From 26 to 27 November 2015, the Centre Lucio Costa for Training and Heritage Management located in Rio de Janeiro (C2C-CLC), a category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO created by Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of Brazil in 2010, will hold the 1st Meeting for the establishment of the Administrative Council and the Governing Bodies.
The Centre Lucio Costa, one of the eight Category 2 Centres to cooperate with UNESCO in the field of World Heritage, was created to support the World Heritage Centre in the promotion of training and research activities to contribute to the implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries in South America, Africa and Asia. The Centre's programmes and activities focus on training and the dissemination of best practices in the heritage management area based on the universal message of the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972 as its main reference point.
Organized by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), this meeting will count with the participation of delegates from the 7 countries who have joined the Centre as well as representatives of the Brazilian Ministries of Culture (MinC) and Foreign Affairs (MRE), the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the President of IPHAN, Jurema Machado. From the side of UNESCO, the Office in Brasilia will represent the Director-General. The meeting will take place at Paço Imperial (Imperial Palace) in the center of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I. National focal points from the countries who have joined the CC2-CLC: Cabo Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mozambique, Peru and Uruguay.
II. Representatives from UNESCO
III. Representative of Brazil’s Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Relation and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency
IV. President of the IPHAN
Category 2 Centre - Lucio Costa