservation reports
2005 State of conservation reports
2004 State of conservation reports
2000 State of conservation reports
1999 State of conservation reports
1998 State of conservation reports
1997 State of conservation reports
1996 State of conservation reports
1995 State of conservation reports
1994 State of conservation reports

The Nomination files produced by the States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to facilitate the preparations of comparative analysis by other nominating States Parties.

The sole responsibility for the content of each Nomination file lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Nomination file, including the maps and names, does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the history or legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.
